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National Service can be in many forms and not like the para-military format that Burnham had when we really didn't need a militarized population. If people get a free education or other kinds of government help, national servive is not too much to ask for in return. So the concern of diverting resources is minimal given that the resources are allocated right where they are needed.

p.s. I think it is disrespectful to speak in such derogatory terms about peoples' appearances. GR don't ask any of you for any handouts and even if he did, it would still be mean spirited. C'mon guys, grow up lil. pleaseaa
Originally posted by ksazma:
National Service can be in many forms and not like the para-military format that Burnham had when we really didn't need a militarized population. If people get a free education or other kinds of government help, national servive is not too much to ask for in return. So the concern of diverting resources is minimal given that the resources are allocated right where they are needed.

p.s. I think it is disrespectful to speak in such derogatory terms about peoples' appearances. GR don't ask any of you for any handouts and even if he did, it would still be mean spirited. C'mon guys, grow up lil. pleaseaa

Selective thought/attack…have you read this.
Originally posted by warrior:

what you mean gentleman,if kwame hear you call him a man,he will be piss.he is one proud black antiman.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by ksazma:
National Service can be in many forms and not like the para-military format that Burnham had when we really didn't need a militarized population. If people get a free education or other kinds of government help, national servive is not too much to ask for in return. So the concern of diverting resources is minimal given that the resources are allocated right where they are needed.

p.s. I think it is disrespectful to speak in such derogatory terms about peoples' appearances. GR don't ask any of you for any handouts and even if he did, it would still be mean spirited. C'mon guys, grow up lil. pleaseaa

Selective thought/attack…have you read this.
Originally posted by warrior:

what you mean gentleman,if kwame hear you call him a man,he will be piss.he is one proud black antiman.

It was not my intention to be selective. They are all mean spirited. One can still get their points across without getting mean.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by ksazma:
National Service can be in many forms and not like the para-military format that Burnham had when we really didn't need a militarized population. If people get a free education or other kinds of government help, national servive is not too much to ask for in return. So the concern of diverting resources is minimal given that the resources are allocated right where they are needed.

p.s. I think it is disrespectful to speak in such derogatory terms about peoples' appearances. GR don't ask any of you for any handouts and even if he did, it would still be mean spirited. C'mon guys, grow up lil. pleaseaa

Selective thought/attack…have you read this.
Originally posted by warrior:

what you mean gentleman,if kwame hear you call him a man,he will be piss.he is one proud black antiman.

I know warrior goes on the warpath and does get carry away sometimes but what he says here is probably true story and the person mentioned would be happy to know that he's being seen in cyber world as a proud black gay.
Originally posted by Errol Arthur:
Some of us have become professional gripers and complainers. We complain about racial voting, failed state, narco state, elected dictatorship, and just aboutm everything else. The elections are over and the people have spoken. They have given us the first, and probably only opportunity to change the way the nation's business is taken care of. So, instead of devaluing gains that have been made and demoralising the change agents, why don't we grasp this opportunity to participate actively in moving process to a higher level and make this fledging democracy work? Our nation is calling.
The task of doing that effectively on this board without moderation is very difficult. Much of what passes here as discussion is noise since one has to contend with the propagandist and the party cultist plus an assortment of trolls and the hapless idiot at the same time. We need active moderation of some sort to shape the discussion. We had that for most of the early existence of this board.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
The opposition is playing hard card. They don't want to work together to build the nation. They are hunting for power.
Nonsense like this unsupported by evidence is what would not pass as comment on a moderated board. The knuckle walker posting it would receive a serious caution to straighten up and walk upright.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I suspect that we will have a do nothing parliament just as in the US with congress. But this might not be such a bad idea given the PPP's record of failed projects such as the sugar industry investment in the Skeldon plant as well as the laptop giveway. If the opposition want real impact they first and foremost need to call for the denationalization of the media and campaign reform. They stated that state funds were spent on ppp election billboard signs, they need to take this power away from the PPP.
In the US congress the turn over rate for congressmen is a 2 year cycle so one would get immediate feedback as the constituency make the appropriate exit strategies at the poll. Obama spent the first two years of his advantage in the congress trying to be the healer. He wasted time with an ideologically bound group whose policies brought us into this economic crisis with their wasteful spending. He compounded the problem by giving concessions when they give none. Hopefully he would have learnt and in November we would have a favorable congress to again that will initiate the necessary change.
Originally posted by D2: In the US congress the turn over rate for congressmen is a 2 year cycle so one would get immediate feedback as the constituency make the appropriate exit strategies at the poll. Obama spent the first two years of his advantage in the congress trying to be the healer. He wasted time with an ideologically bound group whose policies brought us into this economic crisis with their wasteful spending. He compounded the problem by giving concessions when they give none. Hopefully he would have learnt and in November we would have a favorable congress to again that will initiate the necessary change.

