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Former Member

What does the PPP have to gain by killing a Black anti-government protester? Nothing and those who think differently are kidding themselves or are being dishonest.


The Army and Police consist mostly of Blacks and that would make it a dangerous game for the PPP to play as when it comes down to it our primal fears will lead us to circle the wagons around kith and kin.


The Jagdeo statements

Did anyone take the time to read the man’s explanations about:

“kick some ass”

          He explained as taking a tough approach and this is how the phrase is commonly used in NA.

“kick out the collie”

          His explanation is this is what some PNC supporters were chanting in the last campaign and his statement is this kind of behavior should not be tolerated, regardless of race.


It is elections campaign season in Gy and I can understand everyone spinning, however, to take someone’s statements and to spin it as it was not intended to perhaps stir up hostile racial feelings and actions is a dangerous game.


Everyone should be more responsible because Gy has nothing to gain by political violence.



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Originally Posted by politikalamity:

What does the PPP have to gain by killing a Black anti-government protester? Nothing and those who think differently are kidding themselves or are being dishonest.


The Army and Police consist mostly of Blacks and that would make it a dangerous game for the PPP to play as when it comes down to it our primal fears will lead us to circle the wagons around kith and kin.


The Jagdeo statements

Did anyone take the time to read the man’s explanations about:

“kick some ass”

          He explained as taking a tough approach and this is how the phrase is commonly used in NA.

“kick out the collie”

          His explanation is this is what some PNC supporters were chanting in the last campaign and his statement is this kind of behavior should not be tolerated, regardless of race.


It is elections campaign season in Gy and I can understand everyone spinning, however, to take someone’s statements and to spin it as it was not intended to perhaps stir up hostile racial feelings and actions is a dangerous game.


Everyone should be more responsible because Gy has nothing to gain by political violence.



are we forgetting the phantom squad that kill more people in one year that all the violence in guyana did not kill including all the riots  

Originally Posted by politikalamity:

What does the PPP have to gain by killing a Black anti-government protester? Nothing and those who think differently are kidding themselves or are being dishonest.


The Army and Police consist mostly of Blacks and that would make it a dangerous game for the PPP to play as when it comes down to it our primal fears will lead us to circle the wagons around kith and kin.


The Jagdeo statements

Did anyone take the time to read the man’s explanations about:

“kick some ass”

          He explained as taking a tough approach and this is how the phrase is commonly used in NA.

“kick out the collie”

          His explanation is this is what some PNC supporters were chanting in the last campaign and his statement is this kind of behavior should not be tolerated, regardless of race.


It is elections campaign season in Gy and I can understand everyone spinning, however, to take someone’s statements and to spin it as it was not intended to perhaps stir up hostile racial feelings and actions is a dangerous game.


Everyone should be more responsible because Gy has nothing to gain by political violence.




The Board has evidently taken leave of their senses today.


I think they went to Babu Jaan to send the usual subliminal message. That is what come out absolutely clear from the reports, essentially saying don't ever work with a black party. The implication is all blacks are bad. They did exactly that. The part with APNU supporters saying get the c00lies out is plausible, but it does not reflect the position of leadership of PNC, APNU or AFC. Jagdeo should have qualified his statements saying the PPP is not an Indo party even if it gets most votes from that group. They did nothing like that. They (the LEADERS and not low level SUPPORTERS) went on to say the opposition has rapists, murderers and neemakaram. Yes LEADERS. When you say "kick ass" you increase the possibility of incitement. Was Courtney killed by incitement? Was the father of the ROAR activist killed by incitement? Was Baldeo killed by incitement?

Originally Posted by politikalamity:

What does the PPP have to gain by killing a Black anti-government protester?.

Lots. They are hoping that a revenge attack can allow them to panic Indians to reduce the prospects of them voting for Nagamootoo.


As to the ALLEGED anti Indian chanting at certain PNC meetings, there has also been anti black chanting at PPP meetings and the Babu John event is "Bash Black People Day".  It is clear that Jagdeo is a racist.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:

What does the PPP have to gain by killing a Black anti-government protester? Nothing and those who think differently are kidding themselves or are being dishonest.


The Army and Police consist mostly of Blacks and that would make it a dangerous game for the PPP to play as when it comes down to it our primal fears will lead us to circle the wagons around kith and kin.

this is stale bullshit! am i to believe u are so naive?


when has "fear" of the "kith and kin" disciplined forces restrained the PPP and its proxies from killing 'opposition' people when deemed necessary?


Ronald Waddell?


the Lindeners gunned down at the bridge?


. . . do i need to go on?


the PPP guns are restrained ONLY when they face angry sugar workers and/or rice farmers . . . i doubt i need to tell u why


give it a rest pardna

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Wasn't Waddell the guy on TV with an AK47 bellowing threats to the govt?

Would that not cross over from legitimate protest to terrorism?

i don't live in Guyana and cannot speak to Ronald Waddell's antics on Television there


but what of it?


how does that rebut or address what i said about PPP deadly force and the fake Army/Police "kith and kin" nonsense?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

this is stale bullshit! am i to believe u are so naive?


when has "fear" of the "kith and kin" disciplined forces restrained the PPP and its proxies from killing 'opposition' people when deemed necessary?


Ronald Waddell?


the Lindeners gunned down at the bridge?


. . . do i need to go on?


the PPP guns are restrained ONLY when they face angry sugar workers and/or rice farmers . . . i doubt i need to tell u why


give it a rest pardna

You are taking and lot of liberties and making a lot of assumptions. I will not get involved in allegations when no courts or commissions have said that a specific party was guilty of murder. This is similar to the arguments that members of the government make when they say, or imply, that the PNC is guilty when Indos are killed by Black criminals without any of the above that I stated affirming such claims.



wikileaks guyana – ronald wadell killed – he was a deported criminal

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Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin
06GEORGETOWN111 2006-02-01 13:32 2011-08-26 00:00 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Embassy Georgetown

This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.




