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Sean posted:

PNC built a few toilets for their supporters in three years. They did not implement one single new idea or project. I can make a long list of PPP achievement during their rule. The people will compare and decide between the PNC toilet builders and PPP the pro development and progress party. Plain and simple. 

You are too biased to see what was done in interior regions ,don't want to post here, too much accusation of political party affiliation.

Django posted:
Sean posted:

PNC built a few toilets for their supporters in three years. They did not implement one single new idea or project. I can make a long list of PPP achievement during their rule. The people will compare and decide between the PNC toilet builders and PPP the pro development and progress party. Plain and simple. 

You are too biased to see what was done in interior regions ,don't want to post here, too much accusation of political party affiliation.

Why the PNC a hide and do things in the bush?  Maybe they are doing crooked things.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

PNC built a few toilets for their supporters in three years. They did not implement one single new idea or project. I can make a long list of PPP achievement during their rule. The people will compare and decide between the PNC toilet builders and PPP the pro development and progress party. Plain and simple. 

You are too biased to see what was done in interior regions ,don't want to post here, too much accusation of political party affiliation.

Why the PNC a hide and do things in the bush?  Maybe they are doing crooked things.

Looking for votes..bhai...votes.

Django posted:
Sean posted:

PNC built a few toilets for their supporters in three years. They did not implement one single new idea or project. I can make a long list of PPP achievement during their rule. The people will compare and decide between the PNC toilet builders and PPP the pro development and progress party. Plain and simple. 

You are too biased to see what was done in interior regions ,don't want to post here, too much accusation of political party affiliation.

If u are posting the truth, who cares about party affiliation. So for us who may be bias, present the achievements. Let us see the progress.

Sheik101 posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

PNC built a few toilets for their supporters in three years. They did not implement one single new idea or project. I can make a long list of PPP achievement during their rule. The people will compare and decide between the PNC toilet builders and PPP the pro development and progress party. Plain and simple. 

You are too biased to see what was done in interior regions ,don't want to post here, too much accusation of political party affiliation.

If u are posting the truth, who cares about party affiliation. So for us who may be bias, present the achievements. Let us see the progress.

Ok coming soon.

Django posted:
Amral posted:

Ok guys I want to cut out all of the crap.

Can we have a clean post showing what promises the APNU and PPP are promising.

We can come back months after the election and see if these promises are being kept.

Listen to their campaign launch ,you will get an idea.

You lack of comprehension bhai,  Amral asked to have a clean post showing the promises everyone can come back months after and see if them keep their promises. Jeeeeze 

Django posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

PNC built a few toilets for their supporters in three years. They did not implement one single new idea or project. I can make a long list of PPP achievement during their rule. The people will compare and decide between the PNC toilet builders and PPP the pro development and progress party. Plain and simple. 

You are too biased to see what was done in interior regions ,don't want to post here, too much accusation of political party affiliation.

If u are posting the truth, who cares about party affiliation. So for us who may be bias, present the achievements. Let us see the progress.

Ok coming soon.

The pictures must reflect PPPC did not have a foot print . We are still waiting on the rebuttal of Harry Gills letter... you are full of crap. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

PNC built a few toilets for their supporters in three years. They did not implement one single new idea or project. I can make a long list of PPP achievement during their rule. The people will compare and decide between the PNC toilet builders and PPP the pro development and progress party. Plain and simple. 

You are too biased to see what was done in interior regions ,don't want to post here, too much accusation of political party affiliation.

If u are posting the truth, who cares about party affiliation. So for us who may be bias, present the achievements. Let us see the progress.

Ok coming soon.

The pictures must reflect PPPC did not have a foot print . We are still waiting on the rebuttal of Harry Gills letter... you are full of crap. 

You check the amount he quote as debt ,PPP pay back. Is that true ?

