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skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

What defines a typical Guyanese? Is it the laissez faire disposition combined with the motivation for success? Is it the enthusiasm for upbeat music - reggae, calypso, soca, chutney, Indian? It can't be physical attributes, only be behavioral.

A simple down to earth human being who believes in helping his fellow human being. We were not all born with the same ability to battle through daily life on our own. This my opinion only.

So, a shitta-batty lil bai who jump and call people "typical Guyanese" with intent to be derogatory, should get two bax?

antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

What defines a typical Guyanese? Is it the laissez faire disposition combined with the motivation for success? Is it the enthusiasm for upbeat music - reggae, calypso, soca, chutney, Indian? It can't be physical attributes, only be behavioral.

A simple down to earth human being who believes in helping his fellow human being. We were not all born with the same ability to battle through daily life on our own. This my opinion only.

So, a shitta-batty lil bai who jump and call people "typical Guyanese" with intent to be derogatory, should get two bax?

We can all use a couple of baxes sometimes to set us straight. I always believe we should first work hard for a living and if we need a handout or a hand up, we should ask for help. I have offered help to many Guyanese without looking back for any favors. I might just have some strong opinions of people of ALL races and ethnicities. No hatred though.

VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:
VishMahabir posted:

me...a person of color...and of mixed blood...we gon show yall de way forward...

So you are wan cross breed?

"cross breed"?? meaning? 

Naw...we the rainbow...we tekkin ova de world too...

...the more Afro and Indo intermarry the merrier...for the record, we are the fastest growing population in Guyana...both Indo and Afro in decline...known fact...ask Django to show you the census...

You got kids?...teach them not to be re racist...

And yet your bias towards Indians is obvious.  Does the Afro side of your family illtreat you?  Quick as you are to discuss how Indos are abused by the PNC or the Coalition you are loathe to discuss the abusiveness of the PPP towards blacks.


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