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“Holy Crap” – Ramjattan upset with police unwillingness to investigate Finance Minister

September 12, 2014 9:26 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Tracey Khan Drakes

Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan. [iNews' Photo]

Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan. [iNews' Photo]

[] – Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan threw a tantrum, this morning, when contacted by iNews on the Police Force’s preliminary assessment on the alleged $4.5B illegal spending by Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh.


A clearly upset Ramjattan said the decision by the Police was “holy crap!”

“A criminal offense has been committed, you go as elementary English language student to section 46 and section 85 of the Constitution, what else but a criminal penalty clause those two provisions are, I cannot believe how Mr. Whittaker and his Commissioner can ever say that’s administrative or at the very least not criminal.”

The enraged AFC Leader says he is now awaiting the advice of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) in this matter, before the Party takes any other action.

“Because that’s the legal advisor of Whittaker and all of them, up to now the DPP after two months cannot advice that is why I came to my conclusion after getting some inside information that they are being interfered with,” Ramjattan added.

Even though Justice Claudette Singh was recently appointed by President Donald Ramotar as Legal Advisor to the Guyana Police Force, Ramjattan believes that advice on this matter should come from the DPP. He is also questioning who gave the Police this preliminary advice.

“It’s atrocious… that is why our Police Force is in the state of debacle it is in, clearly a criminal offense and you now coming and say it is administrative… what bullshit is that!” the practicing Lawyer exclaimed.

Yesterday the Guyana Police Force said it believes the alleged breaches to the Guyana Constitution by Dr. Singh, may not be a matter for its ranks to investigate.

The police explained that breaches of the Laws of Guyana can be criminal breaches, breaches under the civil jurisdiction, or administrative breaches; adding that the Police Force is obligated to investigate criminal breaches only and does not conduct investigations into civil breaches nor administrative breaches, except for those related to the Police (Discipline) Act Chapter 17:01 regarding the conduct of its ranks.

“The Guyana Police Force is of the opinion that the section of the Law that it is alleged was breached by Dr. Ashni Singh addresses administrative issues and is therefore an administrative breach,” a statement from the police pointed out.

To this end, the GPF says it has sought legal advice on the matter and is awaiting that advice.

Ramjattan had lodged a complaint with the police after it was discovered that the Minister spent the money without prior parliamentary approval; monies the opposition say it had disapproved during the 2014 budget.

Dr. Singh himself has defended his spending as constitutional; citing chapters of the law and Court ruling to support his claim.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

“It’s atrocious… that is why our Police Force is in the state of debacle it is in, clearly a criminal offense and you now coming and say it is administrative… what bullshit is that!” the practicing Lawyer exclaimed."  - says Ramjattan

“It’s atrocious… that is why our Police Force is in the state of debacle it is in, clearly a criminal offense and you now coming and say it is administrative… what bullshit is that!” the practicing Lawyer exclaimed.


“Holy Crap” – Ramjattan upset with police unwillingness to investigate Finance Minister, September 12, 2014 9:26 am Category: latest news A+ / A-, By Tracey Khan Drakes

With a probability of about 0.0001% to become the government, will the AFC then fire the entire police force?


Royal Canadian Mounted Police would have investigated Dr. Singh.


Every ruling party in Guyana is never answerable to anyone. They are like gods. But even in the pantheon of gods there is one god that is in charge.


The PPP should watch the actions of their appointed ministers or they created monsters and are afraid of them.


Ramjattan has to change the direction of the AFC. 


wah exactly is Ramjattan representing here?


Dianne MoseleyDianne Moseley

A  woman, employed by Caribbean Chemicals, was Wednesday arraigned on a charge of embezzling more than GUY$7 million from her employer.

Dianne Moseley,25, was granted GUY$200,000 and ordered to return to court on October 3 when statements would be served.

Moseley pleaded not guilty after the charge was read to her by Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.

She is accused of embezzling GUY$7,842,902 from Caribbean Chemicals between August 14, 2014 and September 6, 2014.

Defence Lawyer, Khemraj Ramjatttan told the court that the woman was of good character and was employed by Caribbean Chemicals for the past three years. He said his client was innocent.
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

wah exactly is Ramjattan representing here?


