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What happened to the Diplomatic Corps?

Kaieteur News – Where is the Diplomatic Corps resident in Guyana today? What happened to its once very visible, very vocal members from the still mighty North America, the once mighty United Kingdom, the hoping-to-be mighty one day European Union, and the way less-than-mighty Organization of American States? Were those extraordinary envoys all expelled from Guyana’s shores?
From the evidence, it would appear that a bag of feared and marauding cats bit their tongues today and every day since they got their rewards, realized electoral objectives. Undoubtedly, that would be their own secret ones, the real ones that have absolutely nothing to do with democracy in Guyana. They were at once anywhere and everywhere, be it GECOM confines, or the now infamous Ashmin’s Building, or in the middle of the babble from Guyana’s airwaves.
A lot of it sounded good back then in those five months, but now that reality has returned to Guyana, all the stalwarts of the intervening diplomatic corps have disappeared.

Like Carthusian monks, they have retreated to their comforting monasteries and obey the vows of the self-imposed silence that they now find convenient to exhibit. The Americans and Canadians and Europeans and the well-named OAS (there is no place for ‘Latin’ in there, which reinforces whose business and priorities come first) did not give a damn about interfering in Guyana’s internal affairs, or observing the conventions demanded by its sovereignty.But today, all of them are immovable sticklers for adhering to both letter and spirit of what internal affairs and national sovereignty are all about. Now that they got what they wanted, they weave these tangled webs that are best served by funereal silence. Pious, they struggle clumsily to be, through the pathetic hypocrisies of hands off and stoic non-interference.

Well, the members of the diplomatic corps resident have much to be pleased about, the results of their governance groundwork and handiwork from the period December 2018 to August 2020. With now perfect vision, all citizens should be able to appreciate that the identification with, and pursuit of resolutions to ease, the cataclysmic plights of Guyanese were all about their interests, foreign objectives.
There was the Exxon retreat and eventual surrender by the PPP/C government. There was the US Secretary of State’s visit and his bag of goodies carried away (Exxon is not the biggest beneficiary of Guyana’s leadership idiocy).
And there was the recent arrival of Greeks (make that American commercial interests) bringing US$200B in gifts.

Like Troy of yore, PPP/C leaders did give up on Guyanese civilization, and all for the electoral gift horse looked in the mouth. The Americans came to draw first blood; the Europeans are on the way; and the neighbours in the OAS can’t wait to get a sweet, succulent piece of Guyana.The PPP/C has done well with its kowtowing and bargaining of the welfare of this country. Unfortunately, citizens have not done as well. They get a few handouts (welcomed, to be sure), but the whole oil plantation has gone abegging with nothing to show for it.
Recall that the Diplomatic Corps was all about transparency, democracy and honesty during Guyana’s elections. Those were good things. Its members could go one step further and do still better today by manifesting some ethical equivalency, through pressing for oil transparency (oil blocks) and contract democracy (Exxon and partners) and leadership honesty (governance integrity).
The lack of these elements will only confirm the studied hypocrisy of the Diplomatic Corps following orders (like you know who back in the 1930s and 1940s) from leaders in the home front.

The Diplomatic Corps, to maintain an even keel, must weigh in and contribute to the conversation on Success squatters and their treatment. The Diplomatic Corps must register its collective voice, through the appearance of lack of bias, by condemning the continuing racial pogroms occurring in the Guyana public service, which flourishes under the flag of ‘political appointees.’ The Diplomatic Corps was energetic and effusive in the pursuit of so-called electoral democracy for the longest while and in the strongest terms. The Diplomatic Corps has gone too far, interfered too much, to turn back now. Anytime it does so today, it embodies terrible deceits and condones dangerous practices.

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The foreign diplomatic core is not running the country. They did their jobs in restoring democracy to the country.  The success-squatters is the responsibility of the Regional government. 

There was the recent arrival of Greeks (make that American commercial interests) bringing US$200B in gifts. (promissory notes)

The PPP/C has done well with its' bargaining chips (oil and gas reserves).


Diplomats in other countries are to assist with development, observe and report and not get involved with internal political affairs.

They are all reined in because they overstepped their bounds in the last GY election and got involved in Guyana internal politics, when their mandate was to remain neutral.  Their job function does NOT allow them to restore democracy in a foreign country, this is the responsibility of the local officials and voters.

As the PPP did with Skeldon factory, fibre cable and other failed projects. Its already starting to show how the PPP is screwing up the oil find for Guyana citizens. They lack experience in dealing with it themselves and too arrogant to ask for help.       

@Tola posted:

As the PPP did with Skeldon factory, fibre cable and other failed projects. Its already starting to show how the PPP is screwing up the oil find for Guyana citizens. They lack experience in dealing with it themselves and too arrogant to ask for help.       

