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Construction of the Marriot to continue despite the opposition’s motion to block financing

Acting Secretary to the Cabinet and Presidential Advisor on Governance Gail Teixeira said, today that construction of the Marriott will continue.

This is despite AFC leader’s Khemraj Ramjattan’s motion in parliament to block financing for the project.

Teixeira who was conducting this week’s post cabinet media briefing said the motion is not legally binding.

Teixeira like Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh is contending that Ramjattan is solely concerned about the interests of a major financer of his party.

She added that the AFC’s attack on the Marriott project can be seen as an attack on the country’s developmental agenda.

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Well Gail and all of them can continue to disrespect the rule of law.  There will come a time when they will lose power and when the new Government continues from where they left off with respect to not following the RULE of LWA, the PPP must not cry fowl!.


These people only think for today and not the future.


Where is the PPP vision?


What Gail does not realise is that the PPP troops are dis-affected.  So she can bury her head in the sand!


The PPP's weakness and their refusal to take responsibility for their abuse of the RULE of LAW is going to bring this Government to its knee.


No one in their right mind want the PPP to fail but these egotistic idiots are power drunk and intellectually blind so they do not see what the people want and what the people will do in reaction to their continued abuses.


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