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Former Member

Attorney General & Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall at a press conference following the announcement of Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman’s ruling said he is fortified in his belief that there is indeed a serious conceptual difficulty in understanding the constitutionally defined role of the National Assembly having regard to its functions and responsibilities.
“In our constitution, the court is the final arbiter (judge) of matters of law and in terms of interpreting the constitution…though it is argued that this Chief Justice’s ruling was not a final ruling, in my humble view that does not in any form or fashion, cause that ruling to lose its efficacy…that institution called the judiciary, under our constitutional construct is the final arbiter on what the constitution says and what is means,” the AG explained.
On one hand the court ruled that that in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana, the National Assembly has no power to cut the estimates; while on the other hand, the legislature (National Assembly) proceeded to pronounce that it has the power to cut in face of a court ruling.
Minister Nandlall called that situation “a complete and utter confusion” since the Parliament is saying one thing, while the court, which is the guardian of the constitution, is saying another.
“That is the conundrum that we find ourselves in…the situation will be compounded further if the Chief Justice is to rule finally on this matter…this will be in collision with the pronouncements made by the Speaker…can the executive take the position that it is not going to be bound by the court?” he questioned.

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In brief reactions to the ruling the Leader of the Opposition David Granger and AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan welcomed the decision whileLeader of the House Prime Minister Samuel Hinds stated that the government would abide by it.


Nandalal can jump high and jump low 

from limb to limb,

he is an insignificant monkey...

the 3  Party leaders in Parliament (PPP, APNU & AFC)

have already  issued statements saying.....

they will follow the ruling of the Honorable Speaker.


AG Nandlall: we'll be further in it when the chief justice gives his final ruling on the 2012 case.

Nandlall says as AG he is in a difficult position on how to advise the govt.

Should they follow the Assembly or the court?


Bhai why yuh insisting

to go on the list with den Jack ass????

Sam Hinds say Anil Fail....

eeee is a loser....

Honorable Speaker Trotman is a Winner....

the PPP will have to abide with Trotman Decision.....





losersMinister Ali

Nanda....Ashnee......... Irfan.......Prya







Donald Duck ...........................Jagdeo

Dem Donkey Bray dem belly full....

All we have been hearing from these losers...

are ......Lies, Lies & More Lies

to cover their thiefing...

So you Donkeys ......SHUT UP NOW....

None of you do not change the truth.......


Aya cant cross a lil pool of water 




“In our constitution, the court is the final arbiter (judge) of matters of law and in terms of interpreting the constitution…though it is argued that this Chief Justice’s ruling was not a final ruling, in my humble view that does not in any form or fashion, cause that ruling to lose its efficacy…that institution called the judiciary, under our constitutional construct is the final arbiter on what the constitution says and what is means,” the AG explained.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

“In our constitution, the court is the final arbiter (judge) of matters of law and in terms of interpreting the constitution…though it is argued that this Chief Justice’s ruling was not a final ruling, in my humble view that does not in any form or fashion, cause that ruling to lose its efficacy…that institution called the judiciary, under our constitutional construct is the final arbiter on what the constitution says and what is means,” the AG explained.

One of the most brillant AG in the Caribbean.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

“In our constitution, the court is the final arbiter (judge) of matters of law and in terms of interpreting the constitution…

though it is argued that this Chief Justice’s ruling was not a final ruling, in my humble view that does not in any form or fashion, cause that ruling to lose its efficacy…

(Look how Nehru's most Brilliant AG in the Caribbean admitting he is wrong.)

that institution called the judiciary, under our constitutional construct is the final arbiter on what the constitution says and what is means,” the AG explained.



 "De Lawmakers" .....are the 65 Members of Parliament headed by the Honorable Speaker....FULLSTOP

Parliament..... Make the Laws...

No one person in Guyana or in the World (No Chancellor, No Chief Justice, No Judge, No Magistrate, No Lawyer, No JP, No President, No Prime Minister or No Lil Boy AG.......can Now replace Parliament or Override Parliament  with their Interpition of the Constitution or what it means.....


So now.... 65 Members of Parliament headed by the Honorable Speaker....are capable to make and interpet the laws....the do not need no lill Boy AG ....or no one else.


Again this Lil Bhai AG....needs to be schooled by De Real Big Power AG's (1) Sir Shridat Ramphal and (2) Dr Mohamed Sahabadeen.....about Guyana's Constitution.


One of the Dunces and Drunkest AG's.....Slap up this lil Boy and piss in his Mouth and you want us to respect a peee-drinker.

One of the most brillant AG in the Caribbean. According to Nehru and D_G....

But According to former AG Ramson .....dis chap is a firstclass pee drinker.

Hon. SS Ramphal & Hon. Dr. Mohamed Sahabadeen want to know where Ramotar find this fool from.

Last edited by Former Member

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