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

PNC built a few toilets for their supporters in three years. They did not implement one single new idea or project. I can make a long list of PPP achievement during their rule. The people will compare and decide between the PNC toilet builders and PPP the pro development and progress party. Plain and simple. 

You are too biased to see what was done in interior regions ,don't want to post here, too much accusation of political party affiliation.

If u are posting the truth, who cares about party affiliation. So for us who may be bias, present the achievements. Let us see the progress.

Ok coming soon.

The pictures must reflect PPPC did not have a foot print . We are still waiting on the rebuttal of Harry Gills letter... you are full of crap. 

You check the amount he quote as debt ,PPP pay back. Is that true ?

What is dat you saying, you Rass have to show it’s a lie with facts buddy and you en doing so . 
 I man posted the letter, and you said the man is lying, not me ... so why should I show.. oh lard . 

PPP propa get you basadeey, go get wan check up with Dr BJ, he will prescribe the good medicine. Stop drink that crotten oil from Congress Place. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

 We are still waiting on the rebuttal of Harry Gills letter... you are full of crap. 

You check the amount he quote as debt ,PPP pay back. Is that true ?

What is dat you saying, you Rass have to show it’s a lie with facts buddy and you en doing so . 
 I man posted the letter, and you said the man is lying, not me ... so why should I show.. oh lard . 
PPP propa get you basadeey, go get wan check up with Dr BJ, he will prescribe the good medicine. Stop drink that crotten oil from Congress Place. 

Why all the mumbo - jumbo ?  I have posted documents here on GNI stating the debts at the end of 1992 ,payment terms ,how much was written off.

Did you take the time to read it, or you buy Gill story ?

Last edited by Django
Amral posted:

Ok guys I want to cut out all of the crap.

Can we have a clean post showing what promises the APNU and PPP are promising.

We can come back months after the election and see if these promises are being kept.

It is about what they are not promising. They are not promising to introduce institutional changes against ethnic strife. They do not promise devolution of power away from authoritarianism to allow ordinary people to have the benefit of subsidia (managing their own affairs local to them). In short all they promise is pie in the sky and even here it is wasteful. 

To be meaningful everyone here can think up a hundred reasons to ease the plight of ordinary people. We will not lack money so that ought to free up their thinking faculties. Instead we get empty slogans from both groups.


Last edited by Former Member

Credibility of promises can best be measured by track record.

Burnham/PNC promised One People, One Nation, One Destiny.  But he promoted a two-state solution with PNC kith and kin supporters being #1 and Coolies #3.

Burnham/PNC promised Feed, Clothes and House, but he led us into the Valley of Shadow of white mouth, hungry belly and misery.

Granger/PNC promised people first, PNC will be austere - What they delivered was Coalition fat cats gorging on the national treasury and even their supporters who cleaned up GT shit were left with white mouth and hungry belly.

Granger/PNC voted themselves big raised and fat pensions but took away workers bonuses and Children School allowances.

Why ayuh gafu ask stupid questions when the truth staring ayuh in ayuh face!  Ayuh dumb or ayuh juss plain retarded?

Last edited by Former Member

There is nothing in the PPP's plan to address our ethnic discord. If they get back in power black people are once again on the back burner. They do not even acknowledge we have a problem despite the fact that it is clear the PNC  does exactly the opposite of what they do, hire  only black people. There is not a damn thing in that document about constitutional reform to enhance fiscal responsibility. I guess they will once more run NICIL as their grandfather's legacy and the Finance minister will treat the nations finances like the PPP treasure chest.  

D2 posted:

There is nothing in the PPP's plan to address our ethnic discord. If they get back in power black people are once again on the back burner. They do not even acknowledge we have a problem despite the fact that it is clear the PNC  does exactly the opposite of what they do, hire  only black people. There is not a damn thing in that document about constitutional reform to enhance fiscal responsibility. I guess they will once more run NICIL as their grandfather's legacy and the Finance minister will treat the nations finances like the PPP treasure chest.  

