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As Toshaos from the different Amerindian Communities gathered at the International Conference Centre for the7th annual National Toshaos Council meeting last week, we asked the leaders what they expected to get out of the meeting and what were some of the issues they wished to highlight.

Their views follow:
Interviews and photos by Tifaine Rutherford

20131028richardRichard Cornelius, Secretary of National Toshaos Council- `All Amerindian village leaders are here to look at the general welfare of the people and importantly their land issues, there are a combination of issues. The Amerindian Act needs to be more amended. Right now the NTC executive body is pursuing how we can educate all village councils more in understanding the Amerindian Act. There are certain large issues that over time I think will change. I look at things from a more neutral perspective.’

20131028litaLita John, Jawala- `It is the National Toshaos Meeting, so everybody has to take part as a toshao, but when you look at it, when we (Region 7) raise our hands, we are not given adequate time to air our issues. They are ignoring you and telling you to just make a short speech. The other regions who are praising the Government they are given a lot of time. The next time when they have a meeting like this, the chairman must be one of the toshaos, not minister or permanent secretary. This belongs to the toshaos, this is not their conference. We have the right to chair the meeting and to air our concerns. They are not coming to meet us, they do not know our problems. Our water is really polluted right now and I don’t know what GGMC is doing. They have an office at Imbaimadai and they come down and give cease work orders to a couple of dredges and go back. That means they are collecting something from them, and that is not right. That is the only source of drinking water, we don’t have wells or anything to store our water.’
20131028jeffreyJeffrey Albert, Tiger Pond- `We are here to try to solve the different problems Amerindians face with the land issues and I think we will overcome these issues, not right away but in time to come.’

20131028hilleryHillery Wong, Siparuta- `In my community we are facing a lot of problems. Since last year the 9th of October, the lightning struck the water system, and up to this day we cannot get a proper water system. Secondly, our electrical power was down, but two days ago we received the transformers. Out of this meeting we are trying to get as much as we could with our representation. We are trying to at least get as much as we could.’

20131028patrickPatrick Dorrick, Kamarang -`I am representing my community and right now we have a land issue for the past 17 years and we are appealing to the Government to see us now. Not only the Upper Mazaruni, we are now expecting that the Government will address these issues and tackle them seriously. I want to highlight that we don’t really have an issue, but there are drugs in the community and we want to be serious about it because it is damaging our children and it will damage our generation to come. We need tight security to be out there.’

20131028johnnyJohnny Duncan, Awarewanau- `I am from Deep South and I am representing the people of Awarewanau. I don’t really understand the protest (which occurred during two days of the conference) and what is really going on here. I think there are two or three from my village here. I think the Government of Guyana is trying its best to fix things in our village.’

20131028dominiqueDominque Stephens, Meriwau- `I hope to get a lot of problems resolved that my community is facing, especially the land issues. We are waiting to hear what they will tell us what about the land issue.’

20131028marioMario Hastings, Kako- `For today we had interaction with the President and his Government and the various villages from different regions raised their concerns and they were given responses. My observation is that some toshaos who are supposed to represent their people are not really standing up. Why I say this is because we have a protest going on right now in support of the toshaos but so far we haven’t heard anything much from their toshaos who are representing them. Also a statement was made by the chairman of the NTC against the same protest here and I don’t know how he can make a statement like that. That is not a fair statement.’

20131028alvinAlvin Joseph, Issano- `I am in support with what Mr. (Dominique) Stephens (from Meriwau) has said. We do have a lot of problems and we are just waiting to hear what the Government will tell us at the end of the meeting on Friday.’

20131028harrisHarris Aaron, Wayaloyeng- `The meeting was good and everything is everything. We were able to air most of our issues so hopefully we get some results soon.’

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Happy to see all of the Leaders are positive and were able to have MOST of their ISSUES raised. GOD BLESS THEM ALL. THe GOVT will continue to work with PROGRESSIVE Groups all over the Country.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Happy to see all of the Leaders are positive and were able to have MOST of their ISSUES raised. GOD BLESS THEM ALL. THe GOVT will continue to work with PROGRESSIVE Groups all over the Country.

Here you are again...defining groups the government will work with as progressive or not. The government does not have the choice to work or not to work with any group. It is an administrator of the nation not a regency.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Happy to see all of the Leaders are positive and were able to have MOST of their ISSUES raised. GOD BLESS THEM ALL. THe GOVT will continue to work with PROGRESSIVE Groups all over the Country.

Here you are again...defining groups the government will work with as progressive or not. The government does not have the choice to work or not to work with any group. It is an administrator of the nation not a regency.

The GOVT will continue to work with PROGRESSIVE Groups that are SERIOUS about Guyana's Development.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Happy to see all of the Leaders are positive and were able to have MOST of their ISSUES raised. GOD BLESS THEM ALL. THe GOVT will continue to work with PROGRESSIVE Groups all over the Country.

Here you are again...defining groups the government will work with as progressive or not. The government does not have the choice to work or not to work with any group. It is an administrator of the nation not a regency.

The GOVT will continue to work with PROGRESSIVE Groups that are SERIOUS about Guyana's Development.

