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March 10 2019


Dear Editor,

The issue of a constitutional crisis is being hurled around by political leaders without a comprehensive, detailed fleshed-out position and meaning. 

Does it mean that the GWI and GPL will not serve the people? Does constitutional crisis mean the markets will close and food security will become an issue? Does it mean schools and post-secondary institutions and UG will stop educating the nation’s mind? What is this meaning ascribed to constitutional crisis, or is it another political gimmick to add phobia to the populace?

The ordinary people of our nation are not interested in fancy terms without prudent meaning; we do not want passages in our newspapers and our radio frequencies and television transmissions to be punctuated with loose irresponsible terms.

Again, I beg to seek clarity, what is a constitutional crisis? I have heard my political cronies using the phrase, but, is it that Guyana’s sovereignty will be denounced? Is it that the banks will not lend their monies to us?

Will a constitutional crisis stop the GRA from deducting PAYE? Will it stop the fire service from responding to a conflagration? Will our health care system close doors? Will public servants be sent home?

What is a constitutional crisis? What impacts will the ordinary people of Guyana be faced with? Please, political scientists, do not throw around words.

Allow me the space to define it. A constitutional crisis is a situation which a legal system, Constitution or basic principles of operations, appears unable to resolve.

I do not believe Guyana is within the aforementioned circumstances. Let’s saliently seek to bring clarity to the dead case of a constitutional crisis. Moreover, in respect to the misuse of the phrase in relation to impending elections and the no-confidence vote. The Constitution of Guyana indefatigably outlines a solution.

Rather, what we have seen is political rebellion from our politicians which wears a veil called constitutional crisis but, rather, it is just pure political gimmicks.

Guyanese have grown to not be gullible and we have become increasingly Socratic.

Yours faithfully,

Dornel McFarlane

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The person who wrote this article is completely delusional and misinformed. This is straight from the PNC playbook of bullyism and lawlessness.

So why don't you tell us about this constitutional crisis and what it entails...(that ain't gonna happen.)

Last edited by cain
Mitwah posted:

Granger knows that he has the backing of the army and that he can delay election indefinitely. 

But nah you help to install the dicktater?  Too late now to cry over spilt milk.  The damage is already done.

Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The person who wrote this article is completely delusional and misinformed. This is straight from the PNC playbook of bullyism and lawlessness.

So why don't you tell us about this constitutianal crisis and what it entails...(that ain't gonna happen.)

Go and ask you massa Jgranjah to explain it to you.  I have no say, I am a dual citizen!

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:

Granger knows that he has the backing of the army and that he can delay election indefinitely. 

Mits, do you think he feels he doesn’t have the backing of the voters why he is resisting the constitutional requirement to hold elections or do you think he is resisting the constitutional requirement because that is only how the PNC knows how to do it?

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger knows that he has the backing of the army and that he can delay election indefinitely. 

Mits, do you think he feels he doesn’t have the backing of the voters why he is resisting the constitutional requirement to hold elections or do you think he is resisting the constitutional requirement because that is only how the PNC knows how to do it?

How about he ain't handing the country over to a party rejected by the people.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The person who wrote this article is completely delusional and misinformed. This is straight from the PNC playbook of bullyism and lawlessness.

So why don't you tell us about this constitutianal crisis and what it entails...(that ain't gonna happen.)

Go and ask you massa Jgranjah to explain it to you.  I have no say, I am a dual citizen!


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger knows that he has the backing of the army and that he can delay election indefinitely. 

But nah you help to install the dicktater?  Too late now to cry over spilt milk.  The damage is already done.

I think you are delusional. It was not Granger who dictated that Roti should be the leader of the PPP. 

cain posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger knows that he has the backing of the army and that he can delay election indefinitely. 

Mits, do you think he feels he doesn’t have the backing of the voters why he is resisting the constitutional requirement to hold elections or do you think he is resisting the constitutional requirement because that is only how the PNC knows how to do it?

How about he ain't handing the country over to a party rejected by the people.

Bai, it is not his right to decide that. The voters should be given the chance to demonstrate which party they reject. Granger is not the king of Guyana.

cain posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger knows that he has the backing of the army and that he can delay election indefinitely. 

Mits, do you think he feels he doesn’t have the backing of the voters why he is resisting the constitutional requirement to hold elections or do you think he is resisting the constitutional requirement because that is only how the PNC knows how to do it?

How about he ain't handing the country over to a party rejected by the people.

