I think the real legacy of this Government will be its approach to reforming or presenting a new Constitution. Constitutional reform from a Government point of view will encompass the following:
1. Ensuring an electoral system favorable to PNC outright wins.
2. Decreasing/minimizing as much as possible the impact of racial voting especially the still as yet too monolithic Indian vote.
3. Diluting the PPP's hold on Indians. Ensuring the further splintering of the PPP's Indian base.
Every possible change has pros and cons for the PNC. Any reform of the electoral system has to seem democratic in character even and especially if they're not. The main problem as I see is that smart people can come up with the credible hypothesis that a constitutional structure has to be erected to contain the Indians, the PPP, and dilute their voting power to an extent that the PPP is doomed to Opposition for at least the foreseeable future under this lot. Such an anti-PPP designed Constitution would keep the PPP out but ultimately serve to corrupt the PNC in Government.
Depending on the intentions of President Granger to either put party or country first, we'll see easily the course Guyana will go down for the next few cycles.
1. Will Granger modify or re-create the electoral system? If so to what?
2. Will the nominations for major party presidential candidates and MPs be subjected to a membership/district vote by law like party primaries?
3. Will we continue to vote for parties or individuals on the ballot?
4. Will MPs be free to vote their consciences once in a while?
5. Will the Presidential ballot and the parliamentary ballot continue to be the same?
6. Will post-elections coalitions be allowed?
Personally, I think the most sensible route is a fixed term Presidency elected indirectly by the people post-national elections. A National Assembly with FPTP and lots of marginal seats forcing ethnic cooperation to achieve 51% of the vote in each district. And a complete and total abandonment of parliamentary governance. We should opt for an independent Executive and an independent Legislative where no MP sits in the Cabinet and vice cersa. Since Cabinet will no longer be responsible to the House then the House can be substantially reduced by about 1/4 to 1/3.
Any thoughts?