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Former Member

PPP takes credit for US/Cuba renewed diplomatic relations


People’s Progressive Party (PPP), General Secretary, Clement Rohee expressed conviction yesterday, that the “strong advocacy role played by the PPP/C Government” had much to do with United States of America’s decision to establish diplomatic relations with Cuba.
He said this yesterday at the PPP weekly press conference at Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown.
At that forum, Rohee announced that the Party is happy with the decision taken by the United States of America.
Rohee pointed out that President Barack Obama’s move in this direction is indeed a historic development, as it ends over five decades of “diplomatic isolation inflicted by the USA against the government and people of Cuba.”
Rohee said that his party consistently advocated the lifting of the trade embargo against Cuba having itself been the victim of “past treachery and manipulation which resulted in the removal of the PPP from office in the 1960’s.”
According to Rohee, the time was long overdue for the United States to normalize relations with Cuba and more importantly, to lift the trade embargo against Cuba which has resulted in that country’s inability to realize its full growth potential.
Despite that fact, Cuba still continues to render technical assistance to several countries of the developing world especially in the areas of health and education.
The General Secretary said that the PPP is especially pleased with the assurances given by Cuban President Raul Castro that the integrity of the nation will remain on course.
Rohee boasted of the PPP “strong advocacy role” played in adding its voice for an end of the trade embargo against Cuba, and calls not only for normalization of diplomatic relations with Cuba but also for an immediate end to the US embargo against that country.
He said that the party is convinced that it is “the strong advocacy role played by the PPP/C Government and the rest of the international community that resulted in a foreign policy shift by the US government in relation to Cuba.  He said as well, that the PPP is confident that the economic blockade will also be lifted “sooner rather than later.”
The General Secretary and sitting Minister of Home Affairs said, Cuba much be credited since  despite the embargo and other acts of terrorism, it continued to offer technical assistance to Guyana and other developing countries.
Rohee said that his party wanted to take the opportunity to renew the bonds of friendship and solidarity which exists between itself and the Communist Party of Cuba. He said that the Party sincerely hopes that the relationship between itself and Cuba will continue to grow and deepen in the years ahead.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

The USA goan cleanup this hemisphere of Corrupt governments. They already cleaned up Latin America. Soon Rohee and his band of thieves will be in American jails. Cuba will be taken back by the influential Miami Cubans. Same way, we too, the respected Guyanese goan regain our character and dignity. We goan chase out Jagan jhumbies along wid his cult worshippers. We sending Nagamoottoo along wid them too.  


It is true to state that the PPP supported Cuba consistently since January 1, 1959.

It is also true that the PPP consistently called for the US removal of its embargo against Cuba since 1962.

Does it necessarily follow that the “strong advocacy role played by the PPP/C Government” had much to do with United States of America’s decision to establish diplomatic relations with Cuba?

I think not.

The overwhelming majority of United Nations member-states have also been calling on the US to lift its embargo and normalize relations with Cuba.

Rohee is full of self-importance.  Anyway, it's the Christmas season and he is entitled to big up his shrinking stinking party.

Last edited by Former Member
Rohee and the goats who have had their US visas pulled because of criminality are shameless *****s.

One dictatorship standing for another wins the ******* prize - take it Rohee.
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Rohee and the goats who have had their US visas pulled because of criminality are shameless *****s.

One dictatorship standing for another wins the ******* prize - take it Rohee.

You sound like Sexy Mrs. Claus one day before Xmas….

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

 Mr Rohee fooling heself. 

Rohee gon give you guys de wata tank fuh xmas.

when the ppp pissing on u they piss harder than that water cannon 

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Rohee is a dunce idiot.

Anus emissions and others have to blow ROHEE for their living.

Her Majesty_ Retard

*****hole that is the best you can come up with? For a global networks builder you are quite dull I must admit.


I am making one more comment on this thread.

At the start of 1972 in the entire North America, Central America, South America and the Caribbean, only Canada along with Mexico and Chile had diplomatic relations with Cuba. The other countries followed the United States and refused to recognize Castro's Cuba.

By mid-1972 Guyana's Prime Minister Forbes Burnham and Foreign Minister Shridath Ramphal showed enormous courage in initiating talks with Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados aimed at breaking the Western Hemisphere's diplomatic embargo against Cuba.

On December 8, 1972, Guyana and those three Caribbean states established diplomatic relations with Cuba and dented the US-led blocade. In time, other nations followed suit.

To this day, Cuba is grateful for what the Burnham regime did. In 2002, on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, Cuba's President Fidel Castro asked specially to meet with Shridath Ramphal and repeated his praise and thanks.

Where was Clement Rohee in 1972? He was working at the Mirror newspaper as a typesetter/compositor. He would have assembled the lead slugs on the linotype machine to print the historic news that Burnham's PNC had officially recognized Cuba. But, at his press briefing yesterday, Rohee studiously avoided mention of Burnham's remarkable role in busting the US diplomatic embargo against Cuba.


A letter in our local paper recently  described the people of Canada as  generous  and compassionate. I believe it is a  well earned description.


One of the things I like about Canada is they might do great things for others, but unlike Guyana, they seldom mention it.  

I believe Canada brokered some of the recent talks between Cuba and the US [in Canada] and its not published  as a highlight of restoring diplomatic relations between  Cuba and  the US.

Canada is one of the few countries that stayed with Cuba from the beginning.  The late Prime Minister Trudeau was instrumental in this effort. He was a close friend of Castro and visited Cuba many times.

I remember being at Kaieteur Falls in the mid 70s and a large tent was bring erected for the visit of PM Trudeau.

I have an American friend who is now a Canadian citizen, he would visit Cuba and send a postcard to the US  state department, saying  what a great time he is having.


Being a friend of countries that some might see as enemies due to political reasons, is one of the trademarks of Canada and the citizens follow accordingly. Like in Nicaragua, where numerous development projects took place after the change in government.     


Guyana presently is like some people I know, they are takers  and ride on the bandwagon of givers.

Numerous times volunteers produced reports for different government ministries in Guyana. The reports are accepted, but seldom credited to the writer.

In fact, they go as far as implementing the report  recommendations as their own and occupy dormant buildings identified in the report for their personal use.


Guyana is a place where suggestions are seen as criticisms and if a person wants to make improvements, if it is not seen as an effort of the GOG, it is discouraged or denied, sometimes in a vindictive manner.   


It would seem the GOG is a type of people who don't want to collaborate with others whom they might perceive as more intelligent  as they are. Yet they screw up big time with huge projects, due to inexperience and lack of education.        

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Castro is an idiot and his government is a brutal dictatorship we must not forget that.

Unfortunately so are many governments around the world. Let us not forget that the so called brutal dictatorship in Cuba has been far more humane than many of the countries many of us have held up as bastion of freedom of expression and fairness. Do they do waterboarding, mock executions, feeding of prisoners up their rectum, etc. etc. in Cuba as they do in the US? If they do, then it is easy to conclude that Cuba ain't much worse after all.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:

No, you misunderstood, what was said was  "it was brokered by the help of some dope"

You de man cain... I hope you got lots from Sista  Clause...

I doan know if this "lots' you mean lotsa dope or just plain ole "lots" hehehehe


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