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What are the requirements for overseas Guyanese to qualify as parliamentarians?

Written by T. KING
Wednesday, 21 December 2011 02:25
Source: Guyana Chronicle

DOESN’T Guyana Constitution say: β€œNo person shall be qualified for election as a member of the National Assembly who is, by virtue of his own act, under any allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state”? What are the requirements if there are any for overseas Guyanese to be sitting members of Guyana's parliament?

Most Guyanese would like to know since Mr. Van West Charles, the late Burnham’s son-in-law, was not eligible to lead PNC on his return to Guyana leading up to the 2011 elections.
Or is that in the PNC constitution only and not Guyana's constitution?

Most Guyanese know that Dr Leslie Ramsammy is a US citizen but has been living and working in Guyana for a very long time, so Guyanese would like to know how long has Mr. Ramsammy lived in Guyana to serve Guyanese.
Most Guyanese would like to see this issue put to rest once and for all.

Since most Guyanese already know there is no such thing as APNU, most Guyanese would like to know how long its Prime Ministerial candidate Rupert Roopnarine has been living in Guyana and if he is qualified to serve in Parliament, and to lay this issue to rest once and for all according to Guyana's constitution.

Guyanese could very well see the likes of those who come to Guyana around election time to create mayhem and when all hell break loose on the PNC side against PPP supporters they jump on a flight and exit Guyana.

This is a very serious issue and must be taken very seriously if not overseas Guyanese will take over Guyana and Guyana's Parliament making all decisions for Guyanese living, working and breathing in Guyana, as trouble makers enjoy dual citizenship.

Guyana's constitution on this matter should be posted for all to read and let Guyanese at home see for themselves who are trying their best to disregard it.

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Originally posted by Gupta:
Another Prem Misir written letter.

Most Guyanese would like to know .....
Most Guyanese know that ......
Since most Guyanese already know .....

The "most" seems to be based on Prem's imagination.

Someone please tell him the elections are over.

The people of Guyana won. flag

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