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skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Rai was never cheated out of anything.  He chose the CIA paycheck which he is still living on happily ever after in his schmancy apt in London.  Ask yourself why a man of such caliber ran away like a mouse.  Never to be heard from ever again.

The man chose money before morals. He sold his people out. He was also power hungry. I remembered that he was bitter after Brindley Benn was elected. Remember the word "Rajput"? Rai was labeled Rajput, not sure if by himself or someone else. Maybe Gilly can recall this.

Declassified official US documents reveal that AFTER Balram Singh Rai was kicked out of the PPP and his Home Affairs Ministry, the US Administration decided to enlist his support to prevent Jagan's PPP from getting 51+ percent votes in the 1964 election. Through the CIA, the US urged him to form a political party which they agreed to subsidize heavily. Rai set up the Justice Party and contested with the aim of splitting the Indian vote. The rest is history.

Zed posted:
cain posted:

The PPP were considered commies. It is apparent Rai went against their beliefs.

Now here is what I don't understand. You here who seem to think the PPP was/is the best thing since sliced bread and soooo great, why did you guys and gyals not move to Communist countries but instead chose to reside in NA and England, aren't these the people you spoke against? Why not head for a better life in Russia,China or even Cuba?

This suggestion just stuns me.

When the national literation and anti colonial struggles were going on, many of the leaders were educated in the European colonial powers or in the US. Most of them espoused a Non-Capitalist path to economic development. Cheddi Jagan was not the only one. The disparities in wealth and living conditions in these colonies drove the rationale for a radical shift. Cheddi Jagan was not a god, he was human and as all humans made mistakes. However, can compare him with the action who came after him and before him and he seems to have come out in a favourable light in the opinion of a lot of people.

Cain's suggestion mirrors the bigoted one we have been hearing lately when we criticize the PNC government, the ones when immigrants and identifiable minorities born in the us , Canada, U.K.  and other developed nations have been hearing when they criticize government policies in those countries.

My question should stun you and those who adored the commie way of life, the truth tends to do this. At least yugi was honest about it....and oh yes, my post stands.

Last edited by cain
Mars posted:
Zed posted:

This is not a joking matter. The people of Guyana were the losers because they got 28 years of dictatorship by Burnham and the PNC  in Guyana, economic ruin, decay of the social and physical infrastructure, massive foreign debt  that we have not recovered from these conditions caused by the CIA, and the PNC dictatorship. They also got racial violence in the 1960's when many Guyanese died or were displaced and increased racial division since then. 

please reread what I said about Jagan or get someone to explain it to you. 

Jagan was complicit in all that happened. He was no innocent bystander. He was trying to hand over British Guiana to Russia right in America's backyard and just after the Cuba fiasco. He got precisely what he deserved given the prevailing Cold War conditions between the two superpowers. 

The pursuit of Communism and its nationalization policies were the catalysts for the destruction of Guyana's economy, not the CIA. It would have been no different with Cheddi, who was further left than Burnham, at the helm. It would have probably happened sooner if the PPP were in power since the UF provided a buffer in the early years of Burnham to prevent the curse of Communism and Nationalization. Once the UF were out of the Government, the Communist forces in the PNC and PPP brokered a deal with their Soviet masters via Cuba to nationalize the economy which led to its eventual implosion. Cheddi the Commie, joined hands with Burnham the Dictator in Critical Support and rejoiced after throwing out the foreign investors and taking control of their assets. He jumped up in Parliament and voted a resounding yes for nationalization. This was just a couple of years after Burnham had rigged the 73 elections. After nationalization, FDI dried up and there was no investment of capital in the country for the fear of the government seizing assets from investors. We also lost the significant transfer of technological know how from people who were professionals in the nationalized industries. At the same time many local businessmen packed up and left Guyana for North America, withdrawing a massive amount of investment capital from the economy. The PPP are just as responsible for the demise of the Guyana economy as the PNC. A useless set of Commie Clowns who had no idea of running the economy. One only has to look at the distance that T&T and Barbados put on us to realize that the pursuit of communism by these fools is what doomed Guyana to the poor house.

Mars, you are no saying anything that I not aware of. That is your spin and the hypotheses posited by you and others in highly debatable.

furthermore, you argument us of the If then hypnosis of what might have happened had Jagan been a capitalist oriented person is poor scholarship. As I have mentioned before, my father used to say, 'if shit was sugar, you would stir it in your tea.'

this is my last exchange on this part of the topic.

kp posted:
cain posted:
kp posted:

 The new face of leadership after 2020 selection and Rigging by PNC.

These are PPP guys...the one in black shirt is your honourable Kwami..the dude behind is a HOI goon...yes?

