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Donald Trump as President will be more Obama III than Bush/Cheney III and here’s why.

Trump’s vacuousness will be contested for by three forces – (i) his kids, (ii) Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell, and (iii) reality. I know Trump cannot be taken at his word but you can see how impressionable he is in the presence of a charismatic force like Obama. Depending on who wins for this emptiness in a smart guy’s head (that’s not oxymoronic BTW), we’ll see what Trump’s Presidency is like.

My money is on reality and his family. Ivanaka and Tiffany Trump have more in common with urban socialites (like Chelsea Clinton) than blue collar women in the rust belt who went for Trump. His son-in-law is a Jewish New Jersey boy. I believe they have a world view different than Ryan/McConnell. The Obama reality on the Affordable Care Act, Trade Agreements and the Middle East wars and terrorism will invade that empty space also. Remember how the neo-cons invaded that Kennebunkport son turned Texas oil man G. W. Bus.

I believe that the House and Senate Republicans will be the ones fighting Trump more than the Democrats. With their control over the Congress and soon the Supreme Court Trump will blame them easily for not bringing jobs back that he clearly can’t bring. McConnell already told him that infrastructure spending is low down on his priority.

You also have to see how Donald Trump will luxuriate in the same swamp he promised his voters to drain. He’s already hired corporate lobbyists to run his transition to the White House.

You can't change one thing about Trump - he's a North-East liberal New Yorker.

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You cannot change a con man bud.  He is going to continue being a con man.

I would not be surprised if Trump gets caught up in a scandal that brings down his Presidency.  This is not Guyana, there are many other powerful players on the other side.  He cannot shackle them.

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:

Donald Trump as President will be more Obama III than Bush/Cheney III and here’s why.

Trump’s vacuousness will be contested for by three forces – (i) his kids, (ii) Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell, and (iii) reality. I know Trump cannot be taken at his word but you can see how impressionable he is in the presence of a charismatic force like Obama. Depending on who wins for this emptiness in a smart guy’s head (that’s not oxymoronic BTW), we’ll see what Trump’s Presidency is like.

My money is on reality and his family. Ivanaka and Tiffany Trump have more in common with urban socialites (like Chelsea Clinton) than blue collar women in the rust belt who went for Trump. His son-in-law is a Jewish New Jersey boy. I believe they have a world view different than Ryan/McConnell. The Obama reality on the Affordable Care Act, Trade Agreements and the Middle East wars and terrorism will invade that empty space also. Remember how the neo-cons invaded that Kennebunkport son turned Texas oil man G. W. Bus.

I believe that the House and Senate Republicans will be the ones fighting Trump more than the Democrats. With their control over the Congress and soon the Supreme Court Trump will blame them easily for not bringing jobs back that he clearly can’t bring. McConnell already told him that infrastructure spending is low down on his priority.

You also have to see how Donald Trump will luxuriate in the same swamp he promised his voters to drain. He’s already hired corporate lobbyists to run his transition to the White House.

You can't change one thing about Trump - he's a North-East liberal New Yorker.

Who trump will be is being unfolded by his selection for his transition team and the short list for cabinet positions. He is bringing back some of the neocons...he has the far right in key position, even had the nerve to short list Bannon for chief of staff.He has rabid anti immigrants on his staff presently and is bringing in some of the worse.

His head is not empty it is filled with grandiose notions of his supreme intelligence and all those stupid ideas of not telegraphing his plans in with respect to ISIS Or PUTIN or nuclear wars is being revealed to be what he actually believe. I do not think our relations will be improved with Russia but inevitably get worse. These are two narcissists and each will want to prove the other an idiot and claim credit for any thing approved. PUTIN is actually smart and may take what he want and simply treat Trump as his convenient fool.

If he revoke t he Iran deal Iran is going for the nuclear option. If he moves the US embassy to Juresalem all the Arab countries will cease business with us and become united and there goes the ability to control al Queda ie ISIS or andy of the groups we need to be rid of. They will be seen as helpers to the arab cause.

There are many things troubling about the Trump administration so the hope is for any of your suggested positions but that is unlikely.


Remember Regan was different than G W Bush and Trump. The latter two were outsiders (Regan was to a certain extent, but he had his own ideas). To ascribe grandiose ideas other than ego is to fall into the same trap about G W Bush.

Kari posted:

Donald Trump as President will be more Obama III than Bush/Cheney III and here’s why.


You can't change one thing about Trump - he's a North-East liberal New Yorker.

Hmmm. I see that you have obviously being making money disseminating White House press releases for Obama, and wish to continue for Trump.

