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Former Member

I have read Rev Al's comments on MILK AND HONEY.


But even though he made a case for the few at the top, that strategy is clearly not working.  There is a SLOW BOIL in the belly of those at the bottom of the economic ladder, who continue to suffer and if they blow up - no security force will be able to stop them and we all lose - majority, minority, the whole chabat.


The time is now to introspect!


So today, I want to plant that idea of  - TIME FOR CHANGE, TIME TO REBUILD  - Dr Jagan's words, not mine.


Do you think the ordinary people - the farmers, the sugar workers, the public servants, the nurses, the teachers, the policemen  - want this daily political "katch-katch" to continue?




But it will not stop until some institution LEADS.  The responsibility to lead the nation resides in the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT.  I am not blaming President Ramotar, all I am asking for is leadership!


Granger cannot lead on this Ramotar MUST.


This healing process must be taken to the people directly if some politicians want to play "politiks" with healing the nation.


The soul of the Guyanese nation is our family and our community as it was when I was a little boy in the Village.


My neigbour was an Afro-Guyanese patriot called "Neighbour DES".

This was under the PNC day and I was told he was a card carrying PNC member, even though my family were supporters of Dr. Jagan.


Why he was our patriot?  He looked out for the well-being of all the children of the community regardless if we were East Indian or from other races.  If any bully from any other village tries anything, they have to answer to the 6 footer Neigbour DES.



He had our back, we felt safe.  He never used his position to steal our land, our rights, our wealth, our dignity, our self esteem,  even though as a PNC member we were sure he could have.


He respected our HINDU pujas even though his family was strong Christians and even participated in these celebrations of our GODs.  We also went to their prayer meetings which was led by a Pastor.


Now this is not about me, so that bit about me was just to provide context.


The “apparatus criticus” remains why are we are here as a nation?  Today as a society we experience:




2.  WHOLESALE BANDITRY WHERE THE STRONG ROB AND TAKE FROM THE WEAK; (read the 2011 Auditor General findings on the Ministry of Health and procurement from that Pharmaceutical Company and I wonder whom are these medical supplies purchased for - the poor who are the people closest to GOD and yet we choose to cheat them.


3. WE STRUGGLE TO CULTIVATE OUR “custos morum”, in the religious communities, in civil society, in the women’s group and thus we do not have enough of the Neigbour DES that I had as a child growing up.


The bottom line is Guyana has to heal and the only way it will heal is if the Leader of the Nation, who is President DONALD Ramotar  at this time, can take reins of leadership and JUST LEAD.


It is a difficult process but we have to start the healing process but JUST LEAD.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

As an act of GOOD FAITH can we not do three thing to progress this healing process?





  1. FORM A NATIONAL FRONT GOVERNMENT UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF PRESIDENT DONALD RAMOTAR.  (using the current electoral strength in the 10th Parliament)

Yo, a few words for you! What president Ramotar did wrong in his first year that called for changes? Do I have to remind you that your idea is setting the stage for a take over and limit the power of government from the same constitution that the PNC enjoyed for decades? When the people request change from their leader then we will take you seriously. Your call for change means squat at this moment.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Yo, a few words for you! What president Ramotar did wrong in his first year that called for changes? Do I have to remind you that your idea is setting the stage for a take over and limit the power of government from the same constitution that the PNC enjoyed for decades? When the people request change from their leader then we will take you seriously. Your call for change means squat at this moment.


you meant the Indian People. Screw the other groups


I support the idea and have always been a proponent of shared governance for the good of Guyana. Adding constitutional change to the process will kill this idea.


A group of prominent Guyanese including church leaders and members of the business community can play a pivotal role in the healing and rebuilding  process.


