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Obama has long admired Abe Lincoln and has made his political life one of making these united States a more perfect Union. He is a constitutional lawyer and someone who is unique in American politics because of his bi-racial background as well as his childhood journeys outside the US.


He does not cuddle Congressional Democrats like Clinton. His use of Rahm Emanuel was to do this grunge work for him. He doesn't understand why he has to debate someone over achievements that are palpably clear to everyone - that's why he was so disengaged in the first debate. He tends to be a loner and very private person. His Chicago operatives were the perfect marriage for him. Indeed Plouffe and Axelrod and Gibbs and Rice and Jarret and Mussina have redefined political consultancy and Presidential campaigns.


He had three private luncheons with Presidential historians in his first year and a few months to find out more about the Presidential achievements of those who came before him. He always thinks ahead and not so much for the present. That's why deficits needed to stabilize the economy and give room to restructure the fundamentals of manufacturing were not seen as an evil. He rushed to transform educational standards and emphasize math and science. He was hell-bent on using his early political capital to get his signature health care bill that will change the landscape of a basic ingredient of society. He could have done comprehensive tax overhaul or immigration change. He was surprised at the resistance to modernity as expressed by the TEA party and the opposition by the Congressional Republican party.


Obama ended the Iraq war and is en route to end the Afghan one. He led in getting dictators out - Qadaffi without ground troops and too much expense; and Mubarak by tapping on the military's shoulders. His sanctions on Iran is about to achieve his non-proliferation aim without firing a missile. He has faced TEA party-like opposition from Netanyahu on the Palestinian question, but he is reshaping America's focus in the Pacific.


When Obama's two terms have been massaged by historians a lot of people will reflect on how little they reflected on the context of Obama's political life.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I doan have much patience with theorist.


Obama SHOULD STOP PLAYING THE azz and chart a new economic course for America. The existing one is FINITO.


Studying past Presidents is for the individuals who want to be History Professors.


He should be sympathetic to the impoverished and not pay them lip service.


We see how he shapes up later. Personally I doan think the man is Presidential material. His approach seems mediocre everytime.


Had it not been for the hundreds of millions of US$ he spent spreading lies on Romney, Romney did not have to spend so much combatting them.


Anyway, in time, all liards pay a heavy price. We wait and C. 

Originally Posted by Kari:

Obama has long admired Abe Lincoln and has made his political life one of making these united States a more perfect Union. He is a constitutional lawyer and someone who is unique in American politics because of his bi-racial background as well as his childhood journeys outside the US.


He does not cuddle Congressional Democrats like Clinton. His use of Rahm Emanuel was to do this grunge work for him. He doesn't understand why he has to debate someone over achievements that are palpably clear to everyone - that's why he was so disengaged in the first debate. He tends to be a loner and very private person. His Chicago operatives were the perfect marriage for him. Indeed Plouffe and Axelrod and Gibbs and Rice and Jarret and Mussina have redefined political consultancy and Presidential campaigns.


He had three private luncheons with Presidential historians in his first year and a few months to find out more about the Presidential achievements of those who came before him. He always thinks ahead and not so much for the present. That's why deficits needed to stabilize the economy and give room to restructure the fundamentals of manufacturing were not seen as an evil. He rushed to transform educational standards and emphasize math and science. He was hell-bent on using his early political capital to get his signature health care bill that will change the landscape of a basic ingredient of society. He could have done comprehensive tax overhaul or immigration change. He was surprised at the resistance to modernity as expressed by the TEA party and the opposition by the Congressional Republican party.


Obama ended the Iraq war and is en route to end the Afghan one. He led in getting dictators out - Qadaffi without ground troops and too much expense; and Mubarak by tapping on the military's shoulders. His sanctions on Iran is about to achieve his non-proliferation aim without firing a missile. He has faced TEA party-like opposition from Netanyahu on the Palestinian question, but he is reshaping America's focus in the Pacific.


When Obama's two terms have been massaged by historians a lot of people will reflect on how little they reflected on the context of Obama's political life.

Dude, I have my own opinion from him. I do not need you to go off on a tangent as to his erudition, determination, vision or accomplishments. You are speaking to the choir.



I am speaking to the tactic of electoral cherry picking as it relates to democratic scope as an ideal. I also have other issuee as to the composition of his inner circle and the claims of inclusion when it is limited 

Originally Posted by seignet:

I doan have much patience with theorist.


Obama SHOULD STOP PLAYING THE azz and chart a new economic course for America. The existing one is FINITO.


Studying past Presidents is for the individuals who want to be History Professors.


He should be sympathetic to the impoverished and not pay them lip service.


We see how he shapes up later. Personally I doan think the man is Presidential material. His approach seems mediocre everytime.


Had it not been for the hundreds of millions of US$ he spent spreading lies on Romney, Romney did not have to spend so much combatting them.


Anyway, in time, all liards pay a heavy price. We wait and C. 

Hey Seig Heil...I mean Seignet, over half the electorate disagree with your characterization of President Obama. Substantiate your claim about campaign TV ad spending is the sum total of Obama's excellence - and BTW the other guy spent a whole lotta moolah too. You should stop dealing in cliches and language that would make people think less of you. Just saying.....

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Dude, I have my own opinion from him. I do not need you to go off on a tangent as to his erudition, determination, vision or accomplishments. You are speaking to the choir.



I am speaking to the tactic of electoral cherry picking as it relates to democratic scope as an ideal. I also have other issuee as to the composition of his inner circle and the claims of inclusion when it is limited 

Whey deh raas yuh duz come up with shit like erudite and such? Where in my reflections do you see a hint of erudition? Impatience with people who can't see long term like Obama does not make him erudite. Stiff-arming fools is not erudition. Stop using words because you google them and want to show off. Reply on-target. There are some specifics in his accomplishments that flesh out a reading (my opinion) of his modus operandi.....there I co-opted a high-faluting phrase you would throw back at about pre-emption.


