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rDjango posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

You know what I don't understand about the D2s and D3s of the world.  Dem bruk barracks and run to America back track.  And now, all of a sudden, they are worshipping the same PNC people who chase dem out of Guyana to begin with.  What kind of a hypocrisy is that?

There are two words which sum it up;  Hatred and Envy.  The weghting of these two ingredients depends on the individual!!

Even that hypocrite Django admitted he left in 1996 but started in 1985.  You can rest assure, most of those racists Brooklyners left, or started the exit process during the PNC era!!

PNC chased Left, Right and Center out, now they all pretend the PNC is good.  That clown D2 said in 2011 if PNC win, he headed back.  Now they got in by the crook, he turn his mouth the other direction.  

Banna watch you words.

My children future are important suh the move was for their betterment.

I man got property there and can go back in the winter when i retire very shortly.


Well, you just confirmed your hypocricy.  the pnc offered none to little hope of a future, so you pack up your grip and kids and high-tailed it out.  you did the correct thing given the hopelessness of the racist apartheid pnc regime.  however, with your near and dear safely tucked in the usa you now see it fit to throw those left behind under the bus for the PNC to now continue their racist rampage.  You will retire safely back and if thinghs get rough, you take a flight out and leave the locals to fend for themselves.  whats your definition for such behavior?

ba$eman posted:
rDjango posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

You know what I don't understand about the D2s and D3s of the world.  Dem bruk barracks and run to America back track.  And now, all of a sudden, they are worshipping the same PNC people who chase dem out of Guyana to begin with.  What kind of a hypocrisy is that?

There are two words which sum it up;  Hatred and Envy.  The weghting of these two ingredients depends on the individual!!

Even that hypocrite Django admitted he left in 1996 but started in 1985.  You can rest assure, most of those racists Brooklyners left, or started the exit process during the PNC era!!

PNC chased Left, Right and Center out, now they all pretend the PNC is good.  That clown D2 said in 2011 if PNC win, he headed back.  Now they got in by the crook, he turn his mouth the other direction.  

Banna watch you words.

My children future are important suh the move was for their betterment.

I man got property there and can go back in the winter when i retire very shortly.


Well, you just confirmed your hypocrisy.  the pnc offered none to little hope of a future, so you pack up your grip and kids and high-tailed it out.  you did the correct thing given the hopelessness of the racist apartheid pnc regime.  however, with your near and dear safely tucked in the usa you now see it fit to throw those left behind under the bus for the PNC to now continue their racist rampage.  You will retire safely back and if thinghs get rough, you take a flight out and leave the locals to fend for themselves.  whats your definition for such behavior?

With all the prattle where is the hypocrisy,i lived under kabaka rule and didn't run,i had the opportunity and could have,living in a country illegal is not for my taste,lived 4 yrs under the PPP foresaw the future was bleak for my children time to move the legal way.

I have not thrown any one under the bus,the politicians did that ,by the way i stood up for my people under the Kabaka rule i was no chicken bhai.

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
rDjango posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

You know what I don't understand about the D2s and D3s of the world.  Dem bruk barracks and run to America back track.  And now, all of a sudden, they are worshipping the same PNC people who chase dem out of Guyana to begin with.  What kind of a hypocrisy is that?

There are two words which sum it up;  Hatred and Envy.  The weghting of these two ingredients depends on the individual!!

Even that hypocrite Django admitted he left in 1996 but started in 1985.  You can rest assure, most of those racists Brooklyners left, or started the exit process during the PNC era!!

PNC chased Left, Right and Center out, now they all pretend the PNC is good.  That clown D2 said in 2011 if PNC win, he headed back.  Now they got in by the crook, he turn his mouth the other direction.  

Banna watch you words.

My children future are important suh the move was for their betterment.

I man got property there and can go back in the winter when i retire very shortly.


Well, you just confirmed your hypocrisy.  the pnc offered none to little hope of a future, so you pack up your grip and kids and high-tailed it out.  you did the correct thing given the hopelessness of the racist apartheid pnc regime.  however, with your near and dear safely tucked in the usa you now see it fit to throw those left behind under the bus for the PNC to now continue their racist rampage.  You will retire safely back and if thinghs get rough, you take a flight out and leave the locals to fend for themselves.  whats your definition for such behavior?

With all the prattle where is the hypocrisy,i lived under kabaka rule and didn't run,i had the opportunity and could have,living in a country illegal is not for my taste,lived 4 yrs under the PPP foresaw the future was bleak for my children time to move the legal way.