Adding the ABC countries to the process will be of great help. Our country needs to heal and bridge the gap between the two major races of Guyana. Let us send a message to our political leaders now. Our country and it's people come first.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Yo, a few words for you! What president Ramotar did wrong in his first year that called for changes? Do I have to remind you that your idea is setting the stage for a take over and limit the power of government from the same constitution that the PNC enjoyed for decades? When the people request change from their leader then we will take you seriously. Your call for change means squat at this moment.


you meant the Indian People. Screw the other groups

Don't put words in my mouth, Joker. To be specific: When I said "the people" I mean the constituents that "elected" the president.
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Yo, a few words for you! What president Ramotar did wrong in his first year that called for changes? Do I have to remind you that your idea is setting the stage for a take over and limit the power of government from the same constitution that the PNC enjoyed for decades? When the people request change from their leader then we will take you seriously. Your call for change means squat at this moment.


Look Abidha:


Let us all step away from the WAR and just THINK.


I planted an idea and all you have to do is agree, modify or just disagree.  Nothing else! 


It should not be an occasion for a cuss down.


I need to highlight some issues you raised:


You asked what President Ramotar did wrong in 2012 that requires change?



1.  Is there a Ramotar public policy?


2. Ramotar came out of the sugar belt and yet as a former UNION Leader, he has done very little for the working class.  Today what is the wage of a sugar worker?  Is it between $48k - $52k a month!  Can that money take care of an average working class family for 1 month?




To add salt to the wound, that was after the 5% increase given in 2012. Is this right by the workers? 


And do not come here and tell me that there is a shortage of resources in Guyana. There is one thing that there is no shortage of in Guyana - MONEY.  Billions continue to be poured wastefully at a select few.  It is all about your political, economic and social priorities.


It is clear today that the PPP has all but abandoned the poor and the working class and that is OK if this is what they want as a political strategy.


But do not cry foul when other political forces walk into your former stronghold and eat your dinner.  There is no need to demonise the political leaders who continue to take advantage of the disconnect between this Ramotar led PPP and the working class.


The constituents must be serviced politically and the Ramotar PPP continue to fail them so what is the BIG DEAL if NAGAMOOTOO or HUGHES or RAMJATTAN does the job?


4.  He has all but abandoned the tripartite talks, the only dolus specialis, which will provide peace to Guyana.


This is getting too long, so I will stop for now.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Could be do without the latin quotes? It doesn't you're any less bright if we simply agree to use one language on GNI.



I hear you but does this not present an opportunity for you to do some research?


I will try my best to meet your needs but I must write how my mind thinks.



Disenchantment in Guyana is purely political, with corrupt individuals jockeying for position to hand their mouth where the soup is dripping. They leverage race and try to stir up ants nests like Linden and Agricol. However as long as the govt is moving the country forward, the people will have no appetite to send the nation back to the dark ages with a PNC led regime. 



The Rev wholeheartedly approves of the job Donald Ramotar is doing as President. He has had a very good first year in office and with a number of projects in the pipeline Guyana will continue to enjoy excellent growth and development under his leadership.


The Guyanese people now regard their president as a man of  integrity, honesty, and uprightness---they are liking him more and more every day as their president---they see him as a man of principle---and as a leader who is honorable and incorruptible.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:


The Rev wholeheartedly approves of the job Donald Ramotar is doing as President. He has had a very good first year in office and with a number of projects in the pipeline Guyana will continue to enjoy excellent growth and development under his leadership.


The Guyanese people now regard their president as a man of  integrity, honesty, and uprightness---they are liking him more and more every day as their president---they see him as a man of principle---and as a leader who is honorable and incorruptible.






So how come his son is a dopehead and his wife is a sexual assault victim told to keep her mouth shut?

Originally Posted by JoKer:
So how come his son is a dopehead and his wife is a sexual assault victim told to keep her mouth shut?


Donald Ramotar is a good, decent man with a wonderful family!


Originally Posted by TK:

It's an excellent ideal. However, I would not do it without some Constitutional changes. 

Absolute nonsense.  So today it's on one thing, tomorrow another Burnham comes along and use this precedent as justification for something less desirable, then what do you do.


The problem with some of you, you just talk too fast and jump and any nice sounding initiative without thinking through the downstream impacts.  NOTHING should be done outside the constitutional framework.  That is te only guarantor of the rule of law.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
So how come his son is a dopehead and his wife is a sexual assault victim told to keep her mouth shut?


Donald Ramotar is a good, decent man with a wonderful family!



