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Why is my thread closed and those idiot posters who are derailing it not sanctioned instead?


The post was about an article lambasting Freddie on some topic that re social contract theory and the poster himself not knowing what the hell he is talking about.


Now, if you want to close a thread, do so on some infraction per your rules. Do not close it because a bunch of ignoramus decide to derail it. Had you taken the time to sanction these fools for being persistent trolls it would not happen so routinely on this forum. There was a time when Indra and Rabid moderated that these fools would not be allowed to run wild.


DG never addresses a post. He makes some stupid obtuse comment as though he is the over lord of wisdom and everyone should infer it is a useful comment. The reality is he is a bloody dunce with anachronistic non informational bilde often intentionally attacking the poster. That is  procedure to him and you should not let it happen if you had a lick of concern for propriety.


I am recreating my thread with my original comment because it represents an example  base quality of anti intellectualism being accepted as normal. If you need to sanction anyone; please do not act like the rest of the mindless idiots here and close the thread simply because you can. Do so because you stand for something. For example you can stand for your rules explicitly expressed a requirement for posting!


1 day ago

An example of the s.hi* people write when they are uninformedabout a subject matter. Why did Knews editors let this bilge reach publication?


Kissoon’s social contract and the blame game

November 2, 2012 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
So Mr. Freddie Kissoon now dishes out a “social contract” for our Guyanese taste buds  hoping the  spice of  Western philosopher Thomas Hobbes would make it palatable. Amazingly, he hopes that the PPP/C government even in sniffing his dish would straightway succumb to the Hobbesian spice and change the Guyana constitution.

Mr. Kissoon wants to harness and affix this social contract to enhance the opposition powers in Parliament because “the PNC is desperately trying to survive” (KN, October 24th, 2012).

The PPP/C government may as well hang itself knowing who cooked the “social contract” dish. By any means, this does not necessarily mean to excuse the PPP/C’s failings with all its unfulfilled promises. The PNC must also survive by all that is right and legal.


What exempts, in such a “social contract”, the opposition from their parliamentary responsibilities when they are actively involved in fomenting violence, arson, harassment of defenseless commuters, burning of taxpayers’ buildings and targeting of fellow of a certain section of Guyanese?


The AFC/APNU opposition must also abide… nay… be exemplary in compliance of this same Kissoon-unearthed Hobbes “social contract” to treat all Guyanese with equal rights including respect. They stand to gain more.

A ”social contract” must not appear as another disguise to flaunt and flounce in opposition to the Guyana Government’s  sacred duty to preserve law and order.


APNU’s  receptability will  in fact be judged  by how it disassociates its symbiosis to the AFC’s extremism and violence  at Linden and Agricola. A positive record substantially enhances the  PNC’s chances to become  the next government for sure.


In the meantime, no one can expect the PPP/C to cut their noses to spoil their faces. It’s Diwali time. Let our lights shine to remove darkness. Can’t we all get along? Or do we want the AFC to rob and beat Santa Claus when he comes to town?


Clever Mr. Kisssoon quietly forgets to tell us that Englishman Hobbes also believed in “absolute” government. Between the current freely-elected PPP/C and its previous rigging, undemocratic predecessor, the choice can only be obvious.


The PPP/C must, however, get its act together by seizing the bull by its horns. Who in Guyana has not grown up poor? Contrast Mr. Kissoon now living a privileged life of luxury with a big house in a gated community having even got a free university education in Canada. He suffered no hardships as a student as his bread has always been well buttered. Me? I had to work two jobs in factories in the good old USA living in cockroach/rat infested slums before completing my post-graduate university education to become a teacher. In America we call this paying a heavy price. Pitiful Kissoon. For someone promoting a new “social contract”, Mr.


Kissoon is the best living example of non-compliance especially.
When Hindus recently observed Pitri Paksh- i.e. the remembrance and homage to former ancestors- it was totally lost on our Kissoons.  For our Kissoons, those same Guyanese who rescued and blossomed the sugar and rice industries can be easily denied their natural rights and freedom from onslaughts to their security in their own country.  Apparently when they built roads, cleared canals, lived in sub-human logies,  nurtured the sugar-cane and rice plants, growing food every day in the boiling sun  in muddy fields to feed the Caribbean,  it meant nothing to Mr Kissoon.


