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I was never surprised by the lies and false accusations.  I was surprised by how the electorate believed the lies that were told.  It was the brainwashing of the weak.  Like leading lambs to the slaughter.   This will be a lesson well learned and the under thirty crowd will hopefully never make the same mistake again.  If their parents didn't tell them, now they know.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

I was never surprised by the lies and false accusations.  I was surprised by how the electorate believed the lies that were told.  It was the brainwashing of the weak.  Like leading lambs to the slaughter.   This will be a lesson well learned and the under thirty crowd will hopefully never make the same mistake again.  If their parents didn't tell them, now they know.

The coalition and government spins those lies so many times, that they themselves believe it.


Now to bring the proof, they are shitting their pants. No proof are forth coming neither any one is going to jail.

 The PPP was the same they did not brought anyone of the PNC members to Justice,and Some
of them are in this Government right now.



Seems like the walking dead PNC/AFC are incompetent to bring anyone to justice after six months? 


Also seems like all these accusations are just accusations.


The PNC/AFC have now become a laughing stock of the entire world.


Wasting money with no tangible evidence.


Granger is incompetent and surrounded himself with incompetents. He campaigned on PPP corruption and spend $$millions on forensic audits and commission of inquiries without any accountability of taxpayers money.  Money is plentiful to full their pockets, but the Treasury in empty to give the sugar workers a raise. Moses said they must wait like dogs for the bones.
Originally Posted by asj:



Seems like the walking dead PNC/AFC are incompetent to bring anyone to justice after six months? 


Also seems like all these accusations are just accusations.


The PNC/AFC have now become a laughing stock of the entire world.


Wasting money with no tangible evidence.

We must NEVER forget that Burnham's and Hoyte's Man Adam Harris is the head of Glen Lall's tabloid newspaper.


KN's Head Adam Harris was responsible for spreading misinformation in Burnham's New Nation.


Lall and Adam Harris spread lies and misinformation about the PPP to a point where people started to believe the lies. Adam Harris is an OLD PNC man who wanted the Burnhamites back in office.


The PPP was not perfect and did make mistakes but compare the 23 year PPP to a corrupt and clueless six month old PNC and you can get the big picture of what Guyanese, especially Indos have to face with them being the victims of alleged ethnic cleansing and violent crimes.


Guyana is headed to destruction under PNC part 2.


Pray for our country since Two Indos pulled off the biggest con job in Guyana's political history and they are now feeding at the trough.


Pigamottoo's fat is starting to show as he bleeds the poor.


Who gave out the large contracts again ? You guessed it right. One fat piggy did.


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