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Former Member

Peepin in from India. Will be back soon.


To all of my supporters, thanks for voting for me.


To those who opposed my political views:


Being a moderator means being impartial. If elected, I will take off my PPP political hat and be impartial. I hold no grudges and want to be a part of the change that is currently being proposed by Admin.


I pledge to be Fair, I am a strong supporter of freedom of speech and will not in any way interfere with or oppose your political views.


I will be pragmatic.


I will be neutral and objective and will not participate in your discussions or share my own views with regards to your views. I will only intervene if your posts are in violation of Forum rules and will execrice that option with great consideration before doing so.


I will encourage discussion and participation. I will listen to your objections and suggestions.


Yuji as a moderator will be a different that the Yuji as a poster.


I look forward to working with Ray as a team. Together we can make GNI a forum where Guyanese politicans can finally listen to the views and opinions of ALL Guyanese.


My hope is that we can also increase our membership at this forum. Thanks for considering me as your moderator.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

I've already voted for Raymond.

In no way, shape or form could I vote for that yuji22.

As a known bigot against chamars, the AFC and the PNC, and as an unrepentant apologist of the corrupt PPP/C regime, yuji22 doesn't qualify for the post of Moderator.

Yuji22's promise to bring balance and fairness is as hollow as a dry bamboo.

I've already given concrete examples of Rev's nasty name-calling on this board. yuji22 is Rev's acolyte. He slavishly copied and spouted Rev's Cuffy nonsense. He called PPP critics on this board "chamars." After I told him that casteism is worse than racism, he began attaching a nonsensical phrase about leather workers to the word chamar.

yuji22 falsely called me a PNC stooge.

yuji22's last posts before embarking on his "religious" activities ended with this stinking racial note: "PPP until I die

No Cuffy will ever rule Guyana again."

I say a loud NO to yuji22 and urge members to reject him.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Yuji as a moderator will be a different that the Yuji as a poster.


* Excellent job selling yourself yuji.


* If the Rev were doing the hiring---you'd get the job.


* By the way I wrote a recommendation for you in the raymond/yuji thread.


* Hope you know as moderator---you'll have to refrain from getting into arguments with fellow posters----you can only engage in discussions.


* I wish you well yuji. Hopefully amral will appoint both you and raymond.


* He can always fire you if you don't live up to the lofty promises you have made.






It reduces to the simple fact we Know Raymond. He is a real person and the person that posts here is not different from the real person. He has been posting for over a decade, is universally liked and in that time has never uttered a bigoted phrase . Yugi is an alias, a new comer, and a self centered racist and religious caste conscious fool


Raymond does not have to promise anything. We know his promise. He does not have to say he has a dual personality and the one that posts here is going to be different from the one that will moderate. We know the ying  and the yang of Raymond and it has all been good.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Peepin in from India. Will be back soon.


To all of my supporters, thanks for voting for me.


To those who opposed my political views:


Being a moderator means being impartial. If elected, I will take off my PPP political hat and be impartial. I hold no grudges and want to be a part of the change that is currently being proposed by Admin.


I pledge to be Fair, I am a strong supporter of freedom of speech and will not in any way interfere with or oppose your political views.


I will be pragmatic.


I will be neutral and objective and will not participate in your discussions or share my own views with regards to your views. I will only intervene if your posts are in violation of Forum rules and will execrice that option with great consideration before doing so.


I will encourage discussion and participation. I will listen to your objections and suggestions.


Yuji as a moderator will be a different that the Yuji as a poster.


I look forward to working with Ray as a team. Together we can make GNI a forum where Guyanese politicans can finally listen to the views and opinions of ALL Guyanese.


My hope is that we can also increase our membership at this forum. Thanks for considering me as your moderator.



we will take you out back and shoot you down like a dog

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I've already voted for Raymond.

In no way, shape or form could I vote for that yuji22.

As a known bigot against chamars, the AFC and the PNC, and as an unrepentant apologist of the corrupt PPP/C regime, yuji22 doesn't qualify for the post of Moderator.

Yuji22's promise to bring balance and fairness is as hollow as a dry bamboo.

I've already given concrete examples of Rev's nasty name-calling on this board. yuji22 is Rev's acolyte. He slavishly copied and spouted Rev's Cuffy nonsense. He called PPP critics on this board "chamars." After I told him that casteism is worse than racism, he began attaching a nonsensical phrase about leather workers to the word chamar.

yuji22 falsely called me a PNC stooge.

yuji22's last posts before embarking on his "religious" activities ended with this stinking racial note: "PPP until I die

No Cuffy will ever rule Guyana again."

I say a loud NO to yuji22 and urge members to reject him.

I say no to Yugi22. He is an alias. I think, I know who he is. Just waiting for a confirmation. He lied when he claimed he is of the Brahmin caste. He is a congenital racist and an incorrigible liar and lacks resilience.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I've already voted for Raymond.

In no way, shape or form could I vote for that yuji22.

As a known bigot against chamars, the AFC and the PNC, and as an unrepentant apologist of the corrupt PPP/C regime, yuji22 doesn't qualify for the post of Moderator.

Yuji22's promise to bring balance and fairness is as hollow as a dry bamboo.

I've already given concrete examples of Rev's nasty name-calling on this board. yuji22 is Rev's acolyte. He slavishly copied and spouted Rev's Cuffy nonsense. He called PPP critics on this board "chamars." After I told him that casteism is worse than racism, he began attaching a nonsensical phrase about leather workers to the word chamar.

yuji22 falsely called me a PNC stooge.

yuji22's last posts before embarking on his "religious" activities ended with this stinking racial note: "PPP until I die

No Cuffy will ever rule Guyana again."

I say a loud NO to yuji22 and urge members to reject him.

I say no to Yugi22. He is an alias. I think, I know who he is. Just waiting for a confirmation. He lied when he claimed he is of the Brahmin caste. He is a congenital racist and an incorrigible liar and lacks resilience.

yugi22,nehru,REV,skeltonman,gburd,is not fit to be in the human race,in this time and ages these so call people can still be racist.i have no problem with them making comment repsending their party but doing so base on race,it tell me for educated people they are still stupid


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