As noted....the government does not get to define Amerindians as progressive or not. They are who they are and when their rights are in question the government is asked to answer...especially when it is of the habit of vending it to the highest bidder.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Happy to see all of the Leaders are positive and were able to have MOST of their ISSUES raised. GOD BLESS THEM ALL. THe GOVT will continue to work with PROGRESSIVE Groups all over the Country.

Here you are again...defining groups the government will work with as progressive or not. The government does not have the choice to work or not to work with any group. It is an administrator of the nation not a regency.

The GOVT will continue to work with PROGRESSIVE Groups that are SERIOUS about Guyana's Development.

As noted....the government does not get to define Amerindians as progressive or not. They are who they are and when their rights are in question the government is asked to answer...especially when it is of the habit of vending it to the highest bidder.

THe People have spoken, THE POWER IS IN THE HANDS OF THE GOVT. If the People do not appreciate the decisions of the GOVT, they can VOTE them out at the next Election, if they are happy with the decisions of the Govt, they can VOTE to keep them. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. POL 101.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Happy to see all of the Leaders are positive and were able to have MOST of their ISSUES raised. GOD BLESS THEM ALL. THe GOVT will continue to work with PROGRESSIVE Groups all over the Country.

Here you are again...defining groups the government will work with as progressive or not. The government does not have the choice to work or not to work with any group. It is an administrator of the nation not a regency.

The GOVT will continue to work with PROGRESSIVE Groups that are SERIOUS about Guyana's Development.

As noted....the government does not get to define Amerindians as progressive or not. They are who they are and when their rights are in question the government is asked to answer...especially when it is of the habit of vending it to the highest bidder.

THe People have spoken, THE POWER IS IN THE HANDS OF THE GOVT. If the People do not appreciate the decisions of the GOVT, they can VOTE them out at the next Election, if they are happy with the decisions of the Govt, they can VOTE to keep them. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. POL 101.

Amerind in 8 made the PPP a minority....!


Anyway gotta go to the gym


The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) continues to lament the cuts to the national budget over the past two years, saying on Monday that, at the recent National Toshaos Council (NTC) meeting, Amerindian leaders raised concerns pertaining to affected projects. The party believes that while the Amerindian people have been suffering as a consequence of the cuts by the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), the presence and participation of hundreds of leaders at the NTC have served to underline successes in empowering the indigenous people.




During the party’s press conference, General Secretary Clement Rohee said Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) was a perfect example of one area that has been affected by the cuts. But, in the face of these challenges, a second wave of LCDS projects has been identified. This could only have been possible through direct input and partnership of the Amerindian community. Rohee said the PPP/C will continue to fight for the restoration of the funds cut in the High Court. He added that the party welcomed President Donald Ramotar’s announcement that the communities will continue to receive presidential grants which were slashed in the 2012 budget.



Progress continues



Rohee said the Amerindian population had been on a decline before 1992, but today they were making their own decisions and progress continued in the many communities throughout Guyana. “PPP/C calls on the entire populace to understand the modus operandi  of the opposition, as much has not changed when they were once in power,” Rohee lamented.He said the opposition continued to seek ways to undo gains made by the party and to disempower Amerindians, hitting them where it hurts the most – their economic development. “The party is also in agreement with the call to build climate resilience; we are confident that the LCDS will continue to make special efforts in this regard…this area – a lot has been hampered by the cutting of the national budget in 2012 and 2013.”



Rohee said tremendous progress has been made and the party would press forward to build on its successes despite the opposition ‘badmouthing’. Some $19 billion was slashed from the $20 billion provided for LCDS initiatives that encompassed the Guyana REDD + Investment Fund (GRIF) projects, including the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project, the Amerindian Development Fund, Amerindian land demarcation, and the Small Business and Micro Enterprise, all very important projects(Guyana Times).



20131028litaLita John, Jawala- `It is the National Toshaos Meeting, so everybody has to take part as a toshao, but when you look at it, when we (Region 7) raise our hands, we are not given adequate time to air our issues. They are ignoring you and telling you to just make a short speech. The other regions who are praising the Government they are given a lot of time. The next time when they have a meeting like this, the chairman must be one of the toshaos, not minister or permanent secretary. This belongs to the toshaos, this is not their conference. We have the right to chair the meeting and to air our concerns. They are not coming to meet us, they do not know our problems. Our water is really polluted right now and I don’t know what GGMC is doing. They have an office at Imbaimadai and they come down and give cease work orders to a couple of dredges and go back. That means they are collecting something from them, and that is not right. That is the only source of drinking water, we don’t have wells or anything to store our water.’

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

20131028litaLita John, Jawala- `It is the National Toshaos Meeting, so everybody has to take part as a toshao, but when you look at it, when we (Region 7) raise our hands, we are not given adequate time to air our issues. They are ignoring you and telling you to just make a short speech. The other regions who are praising the Government they are given a lot of time. The next time when they have a meeting like this, the chairman must be one of the toshaos, not minister or permanent secretary. This belongs to the toshaos, this is not their conference. We have the right to chair the meeting and to air our concerns. They are not coming to meet us, they do not know our problems. Our water is really polluted right now and I don’t know what GGMC is doing. They have an office at Imbaimadai and they come down and give cease work orders to a couple of dredges and go back. That means they are collecting something from them, and that is not right. That is the only source of drinking water, we don’t have wells or anything to store our water.’

