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Whittaker should have blamed Sooba

STABROEK NEWS, NOV 23 --- It took a while, maybe a bit longer than usual, but like the floodwaters it inexorably came. The Stabroek News of Saturday, the 22nd of November reports on page 10 that Local Government Minister, Norman Whittaker, blames the Mayor and City Council for the flooding. This is a Minister who imposes a Chief Executive Officer (Town Clerk) on a board of directors, (Mayor and City Council), encourages that CEO to disregard the Board and then blames the Board for the inadequacies of the organization.

Furthermore, this is a Minister who a few months ago said that the Board was incompetent and proceeded to personally supervise the spending of $500 million, without the involvement of the council and then blames the council for the flooding.

This is not too dissimilar from the situation recently where a feral blast was directed to the American Ambassador. When the wrongdoer was asked to account for it, she made it plain that the fault lies not in her, but in those who are urging constitutionally due (for some 20 years now), local government elections‎ upon her government.

And again when a pure thoroughbred made a mess of himself in a most unacceptably obscene and obnoxious conversation, he blames the receiver at the other end. Yesâ€Ķon grounds of breach of privacy.

Editor, are these people for real? Don’t these Ministers credit the public with some modicum of intelligence, or do they believe we’re all illiterate?

Having just spent $500 million for poor and sloppy work, the Minister has the gall and lack of shame to blame the city council. An approach which would have blamed the Minister’s CEO, Ms Sooba, would have been more sober.

Yours faithfully,

Khemraj Ramjattan

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Hammy still the Mayor?

Mayor in name. Town Clerk Carol Sooba has the power.

And you were a Journalist??  No wonder you changed Jobs!!!

Old boy, I can see that my occupation is tormenting you. Can't help you though.

Not only me, to make such a claim and then post absolute GARBAGE daily will make anyone wonder about your truthfulness.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Hammy still the Mayor?

Mayor in name. Town Clerk Carol Sooba has the power.

And you were a Journalist??  No wonder you changed Jobs!!!

Old boy, I can see that my occupation is tormenting you. Can't help you though.

Not only me, to make such a claim and then post absolute GARBAGE daily will make anyone wonder about your truthfulness.

Nehru, whether you like it or not, these are the facts:

Hamilton Green is Mayor of Georgetown.

PPP controls the City Council.

PPP-appointed Town Clerk Carol Sooba controls revenues and expenditures.

Mayor Green cannot write a single cheque to pay for city works. The Town Clerk hires and fires City Council staff, and contracts waste management and cleaning crews.

Local Government Minister Norman Whittaker is vested with extraordinary powers to override Mayor Green.

Town Clerk Sooba takes orders from Whittaker and not from Green.

Historically, town clerks of Georgetown have always cooperated with, and respected, the city's mayors. I know that longstanding Town Clerk Elmo Meyers used to do just that.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Hammy still the Mayor?

Mayor in name. Town Clerk Carol Sooba has the power.

And you were a Journalist??  No wonder you changed Jobs!!!

Old boy, I can see that my occupation is tormenting you. Can't help you though.

Not only me, to make such a claim and then post absolute GARBAGE daily will make anyone wonder about your truthfulness.

Nehru, whether you like it or not, these are the facts:

1- Hamilton Green is Mayor of Georgetown.

2- PPP controls the City Council.

3- PPP-appointed Town Clerk Carol Sooba controls revenues and expenditures.

4- Mayor Green cannot write a single cheque to pay for city works.

5- The Town Clerk hires and fires City Council staff, and contracts waste management and cleaning crews.

6- Local Government Minister Norman Whittaker is vested with extraordinary powers to override Mayor Green.

7- Town Clerk Sooba takes orders from Whittaker and not from Green.

8- Historically, town clerks of Georgetown have always cooperated with, and respected, the city's mayors. I know that longstanding Town Clerk Elmo Meyers used to do just that.

Bhai Gil.......

yuh explain everything in Detail


Now.....even the Baby understand

why the place looking & smelling so....

Nasty and stink

Just like the current regime.


Look at the PPP Leadership

Stink BT Kwame...

is One of the Crab Louse...

Running Freedom House

& Office of the President..

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Bourda Market area

after some of the flooding have dissipated.

Bourda Market area after some of the flooding have dissipated.

Nasty and stink

Just like the current regime.


Jalil, this is why your effort is never popular. You waste time on the negative. This is just a friendly advise. Don't be a poor loser in your quest to care about nastiness. People that cares would help to make a difference. Thanks for you $$ million dollar contribution.


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