Dianne MoseleyDianne Moseley

A  woman, employed by Caribbean Chemicals, was Wednesday arraigned on a charge of embezzling more than GUY$7 million from her employer.

Dianne Moseley,25, was granted GUY$200,000 and ordered to return to court on October 3 when statements would be served.

Moseley pleaded not guilty after the charge was read to her by Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.

She is accused of embezzling GUY$7,842,902 from Caribbean Chemicals between August 14, 2014 and September 6, 2014.

Defence Lawyer, Khemraj Ramjatttan told the court that the woman was of good character and was employed by Caribbean Chemicals for the past three years. He said his client was innocent.

This what i mean. These fellas, him, Nagamootoo and the whole pack of them are lobbyist in the political realm. They are not serious about goverance.

It looks like dey all are only interested in getting on thr gravy train. That RamKaran is the same damn thing too.



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
“It’s atrocious… that is why our Police Force is in the state of debacle it is in, clearly a criminal offense and you now coming and say it is administrative… what bullshit is that!” the practicing Lawyer exclaimed.


“Holy Crap” – Ramjattan upset with police unwillingness to investigate Finance Minister, September 12, 2014 9:26 am Category: latest news A+ / A-, By Tracey Khan Drakes

With a probability of about 0.0001% to become the government, will the AFC then fire the entire police force?

Ramjattan have to accept the police decision. This is an administrative breach if any, but no longer a police matter.


Police under political instruction to call a criminal breech as a administrative breech.  Do not worry, 180 days left and the PPP is out.  Then we gone put shantie in chains in Camp Street.


blasted tief!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
“It’s atrocious… that is why our Police Force is in the state of debacle it is in, clearly a criminal offense and you now coming and say it is administrative… what bullshit is that!” the practicing Lawyer exclaimed.


“Holy Crap” – Ramjattan upset with police unwillingness to investigate Finance Minister, September 12, 2014 9:26 am Category: latest news A+ / A-, By Tracey Khan Drakes

With a probability of about 0.0001% to become the government, will the AFC then fire the entire police force?

With a probability of about 0.0001% that you will exhibit some sense, will you continue to drop the aggregate IQ of posters on this Board?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

wah exactly is Ramjattan representing here?


Dianne MoseleyDianne Moseley

A  woman, employed by Caribbean Chemicals, was Wednesday arraigned on a charge of embezzling more than GUY$7 million from her employer.

Dianne Moseley,25, was granted GUY$200,000 and ordered to return to court on October 3 when statements would be served.

Moseley pleaded not guilty after the charge was read to her by Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.

She is accused of embezzling GUY$7,842,902 from Caribbean Chemicals between August 14, 2014 and September 6, 2014.

Defence Lawyer, Khemraj Ramjatttan told the court that the woman was of good character and was employed by Caribbean Chemicals for the past three years. He said his client was innocent.

Every client has a right to be defended by an attorney. Even if she's thief, Mr. Ramjattan has to defend her until proven guilty. Politics is one thing, and our legal frame work is another.


Lil swan i posted the article deh just to watch you bottom crawlers jump on it like carcass.


The man is a lawyer that is his profession he must represent these folks if they come to him and seek representation. I do not always agree with some of the cases these chaps take. They need to demonstrate some better judgement especially since they are playing double duty and they are also politicians. 


But in this case which is a big difference from the Fedders Lloyd debacle. Ramajattan is right to represent the woman and her tits. (Gotya Cain).

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

wah exactly is Ramjattan representing here?


Dianne MoseleyDianne Moseley

A  woman, employed by Caribbean Chemicals, was Wednesday arraigned on a charge of embezzling more than GUY$7 million from her employer.

Dianne Moseley,25, was granted GUY$200,000 and ordered to return to court on October 3 when statements would be served.

Moseley pleaded not guilty after the charge was read to her by Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.

She is accused of embezzling GUY$7,842,902 from Caribbean Chemicals between August 14, 2014 and September 6, 2014.

