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We wonder as to what caused City Mayor Hamilton Green’s new-found likeness for Royston King after leading a campaign to have him removed as head of the Public Relations department citing his incompetence and mismanagement in 2004/2005. In a motion dated August 6th in 2004 and which had Green’s support councilors questioned King’s usefulness and posited that under his stewardship the Public Relations department failed to fulfill its mandate.

The motion said that on many occasions councilors and the Deputy Mayor had to make explanations in response to concerns. In the motion several bills for expenditure were questioned and described as ‘unusual’.  As an example of these questionable expenditures incurred by King an amount for $47,500 purported to be used for ‘Christmas Greetings’ was highlighted. The council found this expenditure to be strange given that the council had both video and digital recording cameras which could’ve been used and that the greetings was from neither the Mayor, Deputy Mayor or councilors. Many other instances were listed and you could have a look at the damning allegations against King here.



Our question however, remains the same. Why has King suddenly become the most suitably qualified person to replace Sooba in the eyes of Mayor Green and his PNC/APNU colleagues who had waged a relentless battle to have him removed as PRO citing corruption and incompetence?



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The PPP needs to take heed of the butterfly effect. Small anoyances soon seed large ones. This fat irritant in the office of the Mayor is not with intent to reign in his excesses. It is to the end of the PPP consolidating its hold on the management of the municipiality. It is little wonder they insist an IMC is better. I wondwe why the local elections would not be the best!




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