How come you can recognize Kwame from his backside????

The other (as druggie would say)"black baigan" dude standing close to his back was a dead giveaway.

Zed posted:
Mars posted:
Zed posted:

This is not a joking matter. The people of Guyana were the losers because they got 28 years of dictatorship by Burnham and the PNC  in Guyana, economic ruin, decay of the social and physical infrastructure, massive foreign debt  that we have not recovered from these conditions caused by the CIA, and the PNC dictatorship. They also got racial violence in the 1960's when many Guyanese died or were displaced and increased racial division since then. 

please reread what I said about Jagan or get someone to explain it to you. 

Jagan was complicit in all that happened. He was no innocent bystander. He was trying to hand over British Guiana to Russia right in America's backyard and just after the Cuba fiasco. He got precisely what he deserved given the prevailing Cold War conditions between the two superpowers. 

The pursuit of Communism and its nationalization policies were the catalysts for the destruction of Guyana's economy, not the CIA. It would have been no different with Cheddi, who was further left than Burnham, at the helm. It would have probably happened sooner if the PPP were in power since the UF provided a buffer in the early years of Burnham to prevent the curse of Communism and Nationalization. Once the UF were out of the Government, the Communist forces in the PNC and PPP brokered a deal with their Soviet masters via Cuba to nationalize the economy which led to its eventual implosion. Cheddi the Commie, joined hands with Burnham the Dictator in Critical Support and rejoiced after throwing out the foreign investors and taking control of their assets. He jumped up in Parliament and voted a resounding yes for nationalization. This was just a couple of years after Burnham had rigged the 73 elections. After nationalization, FDI dried up and there was no investment of capital in the country for the fear of the government seizing assets from investors. We also lost the significant transfer of technological know how from people who were professionals in the nationalized industries. At the same time many local businessmen packed up and left Guyana for North America, withdrawing a massive amount of investment capital from the economy. The PPP are just as responsible for the demise of the Guyana economy as the PNC. A useless set of Commie Clowns who had no idea of running the economy. One only has to look at the distance that T&T and Barbados put on us to realize that the pursuit of communism by these fools is what doomed Guyana to the poor house.

Mars, you are no saying anything that I not aware of. That is your spin and the hypotheses posited by you and others in highly debatable.

furthermore, you argument us of the If then hypnosis of what might have happened had Jagan been a capitalist oriented person is poor scholarship. As I have mentioned before, my father used to say, 'if shit was sugar, you would stir it in your tea.'

this is my last exchange on this part of the topic.

I don’t expect you as a PPP stooge to accept the role that your God Jagan played in the destruction of Guyana’s economy. That’s the way you PPP Commie Clowns we’re programmed to act when confronted with the facts. Deny, deny, deny.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Zed posted:
Mars posted:
Zed posted:

This is not a joking matter. The people of Guyana were the losers because they got 28 years of dictatorship by Burnham and the PNC  in Guyana, economic ruin, decay of the social and physical infrastructure, massive foreign debt  that we have not recovered from these conditions caused by the CIA, and the PNC dictatorship. They also got racial violence in the 1960's when many Guyanese died or were displaced and increased racial division since then. 

please reread what I said about Jagan or get someone to explain it to you. 

I don’t expect you as a PPP stooge to accept the role that your God Jagan played in the destruction of Guyana’s economy. That’s the way you PPP Commie Clowns we’re programmed to act when confronted with the facts. Deny, deny, deny.

Yeah!!! Right!!! PPP left an empty treasury so the Guyanese people ate dry coconut heh? Hmmmmm!

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
Zed posted:
Mars posted:
Zed posted:

This is not a joking matter. The people of Guyana were the losers because they got 28 years of dictatorship by Burnham and the PNC  in Guyana, economic ruin, decay of the social and physical infrastructure, massive foreign debt  that we have not recovered from these conditions caused by the CIA, and the PNC dictatorship. They also got racial violence in the 1960's when many Guyanese died or were displaced and increased racial division since then. 

please reread what I said about Jagan or get someone to explain it to you. 

I don’t expect you as a PPP stooge to accept the role that your God Jagan played in the destruction of Guyana’s economy. That’s the way you PPP Commie Clowns we’re programmed to act when confronted with the facts. Deny, deny, deny.

Yeah!!! Right!!! PPP left an empty treasury so the Guyanese people ate dry coconut heh? Hmmmmm!

Did you read what I wrote, Numbnuts?

