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Let them fight; it wouldn't be the last. The electoral college cannot vote any different from the media that declared Trump as president elect. In Guyana, the PPP believed that the election was rigged, but Granger swears into office while the PPP still had their case in court. When the PPP took up seats on the opposition a month later, they automatically conceded defeat to Granger. 


Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

What if forensic evidence show that the Russians hacked the political system to ensure a Trump victory?

More importantly, as this information plays out, could this influence the members of the Electoral College, who will be voting soon, to deny Trump the 270 he needs?

Just wondering....

No full exploration of what happened will take a year or so. The electoral college are composed of party hack and they would rather jump off the empire state than vote against their party.

VishMahabir posted:

What if forensic evidence show that the Russians hacked the political system to ensure a Trump victory?

More importantly, as this information plays out, could this influence the members of the Electoral College, who will be voting soon, to deny Trump the 270 he needs?

Just wondering....

No. Trump won. The rednecks will quickly see the error of their ways as we see the emergence of the United States of Trump & Goldman Sachs.

They voted "change" but were too dumb to insist upon knowing what change that Trump had in mind before voting for him.


The Dems should have spent this time analyzing why they lost and ensuring that this doesn't happen in 2018.

Now they will waste time trying to get the electoral college to disrespect the views of those in which states they represent.

Trump won. A huge tragedy, but reflective of an arrogant Democratic party which had to be taught a lesson.

Rich White Liberals need to cease thinking that the rest of us live on their plantation so that they can take our votes for granted rather than earning it.

Clearly a message was sent that didn't respect the fact that many Americans of all races feel left out.  Clearly the Rich White Liberals think that issues concerning transgender bathroom access was more important than addressing the bread and butter needs of the lower middle class.

And the transgender bathroom issue wasn't about those poor "boy/girls" whose gender ambiguity has resulted in much violence towards them.  Its because a celebrity decided to experiment with gender.

VishMahabir posted:

What if forensic evidence show that the Russians hacked the political system to ensure a Trump victory?

More importantly, as this information plays out, could this influence the members of the Electoral College, who will be voting soon, to deny Trump the 270 he needs?

Just wondering....

If that should play out the Russians will intervene.

Chief posted:
VishMahabir posted:

What if forensic evidence show that the Russians hacked the political system to ensure a Trump victory?

More importantly, as this information plays out, could this influence the members of the Electoral College, who will be voting soon, to deny Trump the 270 he needs?

Just wondering....

If that should play out the Russians will intervene.


VishMahabir posted:

What if forensic evidence show that the Russians hacked the political system to ensure a Trump victory?

More importantly, as this information plays out, could this influence the members of the Electoral College, who will be voting soon, to deny Trump the 270 he needs?

Just wondering....

Stop wasting resources wondering.  Wonder about more useful things.  Trump will be sworn in Jan 20.  Hillary lost because she ran a bad campaign, pulled her ads and resources from the places she lost to Trump.  It was not Putin, but arrogance which costs Hillary the election!

Obama anointed Hillary too early.  That prevented a proper Democrat Primary vetting and they paid the price.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Obama never brought out the Black votes for Hilary

yes its evident that you are a PPP slave and so will come out to vote once Jagdeo screams that you have to.

Obama doesn't own blacks. Whether they vote or not is a decision that they as individuals make.

In fact Obama wanted them to vote in the numbers that they did for him. They decided otherwise in 3 Midwest states so Hillary lost. 

Trump will attempt to destroy Obama's legacy so he definitely did NOT want to win.

If you black and Muslim hating bigots didn't run Kari off GNI he would print 20 White House press releases backing my point.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Obama never brought out the Black votes for Hilary

In fact Obama wanted them to vote in the numbers that they did for him. They decided otherwise in 3 Midwest states so Hillary lost. 


Hillary and got the lesson twice, Black will vote for Blacks.  Hillary thought riding Obama's coat-tail will do the trick!

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Obama never brought out the Black votes for Hilary

If you black and Muslim hating bigots didn't run Kari off GNI he would print 20 White House press releases backing my point.

Kari probably pouting and licking his wounds as he feels the sting and disappointment of Black racism.  He ran off because the truth was in his face and he needed a time-out to recoup and reconstitute himself!

Kari always making points, lots of points, but like our own GNI mullah, they are "Blank Points".

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Obama never brought out the Black votes for Hilary

In fact Obama wanted them to vote in the numbers that they did for him. They decided otherwise in 3 Midwest states so Hillary lost. 


Hillary and got the lesson twice, Black will vote for Blacks.  Hillary thought riding Obama's coat-tail will do the trick!

That's not true.  Donald just outsmarted Hillary.  Like Forbes did to Chedi.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

What if forensic evidence show that the Russians hacked the political system to ensure a Trump victory?

More importantly, as this information plays out, could this influence the members of the Electoral College, who will be voting soon, to deny Trump the 270 he needs?

Just wondering....

No. Trump won. The rednecks will quickly see the error of their ways as we see the emergence of the United States of Trump & Goldman Sachs.

They voted "change" but were too dumb to insist upon knowing what change that Trump had in mind before voting for him.


Ramakant-P posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Obama never brought out the Black votes for Hilary

In fact Obama wanted them to vote in the numbers that they did for him. They decided otherwise in 3 Midwest states so Hillary lost. 


Hillary and got the lesson twice, Black will vote for Blacks.  Hillary thought riding Obama's coat-tail will do the trick!

That's not true.  Donald just outsmarted Hillary.  Like Forbes did to Chedi.

Donald Trump may say and do stupid things, but he is a smart man. Democrats was just as surprise as Romney when he lost his second run for president to Obama. Hillary was over confident of winning, like she got a bogus tip on a losing horse at Belmont.   


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