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Is Anil Nandlall the next Cheddi Jagan?Print
Wednesday, 12 December 2012 20:31

‘COMETH the hour cometh the man’ is how the old saying goes, as desperate times hit Guyana on a political level, the landscape is now more complex than ever and political warfare is at its peak, but for a single man to brave the storm and take on his enemies, beat them in a convincing fashion and continues to stand up to a callous political opposition is beyond amazing.   Like the great Jagan used the law book to send a message to the illegal PNC government back when he was Leader of the Opposition, the same way the honourable Attorney-General has used the same books to fight his battle. When the Guyana Cricket Board was on the brink of destruction the AG went to the courts to save this institution that has been entrusted with the right to govern cricket in Guyana. 
He won there and saved the GCB. When the combined opposition became power drunk and attempted to use their one-seat majority to destroy the budget and destabilise the government, the AG went to the High Court and won there again.
More recently, when baseless allegations were levlled against the Honourable Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Clement Rohee, the one man that stood like a pillar in the sky to defend his comrade was the AG. Not only did he extinguish all their propaganda, but called their bluffs and onto today not one member of the Opposition can substantiate their claims. Nandlall was vindicated in weeks, how apt.
But success does not come without jealousy. It never did and it never will. History has repeated itself, just as how Burnham was jealous of Jagan’s success and betrayed the PPP, certain opposition members tried to pull every string available to tarnish the AG’s reputation.
One high-profile member of the smallest party tried to fight Mr. Nandlall over the cricket issue, after he had been embarrassed and people realised he was talking sheer garbage, the embarrassed politician then sent one of his minions to fight his battles. Needless to say, she wasn’t too bright and her nonsensical arguments were quickly demolished. 
One of the many feathers in Nandlall’s cap has to be the exposure of the well known ‘traitor’. The AG showed the entire nation his true colours, and onto today he nor his colleague who were the intellectual authors of the Agricola fiasco can respond to AG Nandlall. One of them buried their head in the sand somewhere and hasn’t resurfaced yet. The other tried all sorts of desperate tactics to control the damage.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Lacking the intellectual capacity and the courage to engage the AG, this gentleman sent his very own daughter on social media websites to appeal to people emotionally. Brilliant political strategy I must say, but desperate nonetheless. After that had failed, he subjected the nation to his atrocious singing skills, on national television too! 
Not only could he not pronounce the words of the song properly, but he re-arranged the words at his own will, “oh Nandlall ah” was one of my all time favourites, until he sang it. 
Jealousy and hate will always exist in the political battleground, but greatness,a clean heart and the ability to think clearly in times of turmoil is as rare as magic itself.
Look at how the AG has fought his battles and look at how the Opposition fight theirs.  The AG goes to the national assembly and lobbies and if that don’t work he moves to the High Court. The opposition, on the other hand, gives the government an ultimatum and if that doesn’t work they take to the streets for mass violent protest and tell the nation “we don’t want peace”. Well we all knew that.
It’s not that the AG cannot behave like them; it’s that he chooses not to behave like them. The respect and love Minister Nandlall has amongst Guyanese is second to none and jealous by all, including me. 
He can go on TV and say “let’s protest” and 50,000 people will take to the streets in less than an hour, but his superior intellect does not allow that. Like his idol Dr. Cheddi  Jagan, he prefers to conduct his business in a non-violent, democratic manner,as a true leader should. Guyana is blessed to have such a great leader. Maybe the next Jagan is here already, and fighting the never-ending battle for the betterment  of the entire country.


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Are these Guys in the Jagdeo regime for real?



Do they really know how Cheddi Jagan worked with the people and for the people?


If one is to examine Cheddi life, he lived modestly, does not have a Swiss Bank account, died with little.  He never got beaten up in a rum shop, fallen down in a rum shop or get butt slapped by a past Attorney General.


Cheddi Jagan never got fetched out of a rum shop,  Cheddi Jagan never defrauded the State for duty free concession by claiming he is a chicken farmer up the Linden Highway and needed concession for a Prado.  Cheddi never loan his wife to his friend for a night because he had issues in that department because the rum kill the boy?


Cheddi was a good man who was truly dedicated to his people, all Guyanese.


Look what Cheddi's name has descended to?  SMH.


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