She needs to contact her Regional Chairman who she voted for.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

20131028litaLita John, Jawala- `It is the National Toshaos Meeting, so everybody has to take part as a toshao, but when you look at it, when we (Region 7) raise our hands, we are not given adequate time to air our issues. They are ignoring you and telling you to just make a short speech. The other regions who are praising the Government they are given a lot of time. The next time when they have a meeting like this, the chairman must be one of the toshaos, not minister or permanent secretary. This belongs to the toshaos, this is not their conference. We have the right to chair the meeting and to air our concerns. They are not coming to meet us, they do not know our problems. Our water is really polluted right now and I don’t know what GGMC is doing. They have an office at Imbaimadai and they come down and give cease work orders to a couple of dredges and go back. That means they are collecting something from them, and that is not right. That is the only source of drinking water, we don’t have wells or anything to store our water.’

She needs to contact her Regional Chairman who she voted for.

So you are saying that Regional Chairman would fire the GGMC official who allow the miners to polute their drinking water?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

20131028litaLita John, Jawala- `It is the National Toshaos Meeting, so everybody has to take part as a toshao, but when you look at it, when we (Region 7) raise our hands, we are not given adequate time to air our issues. They are ignoring you and telling you to just make a short speech. The other regions who are praising the Government they are given a lot of time. The next time when they have a meeting like this, the chairman must be one of the toshaos, not minister or permanent secretary. This belongs to the toshaos, this is not their conference. We have the right to chair the meeting and to air our concerns. They are not coming to meet us, they do not know our problems. Our water is really polluted right now and I don’t know what GGMC is doing. They have an office at Imbaimadai and they come down and give cease work orders to a couple of dredges and go back. That means they are collecting something from them, and that is not right. That is the only source of drinking water, we don’t have wells or anything to store our water.’

She needs to contact her Regional Chairman who she voted for.

Shows how really disconnected to what is happening there.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

20131028litaLita John, Jawala- `It is the National Toshaos Meeting, so everybody has to take part as a toshao, but when you look at it, when we (Region 7) raise our hands, we are not given adequate time to air our issues. They are ignoring you and telling you to just make a short speech. The other regions who are praising the Government they are given a lot of time. The next time when they have a meeting like this, the chairman must be one of the toshaos, not minister or permanent secretary. This belongs to the toshaos, this is not their conference. We have the right to chair the meeting and to air our concerns. They are not coming to meet us, they do not know our problems. Our water is really polluted right now and I don’t know what GGMC is doing. They have an office at Imbaimadai and they come down and give cease work orders to a couple of dredges and go back. That means they are collecting something from them, and that is not right. That is the only source of drinking water, we don’t have wells or anything to store our water.’

She needs to contact her Regional Chairman who she voted for.

Shows how really disconnected to what is happening there.

Look Region 7 has a Regional Chairman and if Citizens have problems, the Chairman must be contacted.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

20131028litaLita John, Jawala- `It is the National Toshaos Meeting, so everybody has to take part as a toshao, but when you look at it, when we (Region 7) raise our hands, we are not given adequate time to air our issues. They are ignoring you and telling you to just make a short speech. The other regions who are praising the Government they are given a lot of time. The next time when they have a meeting like this, the chairman must be one of the toshaos, not minister or permanent secretary. This belongs to the toshaos, this is not their conference. We have the right to chair the meeting and to air our concerns. They are not coming to meet us, they do not know our problems. Our water is really polluted right now and I don’t know what GGMC is doing. They have an office at Imbaimadai and they come down and give cease work orders to a couple of dredges and go back. That means they are collecting something from them, and that is not right. That is the only source of drinking water, we don’t have wells or anything to store our water.’

She needs to contact her Regional Chairman who she voted for.

Shows how really disconnected to what is happening there.

Look Region 7 has a Regional Chairman and if Citizens have problems, the Chairman must be contacted.

when we (Region 7) raise our hands, we are not given adequate time to air our issues. They are ignoring you and telling you to just make a short speech.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

20131028litaLita John, Jawala- `It is the National Toshaos Meeting, so everybody has to take part as a toshao, but when you look at it, when we (Region 7) raise our hands, we are not given adequate time to air our issues. They are ignoring you and telling you to just make a short speech.

Nehru: She needs to contact her Regional Chairman who she voted for.



You are 100% correct!


She is from region 7---they voted for the PNC in 2011.


Here's the region 7 results:


PNC: 2843 votes

PPP: 2376 votes

AFC: 505 votes



She needs to stop blaming and complaining and speak to her regional PNC chairman.


Maybe in the next election---some sense will be knocked into their heads and they will vote for the PPP.


Rev the Perv

Next election, they need to encourage the other 2,000 + not to vote for the PPP crooks.

 when you look at it, when we (Region 7) raise our hands, we are not given adequate time to air our issues. They are ignoring you and telling you to just make a short speech.


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