Defence Lawyer, Khemraj Ramjatttan told the court that the woman was of good character and was employed by Caribbean Chemicals for the past three years. He said his client was innocent.

Every client has a right to be defended by an attorney. Even if she's thief, Mr. Ramjattan has to defend her until proven guilty. Politics is one thing, and our legal frame work is another.

Tell it to them, Cobs. Lawyers aren't in business to defend faultless people like Jesus Christ, the Buddha or Lord Krishna or yuji22.

Attorneys who specialize in criminal law make their living advocating in court on behalf of law breakers.

All three major political parties have criminal lawyers in their membership. Why point a finger at the AFC lawyers?


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Lil swan i posted the article deh just to watch you bottom crawlers jump on it like carcass.


The man is a lawyer that is his profession he must represent these folks if they come to him and seek representation. I do not always agree with some of the cases these chaps take. They need to demonstrate some better judgement especially since they are playing double duty and they are also politicians. 


But in this case which is a big difference from the Fedders Lloyd debacle. Ramajattan is right to represent the woman and her tits. (Gotya Cain).

HM_R, I just read this after posting my piece above.

We're on the same page, bro.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

wah exactly is Ramjattan representing here?


Dianne MoseleyDianne Moseley

A  woman, employed by Caribbean Chemicals, was Wednesday arraigned on a charge of embezzling more than GUY$7 million from her employer.

Dianne Moseley,25, was granted GUY$200,000 and ordered to return to court on October 3 when statements would be served.

Moseley pleaded not guilty after the charge was read to her by Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.

She is accused of embezzling GUY$7,842,902 from Caribbean Chemicals between August 14, 2014 and September 6, 2014.

Defence Lawyer, Khemraj Ramjatttan told the court that the woman was of good character and was employed by Caribbean Chemicals for the past three years. He said his client was innocent.

This what i mean. These fellas, him, Nagamootoo and the whole pack of them are lobbyist in the political realm. They are not serious about goverance.

It looks like dey all are only interested in getting on thr gravy train. That RamKaran is the same damn thing too.




Politics is about milk and honey.


PNC stole the milk can and killed the cow during them time. De PPP drinking milk but keeping the milk can and cow safe. 


Why you think all a dem fighting to get in office for ?

Last edited by Former Member

Defence Lawyer, Khemraj Ramjatttan told the court that the woman was of good character and was employed by Caribbean Chemicals for the past three years. He said his client was innocent.


She is of good character and is accused of embezzling GUY$7,842,902? Isn't her defence counsel the same honest lawyer who always accuse the PPP of stealing MILLIONS without showing any proof? Should the PPP retain him to defend these accusations? I know she is only ACCUSED and is not convicted. Let's apply the same standard to anyone who is BEING ACCUSED.



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Defence Lawyer, Khemraj Ramjatttan told the court that the woman was of good character and was employed by Caribbean Chemicals for the past three years. He said his client was innocent.


She is of good character and is accused of embezzling GUY$7,842,902? Isn't her defence counsel the same honest lawyer who always accuse the PPP of stealing MILLIONS without showing any proof? Should the PPP retain him to defend these accusations? I know she is only ACCUSED and is not convicted. Let's apply the same standard to anyone who is BEING ACCUSED.



The PPP already has the AG, the DPP and police on their side. That loot adds up to over US$3 million dollars in a few weeks.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Defence Lawyer, Khemraj Ramjatttan told the court that the woman was of good character and was employed by Caribbean Chemicals for the past three years. He said his client was innocent.


She is of good character and is accused of embezzling GUY$7,842,902? Isn't her defence counsel the same honest lawyer who always accuse the PPP of stealing MILLIONS without showing any proof? Should the PPP retain him to defend these accusations? I know she is only ACCUSED and is not convicted. Let's apply the same standard to anyone who is BEING ACCUSED.



The PPP already has the AG, the DPP and police on their side. That loot adds up to over US$3 million dollars in a few weeks.


Just like Dianne, these are all allegations. We must give them their due process.

Allegations do not mean convictions. Where is the opposition to keep the checks and ballances? Why were they elected? Why only allegations, where's the proof?

You caanot take suspicion or hearsay in a court of law.


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