That is irrelevant. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

That is irrelevant.

Irrelevant !!  When the diplomatic corps wrongfully intervened in Guyana's internal politics. Thus allowing the PPP to do as they always did. Continue with failed kickback projects and screwing their voters.

This was the Barrat goal from the start. Put a puppet in place, then sit on the president's chair.   

@Tola posted:

Irrelevant !!  When the diplomatic corps wrongfully intervened in Guyana's internal politics. Thus allowing the PPP to do as they always did. Continue with failed kickback projects and screwing their voters.

This was the Barrat goal from the start. Put a puppet in place, then sit on the president's chair.   

That wasn't the conversation.  Please stick to the topic.

@Ramakant-P posted:

That wasn't the conversation.  Please stick to the topic.

It is related to the conversation. The PPP manipulated the diplomatic corps of something they were not mandated to do, they intervened in Guyana politics. Ask the Barrat to tell Trump what to do and see how fast his ass get kicked.   

@Tola posted:

It is related to the conversation. The PPP manipulated the diplomatic corps of something they were not mandated to do, they intervened in Guyana politics. Ask the Barrat to tell Trump what to do and see how fast his ass get kicked.   

Well! That is water under the bridge. Whatever they did in the past stays in the past.  The PPP won the elections and they are running the country.

I will direct you to the PPP 2020 manifesto that they are busy taking care of. If you don't like it, then lump it. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

Well! That is water under the bridge. Whatever they did in the past stays in the past.  The PPP won the elections and they are running the country.

I will direct you to the PPP 2020 manifesto that they are busy taking care of. If you don't like it, then lump it.

It might benefit you to remember the past, before it comes back and bit you where you don't expect it. Unfortunately, that is the problem with the PPP. They keep doing things that failed, but expect a different result.

What is the PPP manifesto has to do with diplomats intervening in Guyana's election ? Lumpo. 

@Tola posted:

It might benefit you to remember the past, before it comes back and bit you where you don't expect it. Unfortunately, that is the problem with the PPP. They keep doing things that failed, but expect a different result.

What is the PPP manifesto has to do with diplomats intervening in Guyana's election ? Lumpo.

That's Rama's MO. When cornered, he goes off at a tangent or try to change the conversation.

@Tola posted:

It might benefit you to remember the past, before it comes back and bit you where you don't expect it. Unfortunately, that is the problem with the PPP. They keep doing things that failed, but expect a different result.

What is the PPP manifesto has to do with diplomats intervening in Guyana's election ? Lumpo.

The PPP manifesto tells you how they are going to improve foreign service.

What the PPP did in the past and what they are doing now are two different things.  I see nothing in the past 3 months that failed.

I now have to ask you to compare the last 3 months with the last five years of PNC rule. You are so naive and senile you can't see past your nose.  There are about 20 projects that the PPP initiated in the last 3 months that you and other cynics are already denying.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP manifesto tells you how they are going to improve foreign service.

What the PPP did in the past and what they are doing now are two different things.  I see nothing in the past 3 months that failed.

I now have to ask you to compare the last 3 months with the last five years of PNC rule. You are so naive and senile you can't see past your nose.  There are about 20 projects that the PPP initiated in the last 3 months that you and other cynics are already denying.

The PPP 2020 manifesto has nothing to do with how the diplomatic corps  interfered with Guyana's election. So don't even bring it up regarding this  discussion. They all went beyond their mandate as foreign powers and got involved into another country political affairs.

You keep talking from your ass, but changing the subject. Keep it straight.  When the diplomats got involved in Guyana politics, the PPP was not the government.

Also, if the PPP is so good at initiating 20 projects and the 3500 from their previous government, list them. Don't forget to include the Skeldon factory, fibre cable with Ramotar's son and Marriott hotel with exclusive Chinese labourers. As PPP unemployed workers were thrown to the dogs.   

Last edited by Tola
@Tola posted:

The PPP 2020 manifesto has nothing to do with how the diplomatic corps  interfered with Guyana's election. So don't even bring it up regarding this  discussion. They all went beyond their mandate as foreign powers and got involved into another country political affairs.

You keep talking from your ass, but changing the subject. Keep it straight.  When the diplomats got involved in Guyana politics, the PPP was not the government.

Also, if the PPP is so good at initiating 20 projects and the 3500 from their previous government, list them. Don't forget to include the Skeldon factory, fibre cable with Ramotar's son and Marriott hotel with exclusive Chinese labourers. As PPP unemployed workers were thrown to the dogs.   

I already listed them.  What happens to the diplomatic corps is not your business.   


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