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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

This long term. I think we need to start in the schools teaching the children about the cultures of the other races and instill respect for one another regardless of ethnicity.

Lack of RESPECT is huge in Guyana.

In some western countries, little respect for each other, like holding doors open or allowing a person to go first, builds community and this takes so little effort.

In Guyana people are taken back by this simple courtesy, but its a start.   


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

This long term. I think we need to start in the schools teaching the children about the cultures of the other races and instill respect for one another regardless of ethnicity.

Better yet, start in the homes, in the places of worship, in the political parties.  It will be difficult to change the older generation. Guyana need visionary leaders who can look beyond ethnicity, religious beliefs and gender, and promote continuously what it mean to be Guyanese. I am thankful for all my friends while I was growing up in Guyana, they were of every race. We respected each other and we had a great times together .

Originally Posted by BGMAN:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

This long term. I think we need to start in the schools teaching the children about the cultures of the other races and instill respect for one another regardless of ethnicity.

Better yet, start in the homes, in the places of worship, in the political parties.  It will be difficult to change the older generation. Guyana need visionary leaders who can look beyond ethnicity, religious beliefs and gender, and promote continuously what it mean to be Guyanese. I am thankful for all my friends while I was growing up in Guyana, they were of every race. We respected each other and we had a great times together .

It will only as long as the Afros are on top.  Other than that, is mo Fyah slo Fyah.  Burn c00lies at the stake.

Originally Posted by Tola:

With the present situation in Guyana, with a coalition  government and 49% the population voted for the opposition.

What do you see as a solution. Do you think the APNU-AFC coalition can  unite the nation, by convincing the PPP to work with them and how ?

You really want a permanent solution, bai?

Coolie man must love black ooman, black man must love chinee and putagee woman, Amerindian man must love coolie woman, and anything in between.

In short, douglarization is the sure way to national unity.

APNU+AFC+PPP collaboration is tantamount to political expediency, fragile unity.

Originally Posted by BGMAN:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

This long term. I think we need to start in the schools teaching the children about the cultures of the other races and instill respect for one another regardless of ethnicity.

Better yet, start in the homes, in the places of worship, in the political parties.  It will be difficult to change the older generation. Guyana need visionary leaders who can look beyond ethnicity, religious beliefs and gender, and promote continuously what it mean to be Guyanese. I am thankful for all my friends while I was growing up in Guyana, they were of every race. We respected each other and we had a great times together .

Same here. I am thankful too that I grew up with friends who were of mix races. We were a happy bunch of upstarts. We never had any issues, especially that of race. even  today as matured adults with families of our own we're still close like when we were teenagers. This is the way it should be, but I understand not everyone is this fortunate.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:

With the present situation in Guyana, with a coalition  government and 49% the population voted for the opposition.

What do you see as a solution. Do you think the APNU-AFC coalition can  unite the nation, by convincing the PPP to work with them and how ?

You really want a permanent solution, bai?

Coolie man must love black ooman, black man must love chinee and putagee woman, Amerindian man must love coolie woman, and anything in between.

In short, douglarization is the sure way to national unity.

APNU+AFC+PPP collaboration is tantamount to political expediency, fragile unity.

A Woodstock Guyana in the Rupununi savannahs for APNU+AFC+PPP collaboration might be the solution.

Free booze and free sex for the douglarization  of Guyana.  

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGMAN:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

This long term. I think we need to start in the schools teaching the children about the cultures of the other races and instill respect for one another regardless of ethnicity.

Better yet, start in the homes, in the places of worship, in the political parties.  It will be difficult to change the older generation. Guyana need visionary leaders who can look beyond ethnicity, religious beliefs and gender, and promote continuously what it mean to be Guyanese. I am thankful for all my friends while I was growing up in Guyana, they were of every race. We respected each other and we had a great times together .

It will only as long as the Afros are on top.  Other than that, is mo Fyah slo Fyah.  Burn c00lies at the stake.

Baseman, you might be surprised to know, this  discussion was originally titled  ...BASEMAN AND OTHERS...


We both know people in GY who put a lot of effort into build lives [at HL], I  am really surprised at your response.


Lets drop Burnham  and Jagan and what they did to Guyana, how do we go foreword from here ? 


There is more mixing now.

The Cadet Corps will help.

As long as Coalition is sensitive to diversity and representation

(in which it has failed the test already), things will go well.


If Granger is swayed by the OLD PNC, national unity will be wishful thinking.


Granger must go out of his way to show diversity or he would lose those crossover Indians.


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