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There should be a referendum to change presidential powers

Posted By Staff Writer On December 5, 2011 @ 5:03 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

This election result has me reading the constitution. I recommend Guyanese take some time and read it too. Article 164 sets out the process for changing the constitution. Without a single shred of doubt, we all know the powers of the presidency must be curtailed. The presidency has been the scene of significant abuse of this nation starting with Forbes Burnham and ending with Bharrat Jagdeo. No individual who is handpicked in some cases should have the kind of unlimited power to do things like pick the prime minister and to strip Guyanese of their citizenship if he/she feels like it. The PNC built this Burnham constitutional behemoth and now it must lead the way in tearing it down. They missed an opportunity in 1992 when despite knowing they were going to lose power and were likely never to win it again because they were at a disadvantage in terms of the racial voting patterns in Guyana, quite foolishly failed to amend the disaster they had constructed. The PNC/APNU now has a golden opportunity some twenty years later to make up for its shortsightedness and shortcomings from 1992.

If the APNU/PNC fails to change the constitution now, it will pay a terrible price. There is a strong likelihood that former PPP supporters who voted for the AFC may return to the PPP in the next election, giving the PPP that majority and confining the PNC/APNU to its regular toothless opposition role once again, and gutting the AFC. Similarly, apathetic PPP supporters may get off the couch in 2016 just to deny APNU’s gains. I hope APNU is not harbouring the delusions of grandeur as it did in 1992 of somehow winning power again through legitimate means and maximising its powers using the Burnham constitution. It cannot and will not happen. This electoral result is APNU/PNC’s zenith and its pinnacle in terms of electoral performance. APNU/PNC has never gotten more than 41.5% of the vote in five elections in twenty years.

A referendum is the only way to radically change the presidency and rid it of its unhealthy power over the lives of Guyanese. While people may vote race when voting for parties, a referendum is a vote on issues. People of all races, classes and religions will support a referendum to curtail the powers of the presidency and government. The AFC and APNU should push a bill through Parliament to call a referendum to change those draconian and ludicrous powers of the presidency and other shocking provisions.

If APNU and the AFC want to change how people vote, it is time they start running referendums to get people voting on issues. It would change people’s perceptions about voting and reasons for voting and get voters who can’t normally see beyond ethnicity to think about issues. APNU and the AFC should hold consultations on constitutional change, invite experts and qualified overseas Guyanese to hold constitutional conferences and town hall meetings and then marshal the people’s desire for change into a bill before Parliament to change the constitution by referendum. Determine all those sections covered by Article 164 that need to change and pass a law endorsed by a positive referendum to make the change. Whoever gets power from that point onwards does not get unlimited power and has to use that power to benefit all. We have seen in Guyana that great power does not bring any responsibility. Time to fix this constitution the old-fashioned way: before the people, by the people, for the people.

Yours faithfully, M Maxwell

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Originally Posted by KishanB:

There should be a referendum to change presidential powers

Posted By Staff Writer On December 5, 2011 @ 5:03 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

This election result has me reading the constitution. I recommend Guyanese take some time and read it too. Article 164 sets out the process for changing the constitution. Without a single shred of doubt, we all know the powers of the presidency must be curtailed. The presidency has been the scene of significant abuse of this nation starting with Forbes Burnham and ending with Bharrat Jagdeo. No individual who is handpicked in some cases should have the kind of unlimited power to do things like pick the prime minister and to strip Guyanese of their citizenship if he/she feels like it. The PNC built this Burnham constitutional behemoth and now it must lead the way in tearing it down. They missed an opportunity in 1992 when despite knowing they were going to lose power and were likely never to win it again because they were at a disadvantage in terms of the racial voting patterns in Guyana, quite foolishly failed to amend the disaster they had constructed. The PNC/APNU now has a golden opportunity some twenty years later to make up for its shortsightedness and shortcomings from 1992.

If the APNU/PNC fails to change the constitution now, it will pay a terrible price. There is a strong likelihood that former PPP supporters who voted for the AFC may return to the PPP in the next election, giving the PPP that majority and confining the PNC/APNU to its regular toothless opposition role once again, and gutting the AFC. Similarly, apathetic PPP supporters may get off the couch in 2016 just to deny APNU’s gains. I hope APNU is not harbouring the delusions of grandeur as it did in 1992 of somehow winning power again through legitimate means and maximising its powers using the Burnham constitution. It cannot and will not happen. This electoral result is APNU/PNC’s zenith and its pinnacle in terms of electoral performance. APNU/PNC has never gotten more than 41.5% of the vote in five elections in twenty years.

A referendum is the only way to radically change the presidency and rid it of its unhealthy power over the lives of Guyanese. While people may vote race when voting for parties, a referendum is a vote on issues. People of all races, classes and religions will support a referendum to curtail the powers of the presidency and government. The AFC and APNU should push a bill through Parliament to call a referendum to change those draconian and ludicrous powers of the presidency and other shocking provisions.

If APNU and the AFC want to change how people vote, it is time they start running referendums to get people voting on issues. It would change people’s perceptions about voting and reasons for voting and get voters who can’t normally see beyond ethnicity to think about issues. APNU and the AFC should hold consultations on constitutional change, invite experts and qualified overseas Guyanese to hold constitutional conferences and town hall meetings and then marshal the people’s desire for change into a bill before Parliament to change the constitution by referendum. Determine all those sections covered by Article 164 that need to change and pass a law endorsed by a positive referendum to make the change. Whoever gets power from that point onwards does not get unlimited power and has to use that power to benefit all. We have seen in Guyana that great power does not bring any responsibility. Time to fix this constitution the old-fashioned way: before the people, by the people, for the people.

Yours faithfully, M Maxwell

this a good step to take at least it will educate the guyanese people on voting issues instead of race the guyana Constitution is stopping guyana to develop it was make for a dictorship


We know since 98 the constitution was crap. Do you think the PPP does not? They are not dumb. They just will not go for this. They have to be beaten at the polls to be convinced. They have to be in the pits, learn to eat crow, watch some of their folks go to jail, percolate to the bottom of the pile and then maybe they will grasp the seriousness of this requirement. Not until one needs the protections of a thing can one respect it. I bet HIV patients hardly ever thought of a condom. Same with the PPP, the constitution is incidental except where it affects their autocracy. With others at the helm they will see the benefits of limits.


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