E.O. 12958: N/A

¶1. Prominent Afro-Guyanese journalist/television talk
show host/politician, Ronald Waddell, was gunned down in
front of his home at in the Subryanville section of
Georgetown, seven doors down from the USAID Mission
Director’s residence, at approximately 8:30 p.m. on
January 30. 

¶2. Waddell hosted a controversial talk show and stood for
parliament as a PNC/R candidate in the 2001 elections.
He was a central figure in organizing post-election
violence and was arrested and charged in May 2001 on two
counts of sedition for inflammatory statements on the
air. The government twice suspended his TV program for
his on-air inflammatory remarks. In October 2005 Waddell
praised the work of the “Buxton resistance”, referring to
armed Afro-Guyanese militants who turned Buxton Village
into an armed camp where government security forces
feared to enter and who kidnapped post’s former RSO. The
Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a diplomatic note to
foreign missions condemning the Waddell’s statement. The
most recent suspension was still in force at the time of
his death.  Consular FSN recalls that Waddell had been
deported from the U.S. fifteen years ago. Information
available at Post suggests that Waddell did have a FBI

¶3. Several rumors are circulating in Georgetown to
explain the killing. 

– One rumor is that the PPP/C government is responsible
for the killing as retribution for Waddell’s extreme anti-
government stance. 

– A second rumor is that the opposition PNC/R or its
fringe elements perpetrated the killing, hoping that
blame falls on the PPP/C. 

– A third rumor, suggests that the killing is gang-
related, the result of a drugs or other criminal deal
gone sour. In post’s judgement this is the more likely


Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Wasn't Waddell the guy on TV with an AK47 bellowing threats to the govt?

Would that not cross over from legitimate protest to terrorism?


I lived in Guyana at the time. His commentary was obnoxious to say the least. He never had an AK47 on TV. He was assassinated also. If the PPP had an intellect I feel he could have prosecuted for incitement. Ravi Dev went to his funeral when no other Indo wanted to touch him with a 100 feet rod. It was pretty much the end of Dev's career. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Wasn't Waddell the guy on TV with an AK47 bellowing threats to the govt?

Would that not cross over from legitimate protest to terrorism?


I lived in Guyana at the time. His commentary was obnoxious to say the least. He never had an AK47 on TV. He was assassinated also. If the PPP had an intellect I feel he could have prosecuted for incitement. Ravi Dev went to his funeral when no other Indo wanted to touch him with a 100 feet rod. It was pretty much the end of Dev's career. 


Moreover Courtney was not inciting. The guy is from middle class background. He is a QC grad. He was merely mobilizing his votes. He was acting in the name of democracy. When the dust is settled Courtney could be the modern martyr.


The police killed a man during the Albion protest against armed robbery

Posted By Staff Writer On July 29, 2012 @ 5:03 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

I refer to the article on page 19 of the Stabroek News of Thursday, July 26 headlined, ‘APNU leads “Day of Mourning” demonstrations in city,’ where Region 10 Chairman Sharma Soloman was quoted as saying, “I think there is one law that applies to the people of Linden and one that applies to the people of Albion because I have seen persons blocking roads in Albion, which impedes the flow of traffic, and nobody has been killed so far.”

Editor, I do not know the age of Mr Soloman; I understand he is a young man, but I would like to advise him that if he does not know the facts, he should not distort or rewrite history.

The statement he made is far from the truth. The truth is that the protest at Albion was sparked by the numerous armed robberies and kick-down-the-door banditry that the hapless sugar workers had to endure at that time without any help or response from the police.

And when the workers rose up and were protesting in front of the Albion Police Station, they were shot at by the police resulting in one man being killed and many injured.

And the name of that man is Mohamed Shamshudeen.

Mr Solomon should not make this thing out to be something racial, because in Guyana when the police are under siege, they will shoot at anyone, whether they are Indian or African.

Yours faithfully,

Imtiaz Baccus


Article printed from Stabroek News:

URL to article:

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Suh Carib says that the anti Indian chantings are ALLEGED but the anti blacks ones are certain.

Anti blacks rantings are publicized every year.  That Babu John session is the center of Indo KKK activity.  Every time Jagdeo or Rohee open their mouths at that annual event vile anti black profanities pour out of their mouths, aimed at scaring the Indian "slaves" back to the PPP.


Now Jagdeo screams about blacks been awaken by drums to vote out the "coolie" government.


Now how come the PPP didn't blame their loss of parliament on that, when they are casting around looking for excuses to explain their minority status?  Yes we heard all about "dem ungrateful black people" after they refused to vote PPP. 


If the PNC had a drum session in their strongholds we would have heard about that then.  It did NOT happen, but the PROVEN racist Jagdeo is now lying when he said it did.  Yes the SAME Jagdeo who claimed that he knew who killed Sat Sawh yet REFUSED to arrest those who gave the order to kill that minister.


This is just racism peddled by the PPP to scare Indians to vote for them!


Any way you lot run along and claim that the murder and injury of Lindeners was "justifiable".  All the Indo KKK racists are crawling out of their caves while decent minded Guyanese of all races condemn a political assassination.

Last edited by Former Member

The PPP didn't kill anybody.


Anti_indian sentiments are running high at APNU meetings.  I hope Moses can see APNU for what they are.  Moses will have to take blame for any violence against Indians.  By preaching that the PPP is racist, he gave the APNU the go ahead to beat up on Indians. 


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