The “educated” Mr. Kissson can boost his ego by quoting Hobbes but his “social contract” proclivities  are only triggered  after three Lindeners are unfortunately and mysteriously  killed.  In the aftermath, violent thuggery and racism on mostly commuters at Agricola becomes seemingly excusable and justifiable only because of Mr. Kissoon’s self admittance  that “I am ashamed to be an Indian”.


Can there be a more pathetic human psychological deficiency in denying or acknowledging  something which afforded  him  life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but which is now despised  with open disdain?


Who would remind our Kissoons of Plato’s admonition “Know thyself”!

This “social contract” that Mr. Kissoon touts can only make a mockery of Guyana’s sensitive reality not so much in its advocacy but who cooks and serves it. But he must not be hated as we are the ones that failed.  Regardless of the deficiencies which abound, I would still be favourably disposed to be charitable, sharing with equal sacrifices even limiting  my share to give those more in need. Moreso, I am always predisposed to hearing and facilitating all sides because of my religion, origins, cultural beliefs, traditions and race.


It was Mahatma Gandhi who said “I want the culture of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any.”

How this Hobbes “social contract” which Mr. Kissoon promotes be beneficial to us all remains to be seen. Its significance would be reflected when Mr. Kissoon heals himself first. We know in whose court the missing ball resides.
Vassan Ramracha


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I guess you really dont have much to do. Unemployed????

What does this statement have to do with the post? It is the kind of base ignorant prattle allowed here ceaselessly.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What does this statement have to do with the post? It is the kind of base ignorant prattle allowed here ceaselessly.

Exactly why Nehru still get a free pass.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What does this statement have to do with the post? It is the kind of base ignorant prattle allowed here ceaselessly.

Exactly why Nehru still get a free pass.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What does this statement have to do with the post? It is the kind of base ignorant prattle allowed here ceaselessly.

Exactly why Nehru still get a free pass.


Stupid is what you do. Recreating the thread is to allow smart people to objectively critique a concept foundational to western democracy. The poster in insulting Freddie and making fun of the concept acts like you do an ignorant twit.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why is my thread closed and those idiot posters who are derailing it not sanctioned instead?


DG never addresses a post. He makes some stupid obtuse comment as though he is the over lord of wisdom and everyone should infer it is a useful comment. The reality is he is a bloody dunce with anachronistic non informational bilde often intentionally attacking the poster. That is  procedure to him and you should not let it happen if you had a lick of concern for propriety.

Your continued outburst of nonsense on GNI.


Select any topic of your choice for a meaningful debate with me under established rules, rather than engaging with your continued spewing of diatribe on the forum.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why is my thread closed and those idiot posters who are derailing it not sanctioned instead?


DG never addresses a post. He makes some stupid obtuse comment as though he is the over lord of wisdom and everyone should infer it is a useful comment. The reality is he is a bloody dunce with anachronistic non informational bilde often intentionally attacking the poster. That is  procedure to him and you should not let it happen if you had a lick of concern for propriety.

Your continued outburst of nonsense on GNI.


Select any topic of your choice for a meaningful debate with me under established rules, rather than engaging with your continued spewing of diatribe on the forum.

Is not the above issue with Freddie an appropriate topic? Do you see merit in the post? I know it is the work of an ignoramus and unless you were in the midst of an alcoholic stupor you would not support it.


Wanna have a go at this? I am willing, ready and able to stomp on your head.