I have not thrown any one under the bus,the politicians did that ,by the way i stood up for my people under the Kabaka rule i was no chicken bhai.

Look how a Dragqueen calling my friend a hypocrite. Like DG would say, go look in the mirror.

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
rDjango posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

You know what I don't understand about the D2s and D3s of the world.  Dem bruk barracks and run to America back track.  And now, all of a sudden, they are worshipping the same PNC people who chase dem out of Guyana to begin with.  What kind of a hypocrisy is that?

There are two words which sum it up;  Hatred and Envy.  The weghting of these two ingredients depends on the individual!!

Even that hypocrite Django admitted he left in 1996 but started in 1985.  You can rest assure, most of those racists Brooklyners left, or started the exit process during the PNC era!!

PNC chased Left, Right and Center out, now they all pretend the PNC is good.  That clown D2 said in 2011 if PNC win, he headed back.  Now they got in by the crook, he turn his mouth the other direction.  

Banna watch you words.

My children future are important suh the move was for their betterment.

I man got property there and can go back in the winter when i retire very shortly.


Well, you just confirmed your hypocrisy.  the pnc offered none to little hope of a future, so you pack up your grip and kids and high-tailed it out.  you did the correct thing given the hopelessness of the racist apartheid pnc regime.  however, with your near and dear safely tucked in the usa you now see it fit to throw those left behind under the bus for the PNC to now continue their racist rampage.  You will retire safely back and if thinghs get rough, you take a flight out and leave the locals to fend for themselves.  whats your definition for such behavior?

With all the prattle where is the hypocrisy,i lived under kabaka rule and didn't run,i had the opportunity and could have,living in a country illegal is not for my taste,lived 4 yrs under the PPP foresaw the future was bleak for my children time to move the legal way.

I have not thrown any one under the bus,the politicians did that ,by the way i stood up for my people under the Kabaka rule i was no chicken bhai.

No, you did. The politician are living in Guyana.  You left for the betterment of your kids, fine, no issues.  But you did because the PNC was no good, racists and oppressive.  You waited nine ling year for the visa so that's no chance happening.  You now back the very people who you ran from, so cut it what way you want, you are as I described!!  Now you will retire with your US passport and the people you threw to the dogs might end up being you maids and yard boys.

Don't worry, you too will get to be king!!

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
rDjango posted:

Banna watch you words.

My children future are important suh the move was for their betterment.

I man got property there and can go back in the winter when i retire very shortly.


Well, you just confirmed your hypocrisy.  the pnc offered none to little hope of a future, so you pack up your grip and kids and high-tailed it out.  you did the correct thing given the hopelessness of the racist apartheid pnc regime.  however, with your near and dear safely tucked in the usa you now see it fit to throw those left behind under the bus for the PNC to now continue their racist rampage.  You will retire safely back and if thinghs get rough, you take a flight out and leave the locals to fend for themselves.  whats your definition for such behavior?

With all the prattle where is the hypocrisy,i lived under kabaka rule and didn't run,i had the opportunity and could have,living in a country illegal is not for my taste,lived 4 yrs under the PPP foresaw the future was bleak for my children time to move the legal way.

I have not thrown any one under the bus,the politicians did that ,by the way i stood up for my people under the Kabaka rule i was no chicken bhai.

Look how a Dragqueen calling my friend a hypocrite. Like DG would say, go look in the mirror.

Hey dragking, you showed up!!

ba$eman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
rDjango posted:

Banna watch you words.

My children future are important suh the move was for their betterment.

I man got property there and can go back in the winter when i retire very shortly.


Well, you just confirmed your hypocrisy.  the pnc offered none to little hope of a future, so you pack up your grip and kids and high-tailed it out.  you did the correct thing given the hopelessness of the racist apartheid pnc regime.  however, with your near and dear safely tucked in the usa you now see it fit to throw those left behind under the bus for the PNC to now continue their racist rampage.  You will retire safely back and if thinghs get rough, you take a flight out and leave the locals to fend for themselves.  whats your definition for such behavior?

With all the prattle where is the hypocrisy,i lived under kabaka rule and didn't run,i had the opportunity and could have,living in a country illegal is not for my taste,lived 4 yrs under the PPP foresaw the future was bleak for my children time to move the legal way.

I have not thrown any one under the bus,the politicians did that ,by the way i stood up for my people under the Kabaka rule i was no chicken bhai.