Pence is there for a reason. It is already obvious that he will be as involved in the day to day running of the Trump administration as Cheney was under Bush. This because Trump doesn't have a clue, and isn't the type of person to involve himself in the minutia of what day to day governance means.

Trump will be the big picture guy.

With Pence around, so you think that the social conservatives will be out of the picture?

Honey moons also come to an end. Remember Obama. In January 2009 his Inauguration was the most watched ever. Even many GOP supporters wished him the best, even if the ones in Congress didn't, as they had lost confidence with the Republicans, after the Bush debacle.  Obama had the type of popularity ratings that only Presidents in war (or maybe Reagan) had.

Yet a mere 2 years later he lost the House,  and Dems were tossed out of many state houses. That honey moon ended.

Well Trump's will end faster. It isn't that those who voted for Trump like him. They don't. They just don't trust Hillary, nor did they have confidence in her ability to foster job creation.  Comey's stunt, in a week when many voted, also didn't help.

So the minute that Trump stumps his toe. Shows that he is too cozy with Putin, who most Americans still see as the enemy, and I will argue that this is ESPECIALLY true for Trump supporters, given their xenophobic leanings. Or he picks a trade war with China and Mexico with Boeing, John Deere, Caterpillar and other large manufacturers losing orders. This is the HEARTLAND, NOT NYC that will suffer.

Trump will have to have Pence racing to the social conservatives to shore up his regime, so that he doesn't suffer what Obama did, and that is the loss of one of the legislative arms.

Trump is a deal maker who negotiates with those who he needs to get what he wants.



Danyael posted:

I like GW. His only fault was his foreign policy and that was because of the neocons.

Really. So you are happy that income inequality soared under his watch. That his tremendous tax cuts led to soaring budget deficits and that the same neocons grew rich from fraudulent defense deals.

Or how about the closing chapter for GW. 700k Americans losing their jobs every month, and an economy that was ready to implode with the complete collapse of the GLOBAL financial structure.

GW is a nice man, and certainly more fun than Al BORE, but he was the most incompetent president within recent times.  I think you would have to go back to Hoover to find a president as bad.  

Kari posted:

Remember Regan was different than G W Bush and Trump. The latter two were outsiders (Regan was to a certain extent, but he had his own ideas). To ascribe grandiose ideas other than ego is to fall into the same trap about G W Bush.

kari I have come to the conclusion that you just arrived from Guyana last night, maybe as a refugee from Granger.

The Bush family are the ultimate INSIDERS.  Prescott Bush, a senator, a father as a CIA top operative, and a VP and then the President.

The Bush family had always married government with heir family fortunes.  And well networked into neocon creatures like Cheney who similarly used government to enrich themselves. The Bushes even started wars to back their business interests.  Noriega and the first war with Saddam. 

The Bush family is a dynasty in every way that the Kennedy family was.

GW was entering the family business when he became TX governor and then the President!


Donald Trump may proceed very cautiously during the initial stage of his administration.

In time though, he will be firmly in his manner which was evident in the past year.

A long shot prediction ...

"Donald Trump may be impeached during the first four years of his administration".

VVP posted:


I would not be surprised if Trump gets caught up in a scandal that brings down his Presidency. .

It wouldn't surprise me if the Dems are rushing through the various court cases against Trump to ensure that he will be a very flawed man on inauguration day.

I can see Trump getting impeached before 2020, and all the GOP who are now kissing his toes, out of fear, plunging the knife in his back in revenge. Being the petty, and vindictive man that he is all the "Stop Trump" faction will be dealt with, but they might live to come back for revenge.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Donald Trump may proceed very cautiously during the initial stage of his administration.


By summer Trump will be riding the high horse. In fact maybe even by March.


Trump might well be like Reagan. A man with advanced dementia who didn't have a clue about what is going on.

Melania is no Nancy, who ran the White House because her husband sometimes didn't even know what time of the day it was.

BTW Reagan RAISED taxes and the former Reagan team think that Trump is ridiculous and an embarrassment.


Depends on what Trump does in the first two months will determine the progress of his term in office.

End of April 2017 is the three-month period when one will usually assess what Trump has done in office.

Last edited by Former Member

A poor one. Running a business and reality TV is very different from running a country.  Especially when it is the most powerful country in the world.  He will struggle on the world stage with no foreign policy experience. 


Pence will be the de facto president.  Running a reality show campaign is one thing. Running a country is another.

Indications are that this will be Romney on steroids.  The joke is that the rich white guys won, using poor white men and women to do so.  Yes they will let them keep their guns, but there will be no jobs.  Cheaper to source materials out of Mexico and Asia.


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