And stop sounding like Prem are heading into a literary wasteland of irrelevance. Raas....more big-shot see Stubborn, this is mekkin yuh contribution a source of comedy....and satire (sheesh another high-falutin word)

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Dude, I have my own opinion from him. I do not need you to go off on a tangent as to his erudition, determination, vision or accomplishments. You are speaking to the choir.



I am speaking to the tactic of electoral cherry picking as it relates to democratic scope as an ideal. I also have other issuee as to the composition of his inner circle and the claims of inclusion when it is limited 

Whey deh raas yuh duz come up with shit like erudite and such? Where in my reflections do you see a hint of erudition? Impatience with people who can't see long term like Obama does not make him erudite. Stiff-arming fools is not erudition. Stop using words because you google them and want to show off. Reply on-target. There are some specifics in his accomplishments that flesh out a reading (my opinion) of his modus operandi.....there I co-opted a high-faluting phrase you would throw back at about pre-emption.


And stop sounding like Prem are heading into a literary wasteland of irrelevance. Raas....more big-shot see Stubborn, this is mekkin yuh contribution a source of comedy....and satire (sheesh another high-falutin word)

Kari, Meh Baxside did not bring my Dictionary today.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Dude, I have my own opinion from him. I do not need you to go off on a tangent as to his erudition, determination, vision or accomplishments. You are speaking to the choir.



I am speaking to the tactic of electoral cherry picking as it relates to democratic scope as an ideal. I also have other issuee as to the composition of his inner circle and the claims of inclusion when it is limited 

Whey deh raas yuh duz come up with shit like erudite and such? Where in my reflections do you see a hint of erudition? Impatience with people who can't see long term like Obama does not make him erudite. Stiff-arming fools is not erudition. Stop using words because you google them and want to show off. Reply on-target. There are some specifics in his accomplishments that flesh out a reading (my opinion) of his modus operandi.....there I co-opted a high-faluting phrase you would throw back at about pre-emption.


And stop sounding like Prem are heading into a literary wasteland of irrelevance. Raas....more big-shot see Stubborn, this is mekkin yuh contribution a source of comedy....and satire (sheesh another high-falutin word)

I am covering all bases so you don't wast your time with issues irrelevant to what I said.


And do not act an ass with being stupidly insulting. It is clear I need no help with words or expressing an opinion that i know is grounded in a reality obvious to you if you care to look. Did you eee the data mining team? Do you know who are the mail firms? They look like the republicans who we complain about for a lack of diversity.


Similarly, we complain about the republicans being an older white man's party. Do you think a brown and black party does well for american democracy? Do you not see a problem here when 6 billion is being spent on niche demographics. Instead of opening your silly mouth with baseless personal assault you need to refocus and address where you are lacking a truly engaged mind.




Originally Posted by Kari:

Hey Seig Heil...I mean Seignet, over half the electorate disagree with your characterization of President Obama.

Kari almost 49% of the electorate do not agree with you and voted to show this.  And many of the 50% who supported Obama did so only because they feared what Romney and especially Ryan would do to them.


You can furnish no evidence that any one cares what books Obama reads and whether your babble about amid 19th century president has any relevance to an early 21st century one.


Just understand this, but for the thumping that Obama got, from his supporters, MSNBC, and most likely even from Michelle, after his disgraceful first debate performance Romney would be president today.


Idol worshippers like you do not help Obama and indeed have hurt him.  The laughable thing is that Michelle, his wife, doesnt share this notion that you do that Obama is perfect, and cannot be criticized when he fails to live up to his potential.  Just look at Michelle's face during his first debate.  That angry black woman, "I am going to deal with you look".

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I am covering all bases so you don't wast your time with issues irrelevant to what I said.


And do not act an ass with being stupidly insulting.




What is sad is Kari, a man who is very intelligent and who has made very good posts in the past is descending to the level of Nehru  because he worships Obama as if he is God and so is personally insulted if any one doesnt share his belief that Obama is perfect and can do no wrong.


Kari even Obama's campaign team demolished him after his first debate as did many of his supporters.  Obama had to call and apologize and promise to do better the next time, and to his credit he did.


Now imagine had every one behaved like you and praised Obama what would have happened in the second and third debates and the election itself.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:



I am speaking to the tactic of electoral cherry picking as it relates to democratic scope as an ideal. I also have other issuee as to the composition of his inner circle and the claims of inclusion when it is limited 

What is clear to me is that Kari is in love with Obama, the way that some were with Jim Jones.  Clearly he cares nothing about the future of the Democratic party, post Obama, or even what Obama's legacy might be. 


So he doesnt see that tactics used to win this election might carry the same seeds of disaster that Rove's successes in 2000 and 2004 ultimately brought to the GOP. 


Nor does he fear what a retooled GOP, transforming itself into a wolf in sheeps clothing, and so looking less scary, might do as it peals off the segments of the Obama coalition who only voted for him as the ultra right GOP terrified them.


What is obvious is that Hispanics will not give the Democratic party the same free pass that African Americans give it, if it does not deliver based on inclusion, immigration reform, etc.  They arent as trapped in their fears as are blacks, so larger segments will respond when called, and so this is where the GOP will seek to break the diversity coalition which united against them.


But Kari doesnt care because by then his Messiah would have moved on.


Kari do you not think it odd that you spend more time attacking stormborn and me who VOTED for Obama and who most likely will support the next Democratic candidate than you do people like baseman and others whose ignorance would have destroyed this country if 2 million more people had bought into it...out of almost 120 million....less than 2%?


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