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Daring day-light robbery…Gunmen snatch over $30M worth in raw gold from miner

February 5, 2016 3:55 pm Category: Business, latest news, Local News A+ / A-

A daring day-light robbery in Craig, East Bank Demerara (EBD) has left villagers in shock after four armed men robbed a young man on Thursday afternoon of a quantity of raw gold valued around $30M then made good their escape.

INews was told that Akeem Chase, the 22 year-old gold miner, was returning home from the interior when the incident took place some 300ft from his house.

Reports are that Chase was driving his motorcar and had two of his workers inside the vehicle when a silver-grey ‘212’ car blocked the men from arriving at their destination. It was at this point the bandits executed the daring robbery.

goldBrian Chase, the young man’s father told INews today that between 14:30h and 15:00h he was at home when he heard shouts from persons on the roadway notifying him that his son was being robbed.

Upon exiting his residence he saw Chase whose body and clothing was covered with mud slowly making his way home on foot.

Brian rushed to take his son inside their house for safety and then after ascertaining the young man suffered no severe injuries he returned to the scene of the crime where Chase’s car was still parked.

According to the father, from the details provided by residents in the street as well as the footage from two cameras belonging to persons who live close to where the robbery took place, three of the four bandits had exited their car and pulled his son from inside his car onto the street.

They then kicked him into the drain as they stole the gold production (raw gold) which was inside of the young man’s car and drove away in their waiting vehicle.

Brian explained that when they pulled his son from his vehicle they took Chase’s car keys as well but left the vehicle at the scene of the crime.

When police ranks arrived there shortly after and begun investigations they also arrested the two passengers who were inside of Chase’s car since the details surrounding the sequence of events indicate an ‘inside job’.

“The design of the system (gold mining) is one where we have to disclose what our production is like because some people get paid monthly and some people get paid on production, so workers will know what we produce…we have life, thankfully nobody was hurt…based on information one of the men had an AK gun and the others had three smaller firearms,” Brian stated.

He told INews that only when the investigations are completed and the case is closed then based on the results his company, Brian & Ingrid Chase Mining and Trucking, would decide what route it would take with regards to changes in the employment procedures.

Meanwhile, the two men who are employed by the Chase family are said to still be in police custody and assisting with investigations.


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What do you all expect, the afc/apnu supporters have to feast too. During PPP rule they feasted via robberies and the PPP were blamed for denying Blacks opportunities and hence they had to turn to robbery. Now we have a Black government and they still feasting on robbery, no more PPP to blame but now the same critics stay quiet. 


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