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Govt. brings ‘plagiarized’ amendment to Inquest Laws

January 15, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

…Ramjattan asks Opposition, “What’s wrong with cut and paste…?”

By Kiana Wilburg
The mudslinging was in full effect yesterday, as Members of the National Assembly argued at length on

Attorney General, Basil Williams

Attorney General,
Basil Williams

Government’s proposed amendment to the Coroners Act. The Opposition not only contended that the Bill be sent to a special select committee, but contended that Government’s “so called amendment” is a “cut and paste” section of the Coroners Act of Trinidad and Tobago.

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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Govt. brings ‘plagiarized’ amendment to Inquest Laws

January 15, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

…Ramjattan asks Opposition, “What’s wrong with cut and paste…?”

By Kiana Wilburg
The mudslinging was in full effect yesterday, as Members of the National Assembly argued at length on

Attorney General, Basil Williams

Attorney General,
Basil Williams

Government’s proposed amendment to the Coroners Act. The Opposition not only contended that the Bill be sent to a special select committee, but contended that Government’s “so called amendment” is a “cut and paste” section of the Coroners Act of Trinidad and Tobago.

Looks as though Mits is their Adviser, he is the teacher of the trade.


They are so busy with Independence celebrations they don't have time for real work.  It looks like they waited last minute, ran out of time, and just copied the Coroners Act of Trinidad of Tobago.  Because they had it on the agenda to present to Parliament and would have looked silly if they showed up empty handed.

Bibi Haniffa

Ramjattan learned "cut and paste" from the PPP. Long before the personal computer reached Guyana, I witnessed a lot of cut-and-paste activities in Freedom House. The comrades were physically cutting out passages from newspapers and magazines, stapling or pasting them on to their draft statements, reports or resolutions, and then passing on to the typist for the finished product. True story.


The coalition is a cut and paste copy cat government. This is shameful that they paid themselves big salaries and they can't be original. This is one more reason to show their incompetence. The same thing happened with the LGE bill when the PPP requested to scrutinize the bill. The incompetents said there is no time and the bill must pass to have election December 2015. The coalition cannot be trusted. They're all a bunch of liars.

Gilbakka posted:

Ramjattan learned "cut and paste" from the PPP. Long before the personal computer reached Guyana, I witnessed a lot of cut-and-paste activities in Freedom House. The comrades were physically cutting out passages from newspapers and magazines, stapling or pasting them on to their draft statements, reports or resolutions, and then passing on to the typist for the finished product. True story.

Lol.  Is it too late in the year to award Gilbakka - Fluffmaster of the Year?  This comment is an act of desperation.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Ramjattan learned "cut and paste" from the PPP. Long before the personal computer reached Guyana, I witnessed a lot of cut-and-paste activities in Freedom House. The comrades were physically cutting out passages from newspapers and magazines, stapling or pasting them on to their draft statements, reports or resolutions, and then passing on to the typist for the finished product. True story.

Lol.  Is it too late in the year to award Gilbakka - Fluffmaster of the Year?  This comment is an act of desperation.

Bibi, I have one more true story for you. In 1974, GAWU was still an unrecognized trade union. After leaving my civil service workplace in the afternoons, I was volunteering my time at GAWU which was occupying a small building west of GIMPEX in those days. I was helping them to draft news releases and do other paper work.

One day when I visited Freedom House, Dr Cheddi Jagan handed me a small booklet, the Constitution of the All Trinidad Sugar and General Workers' Union. He told me to read it, compare it with GAWU's constitution, and suggest whether we could incorporate some clauses from the ATSGWU document into the GAWU constitution.

I did as he requested, circled the clauses that I thought could be used, and returned the booklet to him. He promised to discuss it with GAWU President Harry Lall and General Secretary Maccie Hamid. The plan was to update GAWU's constitution in time for the union's next congress. 

I never got a copy of the updated document so I cannot say whether any of the ATSGWU's clauses were used verbatim. What I can tell you for sure is that Cheddi Jagan liked to use "models" as he called them, ie official reports and documents from other countries, to get ideas for his political work. Nothing is wrong with that.


Bibi getting schooled in a bad way. Poor Bibi sent here to run interference is faring poorly.  I wonder if she is a former African ghost writer from the chronicle? You know Trotz or King.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Ramjattan learned "cut and paste" from the PPP. Long before the personal computer reached Guyana, I witnessed a lot of cut-and-paste activities in Freedom House. The comrades were physically cutting out passages from newspapers and magazines, stapling or pasting them on to their draft statements, reports or resolutions, and then passing on to the typist for the finished product. True story.

Lol.  Is it too late in the year to award Gilbakka - Fluffmaster of the Year?  This comment is an act of desperation.

Bibi, I have one more true story for you. In 1974, GAWU was still an unrecognized trade union. After leaving my civil service workplace in the afternoons, I was volunteering my time at GAWU which was occupying a small building west of GIMPEX in those days. I was helping them to draft news releases and do other paper work.

One day when I visited Freedom House, Dr Cheddi Jagan handed me a small booklet, the Constitution of the All Trinidad Sugar and General Workers' Union. He told me to read it, compare it with GAWU's constitution, and suggest whether we could incorporate some clauses from the ATSGWU document into the GAWU constitution.

I did as he requested, circled the clauses that I thought could be used, and returned the booklet to him. He promised to discuss it with GAWU President Harry Lall and General Secretary Maccie Hamid. The plan was to update GAWU's constitution in time for the union's next congress. 

I never got a copy of the updated document so I cannot say whether any of the ATSGWU's clauses were used verbatim. What I can tell you for sure is that Cheddi Jagan liked to use "models" as he called them, ie official reports and documents from other countries, to get ideas for his political work. Nothing is wrong with that.

And after Brer Anancy shoot Brer Rabbit. What happened?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Ramjattan learned "cut and paste" from the PPP. Long before the personal computer reached Guyana, I witnessed a lot of cut-and-paste activities in Freedom House. The comrades were physically cutting out passages from newspapers and magazines, stapling or pasting them on to their draft statements, reports or resolutions, and then passing on to the typist for the finished product. True story.

Lol.  Is it too late in the year to award Gilbakka - Fluffmaster of the Year?  This comment is an act of desperation.

Bibi, I have one more true story for you. In 1974, GAWU was still an unrecognized trade union. After leaving my civil service workplace in the afternoons, I was volunteering my time at GAWU which was occupying a small building west of GIMPEX in those days. I was helping them to draft news releases and do other paper work.

One day when I visited Freedom House, Dr Cheddi Jagan handed me a small booklet, the Constitution of the All Trinidad Sugar and General Workers' Union. He told me to read it, compare it with GAWU's constitution, and suggest whether we could incorporate some clauses from the ATSGWU document into the GAWU constitution.

I did as he requested, circled the clauses that I thought could be used, and returned the booklet to him. He promised to discuss it with GAWU President Harry Lall and General Secretary Maccie Hamid. The plan was to update GAWU's constitution in time for the union's next congress. 

I never got a copy of the updated document so I cannot say whether any of the ATSGWU's clauses were used verbatim. What I can tell you for sure is that Cheddi Jagan liked to use "models" as he called them, ie official reports and documents from other countries, to get ideas for his political work. Nothing is wrong with that.

And after Brer Anancy shoot Brer Rabbit. What happened?

Wait lil bit, Granger looking into it now. 


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