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This man has become!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PPP condemns Nagamootoo’s racial profilingPDFPrintE-mail
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Wednesday, 09 October 2013 23:09

THE People’s Progressive Party(PPP) dismisses the threat by Moses Nagamootoo of moving a no-confidence motion against the Administration.

“In what can be seen as a desperate and most impulsive utterance, the Alliance For Change(AFC) Member of Parliament clearly has forgotten that his party  has only seven seats in the National Assembly, and it is therefore constitutionally impossible for them to bring down this government on their own,” a PPP statement said yesterday.
The People’s Progressive Party finds this statement to be reckless and irresponsible, and which confirms that Nagamootoo is now speaking for Mr. David Granger and the APNU.
“It seems, too, coincidental that while Mr.Nagamootoo and the AFC are threatening to move a vote of no confidence against the Administration, APNU’s Joseph Harmon is making similar erroneous statements, suggesting that the PPP is on its way out.
“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that these two political parties are having back-room talks and planning strategies together. Unwittingly, Nagamootoo let the cat out of the bag.

“The PPP has always declared that this unholy alliance existed since the last election campaign in November of 2011. And it was only of late that the revelation of AFC Party Treasurer, Mr. Dominic Gaskin, as David Granger’s son-in-law was admitted by the Leadership of the AFC.
“Like Nigel and Cathy Hughes’ association with Sithe Global, Gaskin’s relationship with the APNU Leader was a well-guarded secret.
“Recent warning by the AFC’s financial backers in the diaspora, who threatened the demise of the Alliance For Change, unless the AFC acts independently of the APNU, may have fallen on deaf ears.
“It is evident that either Nagamootoo did not read Dr.Rohan Somar’s letter, or perhaps Somar’s views are not as important as his money.
“The PPP calls upon all Guyanese, especially stakeholders and supporters of the Alliance For Change, to be cognisant of this deceptive alliance between the AFC and the APNU, that is constantly using their one-seat majority to impede progress and to stymie the economy.
“Further, the People’s Progressive Party is amazed and astonished that a recent flyer depicting AFC’s chairman Nigel Hughes with a gun in one hand behind his back, and tapping a youth on his shoulder with the other hand, saying, “Go ahead! Create havoc… I’m here to defend you.” could be seen as racist.
“The PPP has always rejected all forms of racism. We have worked hard over the years to build unity among our people and our proud track record, dating back to the 50s, will exonerate the party from such allegations.
There is nothing on the flyer, or with the cartoon referred to by Mr.Nagamootoo, that implies racism. Unfortunately, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo sees the criminal in the drawing as a black person, and is guilty of racially profiling young Afro-Guyanese.
“The PPP condemns this irresponsible and deliberate attempt to wilfully and cunningly open up old wounds and to create racial divisions among our people. This action by the AFC Executive member must be condemned by all Guyanese, especially African organisations, such as the African Cultural Development Association, First of August Movement, Mocha-Arcadia Club, East Canjie African Culture Group, Belladrum Culture Group, National Emancipation Trust, and Our Culture Our Heritage Association Linden, whose members must surely be outraged by this.
“We therefore call for the complete withdrawal of this statement, and a public apology from Mr.Nagamootoo for racially profiling African Guyanese,” the PPP statement concluded.

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Hi folkes, an election is coming soon, it is wripe season for the PPP to gain a majority. The AFC will be history after they get eaten-up by the APNU party. The polls show positive for PPP.


The PPP need to get it into its head. They are a minority and to get anything done means cooperation. That means alliance. what makes theirs holy and any other unholy except for the notion they can opetate in god mode with no objections as usual.


They have a series of grift schemes on going and it is the right of the opposition to question every one of the. It is clear to the Guyanese people their are stealing their ass off since all of these church mice with not a pot to piss in are  now fat cats. We have two pradovilles to prove it.


The opposition would be silly to try to being down the government via a no confidence vote. That has value only to the PPP. They need to pepper them with bills to transform the society and let them pile up on the AG desk if the want to violate their duties not to respond to them. If the respond it would be on some slant that will not hold water and the people will see into their corrupt hearts.

Originally Posted by kp:

Hi folkes, an election is coming soon, it is wripe season for the PPP to gain a majority. The AFC will be history after they get eaten-up by the APNU party. The polls show positive for PPP.

There is no election coming until its due. The PPP needs to ramp up its propaganda machine since they are not getting any traction with the tact of bad mouthing the opposition.


They cannot call them crooks because they would have to identify what it is the supposedly steal. If it accusation of stealing bigan and rotie money as that fool in Berbice yammers about then that is worth nothing but a good laugh compared to two pradovilles.


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