The title of this thread is nothing but an expression of contempt for the moderator of this site. This is the kind of arrogance demonstrated daily by AFCites whether they be Nigel, Moses or Khemraj


...............Amral this is disrespect in the highest form

Originally Posted by albert:

The title of this thread is nothing but an expression of contempt for the moderator of this site. This is the kind of arrogance demonstrated daily by AFCites whether they be Nigel, Moses or Khemraj


...............Amral this is disrespect in the highest form

Being a consummate sycophant, you would not recognize useful advice to authority. I do not bend the knees to anyone on any account. I do however speak to power with power and from truth to truth. You could benefit from that. It may make you grow a spine and relieve you of the role of being a worm all the time.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:

The title of this thread is nothing but an expression of contempt for the moderator of this site. This is the kind of arrogance demonstrated daily by AFCites whether they be Nigel, Moses or Khemraj


...............Amral this is disrespect in the highest form

Being a consummate sycophant, you would not recognize useful advice to authority. I do not bend the knees to anyone on any account. I do however speak to power with power and from truth to truth. You could benefit from that. It may make you grow a spine and relieve you of the role of being a worm all the time.


This post is nothing short of being disrespectful for the moderator. If you have a problem with the moderator's application of the rules then all you have to do is leave. Its not like your incessant rantings will be missed.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:

The title of this thread is nothing but an expression of contempt for the moderator of this site. This is the kind of arrogance demonstrated daily by AFCites whether they be Nigel, Moses or Khemraj


...............Amral this is disrespect in the highest form

Being a consummate sycophant, you would not recognize useful advice to authority. I do not bend the knees to anyone on any account. I do however speak to power with power and from truth to truth. You could benefit from that. It may make you grow a spine and relieve you of the role of being a worm all the time.


This post is nothing short of being disrespectful for the moderator. If you have a problem with the moderator's application of the rules then all you have to do is leave. Its not like your incessant rantings will be missed.

Hay dummy; the rules does not exempt the admin. Respect is earned, it is not a right.If he acted like punk I will call him a punk.


I believe you need to go and look up the meaning of the word "rant"...but wait... you are accustomed to use words carelessly.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:

The title of this thread is nothing but an expression of contempt for the moderator of this site. This is the kind of arrogance demonstrated daily by AFCites whether they be Nigel, Moses or Khemraj


...............Amral this is disrespect in the highest form

Being a consummate sycophant, you would not recognize useful advice to authority. I do not bend the knees to anyone on any account. I do however speak to power with power and from truth to truth. You could benefit from that. It may make you grow a spine and relieve you of the role of being a worm all the time.


This post is nothing short of being disrespectful for the moderator. If you have a problem with the moderator's application of the rules then all you have to do is leave. Its not like your incessant rantings will be missed.

Hay dummy; the rules does not exempt the admin. Respect is earned, it is not a right.If he acted like punk I will call him a punk.


I believe you need to go and look up the meaning of the word "rant"...but wait... you are accustomed to use words carelessly.

If you don't agree with the rules LEAVE THE FORUM.

But abusing the moderator on HIS forum over your disagreement HIS rules proves just how much of a JACKASS you are.(And i say that respectfully)

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:

The title of this thread is nothing but an expression of contempt for the moderator of this site. This is the kind of arrogance demonstrated daily by AFCites whether they be Nigel, Moses or Khemraj


...............Amral this is disrespect in the highest form

Being a consummate sycophant, you would not recognize useful advice to authority. I do not bend the knees to anyone on any account. I do however speak to power with power and from truth to truth. You could benefit from that. It may make you grow a spine and relieve you of the role of being a worm all the time.


This post is nothing short of being disrespectful for the moderator. If you have a problem with the moderator's application of the rules then all you have to do is leave. Its not like your incessant rantings will be missed.

Hay dummy; the rules does not exempt the admin. Respect is earned, it is not a right.If he acted like punk I will call him a punk.


I believe you need to go and look up the meaning of the word "rant"...but wait... you are accustomed to use words carelessly.

If you don't agree with the rules LEAVE THE FORUM.

But abusing the moderator on HIS forum over your disagreement HIS rules proves just how much of a JACKASS you are.(And i say that respectfully)

Why should I when I was here from its inception, during its ups and its down, and in times when honesty, integrity and clarity was the focus and unfortunately now when a malingering infestation of idiots like yourself is given free rein.


He made an error and I am upbraiding him on it. Were moderating the focus trolls like you would long be regaled  dutifully to your position under some bridge in the land of trolls.


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