What has the Coalition/PNC done for Afros since 2015?  You always asking what the PPP did or will do.  Please tell us how the current admin has worked to improve the lot of their followers.

Nehru posted:

The funny thing is that they cannot ask the current Govt to do any of that BUT want to blame the PPP. A current Govt HAS the POWER to do so. Wake up and smell the coffee D2!!

Where have you been sleeping or is your pillow your racist preconceptions? I have from time immemorial insisted that neither of these racist parties can take us into the future. Is that not the reason I supported the AFC when they were independent? Guyana has only one out and it does not exist with the prevailing mindset of the PPP or the PNC. Both represent what ails us in the extreme.  

Nehru posted:

Amerindians and Afros were NEVER treated as good as when the PPP in Govt.


Meh neighba gat the FACTS and FIGGA!!!

The PPP treated africans as an aside hence the reason they had to deploy Misir to write a convoluted thesis as to why blacks are not represented in many aspects of the economy.

Were you paying attention you would remember the some 50 pages of explanation from Misir. Those are the facts and the figures you missed. Add to that your contempt for publications from black political scientists who wrote on every aspect of African marginalization.

It prompted Keen to try to explain why indians are they way they are a and again falling into the trap of complex explanations for simple things ( Ravi dev did the same).

We are an autocracy and when the state is the prize among competing tribal groups you have no chance for a summoning creed that promotes nationalism and pride in the nation but regression to primordialism; claims on who is better at whatever tasks based on their ethnicity.


What's worse than being denied the right to vote?  The PPP never denied anyone their right to vote but the PNC have done that in the past and trying to do it again.  The housing sector under the PNC was racially biased in favor of Africans as well as the awarding of scholarships.  If this is not racism then what is racism.  

All this long and twisted political commentary on the race issue is meant to further the political interest of the PNC and not to solve the problem of racism and fraudulent rule.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

What's worse than being denied the right to vote?  The PPP never denied anyone their right to vote but the PNC have done that in the past and trying to do it again.  The housing sector under the PNC was racially biased in favor of Africans as well as the awarding of scholarships.  If this is not racism then what is racism.  

All this long and twisted political commentary on the race issue is meant to further the political interest of the PNC and not to solve the problem of racism and fraudulent rule.

The PPP has no solution to corruption, ethnic dissent, or economic progress. All industries failed under them, the fostered a kleptocracy and denied we have an ethnic problem. Yes, they are in the predicament they are in precisely because they failed to rectify the opportunity to use race for political ends.

They depended on an indian majority to keep them in office. Now they will lose given the PNC will rig and they do not have to do so massively to carry it off. What the hell does it matter if  they hold grievance against crookedness when they themselves  survived by it? Were they good men they would have made sure Guyana worked for all.

They had ample opportunity to do it. Sorry, the PNC will never let them into office again and they have only themselves to be blamed. The international community has lost patience with them. They are courting the Trump regime to grant them favors but hiring a republican firm to advise them will not do it. The republicans do not give a damn about our problems or who is in office. They are  about reaping the benefits of our new wealth and nothing else. 

Nehru posted:

D2, the racism was created, manufactured, plan and executed by the PNC in  brazen, violent ways. Even today they have Ministers who openly spew RACIST Crap. There are some PPP supporters who also act and say racist stuff . The PNC lives for Racism, Biases and Violence!!

I do not care who started what since there are many theories on where we got our original sin; ethnic hatred. I am about who is doing what to cure us of this disease.

The PPP clearly did not do anything and they stood to lose more by that failure in the current political environment. That they do not see good sense to address these issues in their current plan is further evidence of their insular political culture and blindness to their deficiencies. 


Sean posted:

PNC built a few toilets for their supporters in three years. They did not implement one single new idea or project. I can make a long list of PPP achievement during their rule. The people will compare and decide between the PNC toilet builders and PPP the pro development and progress party. Plain and simple. 

Give five new ideas the PPP implemented.


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