Look how a Dragqueen calling my friend a hypocrite. Like DG would say, go look in the mirror.

Hey dragking, you showed up!!

 I'm really not anti bi-sexual. Have a happy day.



In the latest dumb audit report on... the E-Governance Project, they failed to point out that the Project was completed on time and within budget. The team that executed that project was a small one comprising six persons. Their work should be commended.

As far as the salary of the head of the project is concerned, it is far below what the present head of the unit is receiving. Additionally, he inherited a completed project.
Mr Alexei Ramotar’s highest salary was approximately US$3000 per month. However, it has been reported that the present head is receiving some US$15,000 (G$3,000,000).
This amount is some 500 per cent more than what Mr Ramotar was paid.

Given Mr Ramotar’s holding a Master’s Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, his monthly salary of G$600,000 was modest. It pales in comparison with that of the present head of that unit.
Moreover, as mentioned above, the team, under the PPP/C Administration, comprised six persons. Under the present Administration, the size of the unit has grown three-fold. Now, middle management personnel salaries are bigger than what the head received under the PPP/C Government.
The regime has gone on a wild spending spree, including creating jobs for the boys and high increases in remuneration for their friends. All this is being done amidst their talk of inheriting an empty treasury – a great contradiction to their tales of corruption.

The dilemma of this regime and their supporters in the media is that the audits that they have brought into being have exposed the lies being peddled by the APNU/AFC and the media, particularly the Kaieteur News, which led the crusade on corruption. Those reports have proven to be highly exaggerated and false.
But it is clear that this regime has no interest in fighting corruption.
If they were and if they are interested in finding out if the PPP/C Government was involved in corrupt activities, then they would not have voted against the motion put by the PPP/C in Parliament calling for international auditors to audit all Government books.

If they wanted to fight corruption, why did they reject the PPP/C’s motion in Parliament calling for all Members of Parliament (that should have been extended to senior personnel in Government) to declare their assets, both locally and abroad?
Persons found falsifying their declarations should face mandatory jail sentences. The APNU/AFC voted against this motion.
The regime is probably afraid that most of their members would find themselves in prison should that become the law. It is, therefore, impossible to escape the conclusion that the APNU/AFC is not interested in fighting corruption.

The most important thing is for them to try to throw mud at the PPP/C, to continue to make numerous charges of corruption. Cheap policies are more important than real action.
The audits ordered by the regime have clearly exposed its lies as report after report has revealed the same thing – no evidence of corruption.
Name withheld

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mitwah posted:

Look how a Dragqueen calling my friend a hypocrite. Like DG would say, go look in the mirror.

Hey dragking, you showed up!!

 I'm really not anti bi-sexual. Have a happy day.

Well, at least this comment had lil more calibre than your earlier posts!!  You now show-casing some "advisory" acumen!  Granger should be commended tapping such diaspora talents!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

You cannot walk in Alexei's shoes.  The entire cable network in Guyana is now collapsing from lack of maintenance over the past year.  The Jumbilee celebraters are still complaining.  

For something to need maintenance, it has to be there, was it?

I hear dah banna get paid 4k a month for pull he wire...what a perverted bunch!

Last edited by cain
ba$eman posted:

Wow, that Bibi put some good lash on D2.  Now he need to take his D3!!

Bibi didn't do anything other then spout her usual hysterical nonsense.

With the exception of a few here like Kari and Vish M, we are all anonymous, and with good reason, given how vindictive the PPP louses are.

So all of this babble about who is in Section 8 is babble.

And here is the thing. Endlessly danyael/D2 and others face all sorts of insults implying that we are losers.  Of course this being based on the fact that we are part Amerindian, or of majority African descent, or are Indians, but not PPP parasites.   It is interesting that those who peddle this racism themselves cry when their racism is exposed.

Like yuji and cobra incessantly wailing that I be banned when what ever personal insults I hurl are nothing compared to what they do.

Last edited by Former Member

Alex is being hunted like an animal in the wilderness for the drops of East Indian blood in him. Ask yourselves did his project ever had sufficient financial resources to successfully complete it in the complex undeveloped environment of Guyana instead of falling for" the East Indian of Guyana is a crooked despicable sociopathic thief and conman" which is promoted by anti-koolie racists and will eventually conclude with a Rwanda style butchering of our people unless we have our own nation before this final conclusion of a failed state that was born out of racial hate.

