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What could be bigger than Local Government Elections?

June 6, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,
The General Secretary of the PPP/C, in his recent press briefing, said that, citizens are more concerned about bigger issues like the anti-money laundering bill than local government election. The question is what could be bigger, in this country, at this time, than the Local Government Elections?
Surely, the General Secretary could not be serious. With all the negatives that are happening in the city and every Town and Village coupled with the fact that people have being calling for local government elections, Mr. Rohee could actually tell journalists that citizens are more concerned with bigger issues. If Mr. Rohee is speaking for the PPP/C then something is seriously wrong with the collective thinking of the PPP/C.
And why does Mr. Rohee think that the local government elections are not connected to everything else in this country? We need local government elections, to fix most of the problem we face as a nation. It is not the Holy Grail but it is vital to revitalize our communities and to re-energy our citizens to take control of the management of their neighbourhood. Local government elections would spur new hope and confidence in the system. It could enhance the much talked of the democracy.
The truth is the government is very scared to call those elections because if it does then, the PPC/C will be defeated and all members of that party know that. Therefore, Mr. Rohee is just making excuses for the government’s refusal to call local government elections: but it is the right of all citizens to participate in the decision making of their communities.
However, even if people are more concerned with bigger issues, it still remains the responsibility of the government to ensure that the constitutional rights of the people are preserved. Come on, Mr. Rohee, let’s have our local government elections.
Aubrey James

The truth is the government is very scared to call those elections because if it does then, the PPC/C will be defeated and all members of that party know that. Therefore, Mr. Rohee is just making excuses for the government’s refusal to call local government elections: but it is the right of all citizens to participate in the decision making of their communities.


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