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Former Member

In this Inews Guyana photo, Red Thread, SASOD and several other NGOs were captured during a picketing exercise outside Ministry of Health's Brickdam location. The groups said they were protesting the alleged rape of an Amerindian woman at an interior location. But what about Johnny Welshman? Welshman is the young man who alleged that he was sodomized by House Speaker Raphael Trotman. Many commentators have noted the silence of these organizations on this matter and their selective advocacy has also resulted in questions about their true motives.

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

In this Inews Guyana photo, Red Thread, SASOD and several other NGOs were captured during a picketing exercise outside Ministry of Health's Brickdam location. The groups said they were protesting the alleged rape of an Amerindian woman at an interior location. But what about Johnny Welshman? Welshman is the young man who alleged that he was sodomized by House Speaker Raphael Trotman. Many commentators have noted the silence of these organizations on this matter and their selective advocacy has also resulted in questions about their true motives.

What about him?  Ask yourself what motivated you to generate dozens of threads on him and to date not one of this young girl who has no political axe to grind. Further, he is of dubious character, tried to do a shake down for cash and when rebuffed decide to be a media hog.


This girl complained the day she was raped, went to the hospital and even went to two police station despite being offered a payoff. That is seeking justice not seeking to enrich one's self.

Last edited by Former Member

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