Last edited by Prashad
Bibi Haniffa posted:


In the latest dumb audit report on... the E-Governance Project, they failed to point out that the Project was completed on time and within budget. The team that executed that project was a small one comprising six persons. Their work should be commended.

As far as the salary of the head of the project is concerned, it is far below what the present head of the unit is receiving. Additionally, he inherited a completed project.
Mr Alexei Ramotar’s highest salary was approximately US$3000 per month. However, it has been reported that the present head is receiving some US$15,000 (G$3,000,000).
This amount is some 500 per cent more than what Mr Ramotar was paid.

Given Mr Ramotar’s holding a Master’s Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, his monthly salary of G$600,000 was modest. It pales in comparison with that of the present head of that unit.
Moreover, as mentioned above, the team, under the PPP/C Administration, comprised six persons. Under the present Administration, the size of the unit has grown three-fold. Now, middle management personnel salaries are bigger than what the head received under the PPP/C Government.
The regime has gone on a wild spending spree, including creating jobs for the boys and high increases in remuneration for their friends. All this is being done amidst their talk of inheriting an empty treasury – a great contradiction to their tales of corruption.

The dilemma of this regime and their supporters in the media is that the audits that they have brought into being have exposed the lies being peddled by the APNU/AFC and the media, particularly the Kaieteur News, which led the crusade on corruption. Those reports have proven to be highly exaggerated and false.
But it is clear that this regime has no interest in fighting corruption.
If they were and if they are interested in finding out if the PPP/C Government was involved in corrupt activities, then they would not have voted against the motion put by the PPP/C in Parliament calling for international auditors to audit all Government books.

If they wanted to fight corruption, why did they reject the PPP/C’s motion in Parliament calling for all Members of Parliament (that should have been extended to senior personnel in Government) to declare their assets, both locally and abroad?
Persons found falsifying their declarations should face mandatory jail sentences. The APNU/AFC voted against this motion.
The regime is probably afraid that most of their members would find themselves in prison should that become the law. It is, therefore, impossible to escape the conclusion that the APNU/AFC is not interested in fighting corruption.

The most important thing is for them to try to throw mud at the PPP/C, to continue to make numerous charges of corruption. Cheap policies are more important than real action.
The audits ordered by the regime have clearly exposed its lies as report after report has revealed the same thing – no evidence of corruption.
Name withheld

Convenient fiction. Why is it they tried to sell it off to DAX before the election for permanent rights to parts of it to fix it. Alexi is on record for the failure of this project.





The little loser was sent on leave because of his failure


Alexei Ramotar sent on leave for probe of E-Governance project – Harmon


Staff Editor

July 17, 2015


The Ministry of the Presidency (MOP) has decided to conduct an investigation into the financial arrangements of the E-Governance Project, a statement from the ministry said this morning.

As a result, Minister of State Joseph Harmon has instructed Project Manager Alexei Ramotar to proceed on administrative leave with immediate effect.

Harmon said in the release this move is to ensure proper facilitation of these investigations. Earlier this month Harmon and a team visited the project. The release said that he had then directed Government’s Adviser on E-Governance Floyd Levi, to “work closely” with Ramotar, the son of former President Donald Ramotar and the E-Governance project.

The E-Governance project has been rife with problems particularly as it relates to the billion-dollar fibre-optic cable which was to be laid from Brazil to Georgetown. Large sections of this cable are no longer usable.

The former PPP/C government had revealed that an agreement had been reached with Dax Engineering on March 18, 2015 to rehabilitate the project.

Chief Executive Officer of Dax Engineering Company, Faisal Mohammed, had told Stabroek News that the rehabilitation would cost “somewhere about US$10 million.” Then head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon told Stabroek News on April 26 that under the agreement for the repairs, the contractor, Dax Engineering, would be have been given a number of pairs of fibres in that cable for its own use. The cable has 12 pairs of fibres.

He had said that the specific number of pairs that Dax would be given had not yet been finalized but said experts had explained to the government that for its e-Governance project it would not utilize more than “one or two pairs for a long, long time to come.” This arrangement had been highly criticised.

The David Granger administration is yet to publicly state what decision it has taken as it relates to Dax Engineering.

Alexei Ramotar (left) and Minister of State Joseph Harmon (centre) during their recent meeting.

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

The little loser was sent on leave because of his failure


Almost every person of Indian origin was sent off as part of the PNC ethnic cleansing process!

 This one definitely earned his boot. And the same would be the deserved fate of any PPPite since the institutionalize corruption.


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