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
Zed posted:
Mars posted:
Zed posted:

This is not a joking matter. The people of Guyana were the losers because they got 28 years of dictatorship by Burnham and the PNC  in Guyana, economic ruin, decay of the social and physical infrastructure, massive foreign debt  that we have not recovered from these conditions caused by the CIA, and the PNC dictatorship. They also got racial violence in the 1960's when many Guyanese died or were displaced and increased racial division since then. 

please reread what I said about Jagan or get someone to explain it to you. 

I don’t expect you as a PPP stooge to accept the role that your God Jagan played in the destruction of Guyana’s economy. That’s the way you PPP Commie Clowns we’re programmed to act when confronted with the facts. Deny, deny, deny.

Yeah!!! Right!!! PPP left an empty treasury so the Guyanese people ate dry coconut heh? Hmmmmm!

Did you read what I wrote, Numbnuts?

Hey dumbo, read the bolded statement. Who left Guyana a beggar...PPP? Think again.

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
Zed posted:
Mars posted:
Zed posted:

This is not a joking matter. The people of Guyana were the losers because they got 28 years of dictatorship by Burnham and the PNC  in Guyana, economic ruin, decay of the social and physical infrastructure, massive foreign debt  that we have not recovered from these conditions caused by the CIA, and the PNC dictatorship. They also got racial violence in the 1960's when many Guyanese died or were displaced and increased racial division since then. 

please reread what I said about Jagan or get someone to explain it to you. 

I don’t expect you as a PPP stooge to accept the role that your God Jagan played in the destruction of Guyana’s economy. That’s the way you PPP Commie Clowns we’re programmed to act when confronted with the facts. Deny, deny, deny.

Yeah!!! Right!!! PPP left an empty treasury so the Guyanese people ate dry coconut heh? Hmmmmm!

Did you read what I wrote, Numbnuts?

Hey dumbo, read the bolded statement. Who left Guyana a beggar...PPP? Think again.

The PPP were complicit with the PNC in the destruction of Guyana's economy. Only a PPP stooge would try to deny that.

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Rai was never cheated out of anything.  He chose the CIA paycheck which he is still living on happily ever after in his schmancy apt in London.  Ask yourself why a man of such caliber ran away like a mouse.  Never to be heard from ever again.

The man chose money before morals. He sold his people out. He was also power hungry. I remembered that he was bitter after Brindley Benn was elected. Remember the word "Rajput"? Rai was labeled Rajput, not sure if by himself or someone else. Maybe Gilly can recall this.

Declassified official US documents reveal that AFTER Balram Singh Rai was kicked out of the PPP and his Home Affairs Ministry, the US Administration decided to enlist his support to prevent Jagan's PPP from getting 51+ percent votes in the 1964 election. Through the CIA, the US urged him to form a political party which they agreed to subsidize heavily. Rai set up the Justice Party and contested with the aim of splitting the Indian vote. The rest is history.

One wonders in hindsight what history would have been like with Rai as the President of Guyana.  He could have been the chosen one instead of Burnham to upstage Cheddi.  But the divide and conquer strategy would not have worked.  Many who knew him personally claim that he was tougher than both Burnham and Jagan.  He was "their" biggest challenge so they bought him with a hefty price to get him out of the way.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Rai was never cheated out of anything.  He chose the CIA paycheck which he is still living on happily ever after in his schmancy apt in London.  Ask yourself why a man of such caliber ran away like a mouse.  Never to be heard from ever again.

The man chose money before morals. He sold his people out. He was also power hungry. I remembered that he was bitter after Brindley Benn was elected. Remember the word "Rajput"? Rai was labeled Rajput, not sure if by himself or someone else. Maybe Gilly can recall this.

Declassified official US documents reveal that AFTER Balram Singh Rai was kicked out of the PPP and his Home Affairs Ministry, the US Administration decided to enlist his support to prevent Jagan's PPP from getting 51+ percent votes in the 1964 election. Through the CIA, the US urged him to form a political party which they agreed to subsidize heavily. Rai set up the Justice Party and contested with the aim of splitting the Indian vote. The rest is history.

One wonders in hindsight what history would have been like with Rai as the President of Guyana.  He could have been the chosen one instead of Burnham to upstage Cheddi.  But the divide and conquer strategy would not have worked.  Many who knew him personally claim that he was tougher than both Burnham and Jagan.  He was "their" biggest challenge so they bought him with a hefty price to get him out of the way.  



Rai was never cheated out of anything.  He chose the CIA paycheck which he is still living on happily ever after in his schmancy apt in London.  Ask yourself why a man of such caliber ran away like a mouse.  Never to be heard from ever again.

Take Action

Make your mind up,

what's the conclusion about Balram Singh Rai.

Was he a mouse or bought out ??

Last edited by Django

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