Joker is getting to you eh Alexei?


How's Alvaro doin dese days bai? is he keepin his nose clean or is Uncle Frank gonna have to post bail again

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Joker is getting to you eh Alexei?





Listen joker! The Rev feels badly hammering away at you---I have met you before--you're a nice fella in person.


Oh well! Maybe you're just putting on an act on this board---that's right--you're the joker!



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Joker is getting to you eh Alexei?





Listen joker! The Rev feels badly hammering away at you---I have met you before--you're a nice fella in person.


Oh well! Maybe you're just putting on an act on this board---that's right--you're the joker!




Should I post the charges bai?

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Should I post the charges bai?

Who is that young man ? He looks very gay!




You're right. He's very gay. Gayer than Pavi in a pink tutu


a good though but it will not work in guyana,first you dealing with guyanese people,you have the racist blacks,the racist indians,the cowards,the greedy,and some that donot care a shit,and fighting all of these people is the decent guyanese fighting for equal rights for every one.until you have more decent people than the above guyana is doom


I think this is a decision only Ramotar can make.....

because we know there is no one in the PPP who will support him.....

All dem who were thiefing and living Large off the Milk and Honey of the state......

De thiefing Jagabats in the not want to give up the Pimping and Parasite live they are enjoying.


Ramotar has to decide how badly he wants to hold on to power for a full term......

we know the PNC Constitution has placed Ramotar in Burnham's Shoes now.....

and Ramotar is free to call the shots like Burnham....

without giving a fart about how the others in the Poom Poom Panty feel.....

Ramotar has the power to work his way to a full term......

and make a difference....

Ramotar can forget about a minority Govt that cannot even pass a Budget.......

If the Budget is not passed....Parliament can move a no confidence Vote against Ramotar

Ramotar can stop a Vote of No Confidence against him.....

Ramotar can use Burnham Constitution to give him a full term as president.......or he could be left in de cold.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

I think this is a decision only Ramotar can make.....

because we know there is no one in the PPP who will support him.....

All dem who were thiefing and living Large off the Milk and Honey of the state......



I see you are warming up to Donald ji---I won't be surprised to see you vote for him in the next election.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

I think this is a decision only Ramotar can make.....

because we know there is no one in the PPP who will support him.....

All dem who were thiefing and living Large off the Milk and Honey of the state......



I see you are warming up to Donald ji---I won't be surprised to see you vote for him in the next election.



Rev if u say I am warming up to Donald because I support his moves to Investigate all the Thiefing and Corruption which was widespread under Jagdeo.....and calling on him to Jail all the Jagabat Vultures and Parasites are far from correct.


Rev if u say I am warming up to Donald because I have joined others who believe ther is no place in the Guyana Govt for ******s, @untimen, PNC Thugs, Rapist and Killers to be sheltered in the office of the President....again you are not correct.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Should I post the charges bai?

Who is that young man ? He looks very gay!




You're right. He's very gay. Gayer than Pavi in a pink tutu

Dont make ah leh yuih bend over and do the six-thirty, I have a feeling tyou would like that but since I dont swing that way, you will be disappointed.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Should I post the charges bai?

Who is that young man ? He looks very gay!




You're right. He's very gay. Gayer than Pavi in a pink tutu

Dont make ah leh yuih bend over and do the six-thirty, I have a feeling tyou would like that but since I dont swing that way, you will be disappointed.

Nehru Bhai


Go easy on Joker. He is recovering from the warning that he received from admin. Joker needs to obey the rules here like everyone else and behave accordingly.

Originally Posted by SS:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Could be do without the latin quotes? It doesn't you're any less bright if we simply agree to use one language on GNI.



I hear you but does this not present an opportunity for you to do some research?


I will try my best to meet your needs but I must write how my mind thinks.



I'm gonna be harsh for a second. I'm an American. And in America only faux intellectuals and stupid people deliberately use latin phrases that are not in the common spoken dialect and also words which are more suitable to an academic publication.


When you use such language in normal conversation, it says a whole of bad things about you. It says you're a person trying to mask your dimwittedness with big words. And people forget to take seriously the original point you had, if indeed you had an original point.


