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Iguana posted:
Ray posted:

I have been here a good while and the discussions used to be more, there are just too many discussions based on race

Maybe then you had a different class of poster. Now all you have are hard core indian bigots revising history, screaming how black man murdering them and chasing them out of guyana (while simultaneously claiming they "bussing" black man balls) and denigrating the entire black race. All with the full protection of you and your cohort, the latter even joining in the "fun" with is racist black monkey pictures!

As long as you give these  indian bigots free reign with their hate speech, you will have guys like me here. As long as you tolerate their hate speech, expect "many discussions based on race".

You wanna discuss the guyana constitution with "dave", nehru, the bigot brahmin, skeldon klansman, etc? Wise as you are, you'll walk away from it because you know those fools lack foundational knowledge or smarts to carry on that type of discussion.

As I mentioned before its Indo bigotry which is why I am here.   Look at Ksazma/Skeldon screaming about daily riots in Guyana with marauding blacks killing and raping Indos who are too terrified to leave their homes. All this while evidence shows increasing levels of Indo on Indo crime.

One would think that Indo Guyanese are treated like the Rohingya all stuck in festering refugee camps in Suriname.

A question I must ask the Indo KKK is why when Indos engage in violent crime they seem to victimize Indos almost exclusive.  Black criminals attack everyone without regard to race as blacks are also victimized by crime.

Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

I am NOT the one collecting Welfare and Food stamps!!!

...ahm, why yuh tink I collecting? Cuz I black? Guess again you low IQ, barely literate PUNK! Now lift that stamp up high and slam it down pon de form and guh file it away!

Yes. Endless screams that black posters are all on welfare collecting SNAP and Section 8.  No wonder GNI is seen in some quarters as being an anti black hate site.

Nehru posted:
Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

I am NOT the one collecting Welfare and Food stamps!!!

...ahm, why yuh tink I collecting? Cuz I black? Guess again you low IQ, barely literate PUNK! Now lift that stamp up high and slam it down pon de form and guh file it away!

Has nothing to do with blackness BUt stupidity, ignorance and illiteracy!!!

...all of which you are known for PUNK! There are ZERO posts from you here portraying you as anything but a patently stupid, ignorant barely literate jackass! Nice try attempting to escape yuh lil racist welfare comment. You are KNOWN punk! Now run along and look fuh some mo videos pon company time you "no ambition" middle aged LOSER!

antabanta posted:
caribny posted:

As I mentioned before its Indo bigotry which is why I am here.   Look at Ksazma/Skeldon screaming about daily riots in Guyana with marauding blacks killing and raping Indos who are too terrified to leave their homes.

Almost a carbon copy of you screaming about the angry mob of Indos bent on vengeance in Guyana

I certainly see an angry mob of Indos on GNI screaming "we gun buss dem black man balls".  All fierce behind their PCs/phones.

Had you not been on medication in those days you would have recalled that my comments of Indo on black violence was about the 60s. Yes at that time another one of these "black savage, Indo saints" had broken out and screams of Indo blood running in the Demerara River all the way to G/T were being made. In those days you seem to agree with them.

caribny posted:

I certainly see an angry mob of Indos on GNI screaming "we gun buss dem black man balls".  All fierce behind their PCs/phones.

Had you not been on medication in those days you would have recalled that my comments of Indo on black violence was about the 60s. Yes at that time another one of these "black savage, Indo saints" had broken out and screams of Indo blood running in the Demerara River all the way to G/T were being made. In those days you seem to agree with them.

Stop the BS. You were ranting and raving about an angry mob of Indos rampaging through Guyana bent on revenge.

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