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Former Member

A fight for survival. An end to AFC PNC manifesto of lies.


Indo Guyanese with the help of Moses and Ramjattan propelled the AFC PNC administration to office in an election which should have accommodated a recount. All election across the world are subject to a recount when it's too close to call. This most basic right for Guyanese were denied to PPP and its supporters.

Another Indo Guyanese Surujbally took his coin as some alleged and took revenge for his wife who was fired by the PPP. It was his pound of flesh.

To quote Baseman, Blackman fuh Blackman, Kulie ah daag.

GNI AFC bottom house crew campaigned heavily for the AFC, led by the cuss bird singer Mitwah who painted PPP as monsters who were about to steal Indo children and sacrifice them to the Harmonium gods. Moses was portrayed greater than the real Moses in the holy Bible and Ramjattan as the god who would wipe out crime with a magic wand.

What happened ?

 The Cummingsburd "Love" accord which was signed, provided for Moses to chair cabinet meeting and have more powers as they complained that PM's under PPP lacked power. Well, the first act by Granger was to create a Ministry of Presidency to take control the Presidency and strip Moses and the AFC of any real powers. 

Granger being Dictator's Burnham student immediately pounced and declared that Moses could not chair cabinet meeting and handed over that power to his trusted henchman Harmon and rendered Moses impotent. The accord ended having no real value and it would later be watered down to strip Ramjattan any chance of becoming President.

Ramjattan and Moses bent over while Granger raped them and the AFC, stripping them of any real power and despite the fact they could have toppled the PNC and made the AFC a viable third party, complied like virgins and sacrificed themselves to Granger and PNC gods at Congress Place.

PNC racism begins


In the meanwhile, Indos were shoved out of Government ministries and any prominent Indo were portrayed as thieves, dishonest, and untrustworthy while Granger and the PNC filled up Government Ministries with "trusty" Afro Guyanese as replacements. One need to look at all foreign service postings to see the blatant racism at display.

Dictatorship Begins


His first act was to break a 23 year tradition by illegally appointing a GECOM chairman Patterson despite the fact that it is the Opposition leader who submits a list and a consensus chairman is chosen through consultation. List after list were rejected as Granger mastered his plan to install a dictatorship through rigging a know trait of all Afro PNC leaders.

Illegall Patterson appointed Lowefied a known PNC Afro activist was chosen ahead of a more qualified Indo Guyanese as Commissioner of GECOM. Another act of blatant racism and insult to all Indo Guyanese.

These acts of dictatorship didn't go unnoticed as the Guyanese public became outraged at the behaviour of a racist and dangerous politican Granger who felt that the had ultimate power to serial rape the constitution and acted above any laws of Guyana.

Sugar Estate closes

It all came to a clash when the sugar estates were closed despite recorded video evidence of AFC PNC campaigning that the sugar estates were important to the economy and they will remain open after the election. As everyone knows, killing the sugar estates meant Destroying the lives of Indo Guyanese. Granger and Moses with the support of Ramjattan closed the sugar estate without consultation with other AFC MP's and thus created tremendous hardships for Indos who were left hungry, and could no longer afford to send their children to school.

PPP wins a Landslide 


LGE was announced and PPP won a landslide of over 25,000 votes. Jagdeo pounded on a opportunity to hold a very weak and deceitful PNC accountable for their wicked action and acts of racism but he dididnt have the single vote necessary to topple the PNC. In the meanwhile, Charrandas witnessed hardships of the people who elected him and could no longer tolerate the actions of the PNC wing of APNU propped up and supported by Moses and Ramjattan who became increasing unpopular in their own home towns.

Jagdeo tables NCV and topples APNU


Moses mocked and challenged Jagdeo who later would later take the PNC by surprise and table a NCV vote in Parliament. Moses in the meanwhile, didn't even consult with or met with APNU MP's to discuss the vote as Jagdeo laid the trap. Charrandas would vote in favour of the motion and topple the wicked and racist PNC. APNU were stunned and accepted defeat and promised a peaceful transition.

Granger who increasingly acted like a dictator refused to vacate office despite losing a NCV and refused to call election insisting that 32>33. Without getting into too many details, this case eventually ended up at CCJ which later ruled the NCV valid and Patterson's appointment as illegal.

Granger continued to squat in office, refused to hold elections and it was until PPP lobbied ABC that Granger decided to hold elections while they illegally ordered House to House registration. They used every single trick in the book to violate and rape the constitution.

History will not be kid to Granger, Moses and Ramjattan. They will be scorned by Historians.

A cloud of rigging hangs over Guyana today


Anyway, we are here today. A cloud of rigging and voter suppression hangs over this election.

This is a chance for not only Indo Guyanese but all Guyanese to end what Ravi Dave described as Bullshit. We all sit on the edge of our seats, PPP is poised to win and with a history of PNC post election violence, we pray for the safety of Guyanese and their businesses at the hands of violent PNC thugs.


The world is watching, Observers are watching, our nation bleeds under Granger, Moses and Ramjattan as the constitution remains raped and violated.


Written by Sean the man. Sean is a Conservative Commentator and Opposes all forms of dictatorships and left wing policies. His most watched and read viewpoints can be seen posted at GNI. 


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Hey hey wukking class and rural and poor Indos lose if Granger or Jagdoe win. De winner go be blackman whether dem party win or no. But na fret...yuh go gat wan handful super dooper rich Indos and ayoo go beat ayoo chess all de time foh throw word pon blackman dat ayoo superior...while de majority of ayoo mattie get wite mout and berry berry. Hey hey hey...PPP gat to pay blackman foh run Guyana. Dem na go gat nuff money leff foh poor coolies. But dem go still gat enough foh fatten de pocket of dem handful frens and family...hey hey hey. 

Abie pan tap!!! Hey hey hey...


WE ARE hours away from Guyana’s modern-day ‘Mother of all Elections’, the 2020 Regional and General Elections. These are the elections that will herald in Guyana’s development, in the context of the wealth of natural resources the country has right now and building upon the past 50 years of the cooperative developmental trajectory envisioned.

For more than a year, I have been holding my breath, waiting for tomorrow’s Regional and General elections. On that fateful December 21, 2018, I was there in the Parliamentary chambers. I was there when the first “yes” was said and my colleagues and I didn’t even realise the gravity of what was about to unfold until the second “yes” (well, the second set of “yesses”) were said so strongly.


The police and soldier has step up patrol along the Corentyne river to block and arrest  anyone using the back track route who is coming over to vote.

Boat owners has step up to offer rides to voters from  Barticia Leguan Wakeman charity to Parika. PPPC is using social media to their advantage appealing to voters to call them if they need transportation for voting. 

The last minute desperation from GECOM to reduce polling places, block the Suriname Border and cancel Ferry crossing has, drawn massive support and solidarity from Supporters. 

Jagdeo started his day from Berbice , making whistle stops in villages, while Brigadier Mark Phillips and former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds took East Bank. Irfaan took the Parika route. 


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Bai Base, while it’s important for third parties to participate, this election is different and even journalists are indicating that they may not garner seats if any at all. AFC shattered Guyanese faith in third parties. 

Elections do have surprises though and let’s see what the final results reveal. 

Last edited by Former Member

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