Obama's failure to get bipartisan support is a referendum on why Guyana too will fail without a PPP majority parliament. Elected officials will stay loyal to their party even if it means the destruction of the nation. November will be too late for Obama as the die is already cast. Get ready for a republican president. In fact I believe that the republicans will win even more seats in congress as the Whites have now found a Black man to blame for all their own self inflicted wounds.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by D2: In the US congress the turn over rate for congressmen is a 2 year cycle so one would get immediate feedback as the constituency make the appropriate exit strategies at the poll. Obama spent the first two years of his advantage in the congress trying to be the healer. He wasted time with an ideologically bound group whose policies brought us into this economic crisis with their wasteful spending. He compounded the problem by giving concessions when they give none. Hopefully he would have learnt and in November we would have a favorable congress to again that will initiate the necessary change.

Obama's failure to get bipartisan support is a referendum on why Guyana too will fail without a PPP majority parliament. Elected officials will stay loyal to their party even if it means the destruction of the nation. November will be too late for Obama as the die is already cast. Get ready for a republican president. In fact I believe that the republicans will win even more seats in congress as the Whites have now found a Black man to blame for all their own self inflicted wounds.
I feem quite confident that neither of the Republican front runners can win in the blue states and they will will lose in more than one of the red ones from Virginia, Nevada, Colorado Arizona, to New Mexico
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
mr. arthur, your posts on this thread remind me of JFK's '61 inaugural speech: ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country...

Wendy Errol Is indeed an honorable son of the soil, Guyana needs men like him to return home and helps to move our beloved country forward...wadd up Mr Errol wavey
Originally posted by D2: I feem quite confident that neither of the Republican front runners can win in the blue states and they will will lose in more than one of the red ones from Virginia, Nevada, Colorado Arizona, to New Mexico

The blue states will not save Obama. He will lose Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida as the trailer trash Whites and racist Hispanics have suffered throughout this recession. Once the Republican nominee is chosen, the voters and special interest will throw their support behind them.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I doubt that GNI has such an impact on Guyana. The proof will be in the pudding, if the PNC/AFC vote no to everything that the PPP propose then Ramotar will have no choice but to call snap elections.

If AFC and APNU develop ideas and vote them in the PPP will have to implement them or tell Guyanese why they disaobey parliament.

It is not the PPP who will decide. It is the President with Veto powers.

The opposition is called back jagdeo's pension without calling back Corbin's..
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
The blue states will not save Obama. .

You really believe that a GOP victory will not hurt you?

This is not about me, it is about the choice of America. I survived the Bush administration for 8 years and I am sure I will be fine regardless of the party in power. I know for sure that you may be affected, your section 8 assistance.......
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by D2: I feem quite confident that neither of the Republican front runners can win in the blue states and they will will lose in more than one of the red ones from Virginia, Nevada, Colorado Arizona, to New Mexico

The blue states will not save Obama. He will lose Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida as the trailer trash Whites and racist Hispanics have suffered throughout this recession. Once the Republican nominee is chosen, the voters and special interest will throw their support behind them.
Pennsylvania is not going Romney, Florida has always been marginal and Obama has lots of victory routes to make that deficit up.

Obama has a war chest as big as a house.

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