Kascz, talk about a DUMB response and he is trying hard believe me!!!

ksazma posted:
cain posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger knows that he has the backing of the army and that he can delay election indefinitely. 

Mits, do you think he feels he doesn’t have the backing of the voters why he is resisting the constitutional requirement to hold elections or do you think he is resisting the constitutional requirement because that is only how the PNC knows how to do it?

How about he ain't handing the country over to a party rejected by the people.

Bai, it is not his right to decide that. The voters should be given the chance to demonstrate which party they reject. Granger is not the king of Guyana.

Kascz, you try deh, penetrating a thick brain aint easy!!!

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger knows that he has the backing of the army and that he can delay election indefinitely. 

Mits, do you think he feels he doesn’t have the backing of the voters why he is resisting the constitutional requirement to hold elections or do you think he is resisting the constitutional requirement because that is only how the PNC knows how to do it?

I think neither the PPP nor the PNC can achieve a majority. What does the Constitution say about a Caretaker Government in the interim?

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger knows that he has the backing of the army and that he can delay election indefinitely. 

Mits, do you think he feels he doesn’t have the backing of the voters why he is resisting the constitutional requirement to hold elections or do you think he is resisting the constitutional requirement because that is only how the PNC knows how to do it?

I think neither the PPP nor the PNC can achieve a majority.

What does the Constitution say about a Caretaker Government in the interim?

Nothing !!!

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger knows that he has the backing of the army and that he can delay election indefinitely. 

Mits, do you think he feels he doesn’t have the backing of the voters why he is resisting the constitutional requirement to hold elections or do you think he is resisting the constitutional requirement because that is only how the PNC knows how to do it?

I think neither the PPP nor the PNC can achieve a majority. What does the Constitution say about a Caretaker Government in the interim?

The current looming crises isn't about achieving a majority or not. It is about obeying the requirement after the passage of the NCM.

The government still need to operate as there is still work to be done. However, by them not doing anything to facilitate elections by March 21, 2019, they are demonstrating lack of good faith which earns them the disrespect they are receiving.

yuji22 posted:

Word from experts including Ravi is indicating that Granger will declare a state of emergency and the Army will be partolling the streets. No election and no parliament.

Granger will not do that because Django will never condone it. You watch.


I think PNC should be allowed to serve out their elected term under one condition providing that they don't rig the voting list with new Guyanese citizens. This is because they will shout "Cheated not defeated" in the next election campaign.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

I think PNC should be allowed to serve out their elected term under one condition providing that they don't rig the voting list with new Guyanese citizens. This is because they will shout "Cheated not defeated" in the next election campaign.

Jagan copyrighted "cheated not defeated" as per "The West on Trial" which is wholly copyrighted.

Last edited by Former Member

You prappa wutliss. DJ will justify the state of emergency. There is a reason why Granger seems unconcerned and will put his army bais and Patterson in place. He is executing this plaster plan. 

Most experts are now stating the obvious. Granger is excited to execute this plan after March 21 since the constitutional crisis will be the basis for declaring a state of emergency.

yuji22 posted:

You prappa wutliss. DJ will justify the state of emergency.

There is a reason why Granger seems unconcerned and will put his army bais and Patterson in place. He is executing this plaster plan. 

Most experts are now stating the obvious. Granger is excited to execute this plan after March 21 since the constitutional crisis will be the basis for declaring a state of emergency.

Your Orbuculum tells you such.

What experts you talking about, they just pissing in the wind. Granger smarter than than them.


O rass bai, who put spoilt milk in your tea ? You are too busy reading New nation ( Guyana Chronicle ). I guess you will disagree with Ravi Dev because he is Indo Guyanese.

Granger is not smart, he is a thug and dictatorship is part of his DNA just like his Gurus, Burnham and Hoyte.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

O rass bai, who put spoilt milk in your tea ? You are too busy reading New nation ( Guyana Chronicle ). I guess you will disagree with Ravi Dev because he is Indo Guyanese.

Who believes him are brainless, nothing to do with ethnicity.

Don't try to daub alyuh stench on Django, there a couple of medias in Guyana are kept with at a distance. Alyuh stick to the Guyana Times the mouth piece of the PPP.

Last edited by Django

I was correct. Indos have no brains in your sick and brainwashed mind. I guess Congo Place is the only place for credible information. New Nation is also a very credible source of information for you. 

Last edited by Former Member

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