And let me further say that I know your mind doesn't think in latin because i studied latin in school and my mind still thinks in English. I also studied French for some years and guess what buddy? my mind still thinks in English.


I strongly suggest you take my advice or else you'll just continue to embarass yourself bro.






 A national front government with a finite limit ( least elites think it is their divine right to continue to rule as a committee) is Dr Hinds expressed form of power-sharing he has formulated and presented over a decade now. While the motive is honorable the idea of accommodating these elites ( power sharing of this kind is de facto elite accommodation) has not been very successful except for a few places as in Ireland and Malaysia. However, it creates other institutional problems that cannot be anticipated. The time over which these elites are expected to govern ( Hinds said 5 years) is enough to concretized a ruling class who would never want to leave the gravy train.


We need to face our problems head on because it is inherently a racist problem and a problem of disenfranchisement marginalization on race because one race actualized party has all the power. The PNC has wasted 20 years of participating in the farce where they know they can never win and they have no visionary asking for changes in the way we do business. Had it not been for the few men in the AFC the idea of restraining the PPP in constitutional ways would never have been possible. Just trying to apportion the ministries will result in civil war in this present political ethos where the state is still seen as a prize and administration means access to graft.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 A national front government with a finite limit ( least elites think it is their divine right to continue to rule as a committee) is Dr Hinds expressed form of power-sharing he has formulated and presented over a decade now. While the motive is honorable the idea of accommodating these elites ( power sharing of this kind is de facto elite accommodation) has not been very successful except for a few places as in Ireland and Malaysia. However, it creates other institutional problems that cannot be anticipated. The time over which these elites are expected to govern ( Hinds said 5 years) is enough to concretized a ruling class who would never want to leave the gravy train.


We need to face our problems head on because it is inherently a racist problem and a problem of disenfranchisement marginalization on race because one race actualized party has all the power. The PNC has wasted 20 years of participating in the farce where they know they can never win and they have no visionary asking for changes in the way we do business. Had it not been for the few men in the AFC the idea of restraining the PPP in constitutional ways would never have been possible. Just trying to apportion the ministries will result in civil war in this present political ethos where the state is still seen as a prize and administration means access to graft.


I do want power sharing. I"m however very bothered by this elite accommodation problem. Dev's federalism is perhaps a way of getting around that. It is perhaps a political no no. With the severe shortage of human capital - eg the accentuated migration from regions 6 and 5  - will make this kind of devolution problematic. We've got to keep thinking about this. Perhaps take it in stages: procurement reforms, local govt elections, freeing up NCN and Chronicle, liberalizing radio/TV licences, etc. Then electoral reforms - President elected by PR and Parliament by first past the post? Etc. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
what do you think about forcing coalitions by requiring a super majority ... Say 2/3 of seats to form a government?


Not a bad idea. 


Permanently locking in the two major parties in power perpetually is a terrible idea. We need to look at devolution of power and a severe curtailment of the Central Government. The whole of Guyana should not be held hostage to the whims and fancies of 18 Mudheads in Cabinet

I wasn't suggesting the PPP and PNC as the only players in the 2/3. Some of The actions by some players in the AFC and other groups have revealed that there is talented ethical alternatives out there.
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Disenchantment in Guyana is purely political, with corrupt individuals jockeying for position to hand their mouth where the soup is dripping. They leverage race and try to stir up ants nests like Linden and Agricol. However as long as the govt is moving the country forward, the people will have no appetite to send the nation back to the dark ages with a PNC led regime. 

Yes just like the slaves were happy to be slavesd until these "troublemaking" Abolitionist stirred them up.


Its amazing how people who oppress blacks always "know" what we think.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

A national front Government? That's absurd, considering the kind of politicians we have in Guyana.  What is a national front Government?



What we need to do is buld a TRUE DEMOCRACY by holding local govt elections and reinstating the village councils.  Then Guyanese will begin to have a personal stake in governance.


But the PPP definitely doesnt want this as alonst 20 years has passed since the last local govt election.  We have had 4 national elections since then, and even they admit that most of the local govts systems have collapsed.


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