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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You do indeed have a lot of insecurities and yes you have many dilemmas, you poor sad sack........

  OK go to a PNC meeting and tell them that they are irrational to think that Africans have faced discrimination against them.


Remember you can't cuss down the PNC anymore.

You are stuck in a world of your own. Keep pushing the shit around in there and build your castle....


From all indications, you and your comrades are the ones who are living in a dream world.


You are all totally divorced from reality.


If anything (SHOCKINGLY) Caribj seems more in touch with the feelings of ordinary Indians than you people (who are in fact Indians).


Caribj articulates well the genuine concerns, fears, paranoia, (real and otherwise) Indians have of the PNC.


You and your ilk in your zeal to oust the PPP from office have grasped at the wrong straw. And may have done worse than simply lost 2015 to the PPP. You may have destroyed the will of the middle of the spectrum to even bother fighting anymore. The disaster of 2015 may ensure the PPP a few more electoral victories before demography finally sets.


I for one understand where CaribJ is coming from. I have academic work on this issue. My point is while you will have core CaribJs and core Shaitans in the majority (likely always) is surely time to nurture those independents. I am interested in seeing whether they can swing enough like the middle voters of TT so Guyana can become a better place - one in which we can graduate from the perpetual status of a third world backwater with a classic jackass cyart economic structure.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Yeah I am living in a dream world because I have more faith in the people of Guyana than a bunch of racists who always have hug fests when someone points out the obvious.


Go celebrate with your new found friend maybe you can each share a pizza you and J.


"Faith in the people"....the last refuge of a campaign strategist defending the indefensible in the face of certain defeat

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Yeah I am living in a dream world because I have more faith in the people of Guyana than a bunch of racists who always have hug fests when someone points out the obvious.


Go celebrate with your new found friend maybe you can each share a pizza you and J.


"Faith in the people"....the last refuge of a campaign strategist defending the indefensible in the face of certain defeat

heheeheh you are delusional you think I am a campaign strategist?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

There were many things going on in Buxton and East Coast. Part of it in the very beginning had an ethnic dimension but it was blown out of proportion by two feuding drug pushers - one black and one Indian. It is not fair to blame this on the PNC. As a matter of fact, the PPP is at best indirectly responsible through policy blunders and directly responsible by using a known pusher to fight crimes. Read Freddie Kissoon columns and several of the wiki leaks.

Listen to this SHAMELESS DAAG. Dem Gals at Gaumont gat more morals than you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh shucks! I am only now seeing your masterpiece basement boy .

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



There is almost no argument to be made to Indians against the actions of using Roger Khan to wipe out the Buxton Rebellion.


The fact is the State security apparatus (PNC loyal) refused to act. Indians were being killed daily.


The PPP did an evil but necessary evil by reaching outside the law to wipe out this rebellion.


And a rebellion it was. Part and parcel of a well honed PNC plan that almost succeeded.

I have said that from Day one but the Appeasers try to spin their usual Garbage. The People in Guyana were happy to see the CRIMINALS extinguished!!

Agreed. It was effective.


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