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November 26 2018


The responses to the results of the Local Government Elections (LGE) from both sides of the political divide have been most revealing. The PPP, not unexpectedly, claimed victory and proceeded to file a no-confidence motion against the government. For their part, the PNC and AFC have tried to put the best spin on what was a very disappointing performance.
There has been much discussion about the causes of the low voter turnout. My view is that while inadequate voter education and voter apathy may have contributed to some people staying away from the polls, I would be surprised if they were decisive factors. As I opined last week, the actions of the supporters of the governing parties were deliberate. They wanted to make a statement to the government and chose to do so at an election where the stakes were not very high.
The very fact that coalition parties went to the elections separately was a big turn-off for some of their supporters. Whether the outcome of this LGE would carry over to 2020 would be dependent on how the coalition conducts itself in the next eighteen months. If they govern as a real coalition, then they could convince the independent African and Indian Guyanese constituencies to go back to the fold.
From all indications, the message has been heard by some PNC leaders, and they appear to have decided to act. The early message takes the form of a reminder of the dark days of the PPP. While that message would excite some emotions among African Guyanese, it is not a winning tactic. It should be remembered that the government has not been successful in prosecuting PPP members and supporters for the alleged transgressions.
I would not advise vote-buying but urge real policy. If the government pursues real working-class policies aimed at the structural problems that that class faces such as unemployment, poverty and substandard education, they could restore the confidence that their supporters seem to have lost. The coalition parties would also have to ground with their supporters in a real humane way to win back not just votes, but hearts and minds.
As for the AFC, it must face the stark reality of the limited electoral shelf-life of Third Parties in Guyana, and in ethnically fractured societies in general. Contrary to what some may think, the party would continue to be a national player. The very nature of anti-PPP politics will ensure that the AFC exists—none of the coalition parties could individually defeat the PPP.
Contrary to the soundings from the PNC side, I think the Cummingsburg Accord would be renegotiated and the AFC would have to cede some ground. That is inevitable. But the outcome would depend on how politically skillful the PNC’s leadership is – they must balance their sense of bigness with the reality that it is the Coalition that is the route to re-election. My belief is that they would have to make the case that APNU and the Coalition are not myths. I still believe that there is more than one constituency that must be appealed to—PNC supporters, APNU voters and Coalition voters. The latter two constituencies require parties like the AFC and WPA to be on board.
But those two parties would have to convince those voters that they would not be uncritical players in a second Coalition government. They have the remainder of this term to demonstrate that they are up to the task. They must serve as a clear and present check on PNC’s unilateralism and become advocates of progressive policies both in the corridors of power and in wider society. In other words, the non-government sections of the AFC and WPA have to assert themselves as independent actors.

More of Dr. Hinds ‘writings and commentaries can be found on his YouTube Channel Hinds’ Sight: Dr. David Hinds’ Guyana-Caribbean Politics and on his website Send comments to

Replies sorted oldest to newest

According to news reports, the PNC has begun spreading out to the regions, taking stock and rallying its supporters for 2020. For the PNC its 34% performance is a wakeup call. 

The AFC for its part has tried to argue at Congress Place that it brings 10% to the coalition even though Jagdeo had calculated 3.8% popular support. GECOM has certified 4%. No news reports of the AFC spreading out to the regions, taking stock, and rallying its supporters, being frank and honest with them.

The PPP is sharpening its parliamentary fight right now but has not neglected its grassroots. It is normal practice for PPP functionaries to visit supporters in their homes and villages.


"As for the AFC, it must face the stark reality of the limited electoral shelf-life of Third Parties in Guyana, and in ethnically fractured societies in general. Contrary to what some may think, the party would continue to be a national player. The very nature of anti-PPP politics will ensure that the AFC exists—none of the coalition parties could individually defeat the PPP."


The anti-AFC which are mostly PPP supporters,should take note, whatever percentages 3.8% or 4% [calculated by the mathematicians in Freedom House] of the electorate they attract, the party is still a force.Loosing some of the East Indian support doesn't make the party insignificant.

The PPP is still an Indian based party, a glance their Candidates of recent LGE reveals such.The Local Authorities they win is in the same Regions they win the majority votes at GE Elections.

Will that cut it come 2020, we will find out.

Django posted:

"As for the AFC, it must face the stark reality of the limited electoral shelf-life of Third Parties in Guyana, and in ethnically fractured societies in general. Contrary to what some may think, the party would continue to be a national player. The very nature of anti-PPP politics will ensure that the AFC exists—none of the coalition parties could individually defeat the PPP."


The anti-AFC which are mostly PPP supporters,should take note, whatever percentages 3.8% or 4% [calculated by the mathematicians in Freedom House] of the electorate they attract, the party is still a force.Loosing some of the East Indian support doesn't make the party insignificant.

The PPP is still an Indian based party, a glance their Candidates of recent LGE reveals such.The Local Authorities they win is in the same Regions they win the majority votes at GE Elections.

Will that cut it come 2020, we will find out.

Thought the subject is “ What Next For The Coalition”  ???? 

Django posted:
Dave posted:

Thought the subject is “ What Next For The Coalition”  ???? 

Banna read Hinds article, is he on target ?

Django, supporting the AFC is like flogging a dead horse.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Thought the subject is “ What Next For The Coalition”  ???? 

Banna read Hinds article, is he on target ?

Django, supporting the AFC is like flogging a dead horse.

You wish, the horse alive and kicking.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Thought the subject is “ What Next For The Coalition”  ???? 

Banna read Hinds article, is he on target ?

Django, supporting the AFC is like flogging a dead horse.

You wish, the horse alive and kicking.

With one hoof.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


Banna read Hinds article, is he on target ?

Django, supporting the AFC is like flogging a dead horse.

You wish, the horse alive and kicking.

With one hoof.

Ayuh leff di Banna alone nuh!  Tings nah looking good!

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Thought the subject is “ What Next For The Coalition”  ???? 

Banna read Hinds article, is he on target ?

Django, supporting the AFC is like flogging a dead horse.

DJ is the embodiment of an addicted snake oil drunk. 


Well, we can always say people addicted to this and that, snake oil, cow shit, cow pee, some both, some neither, some not sure weh to start wid!

Ah suh di story dozz guh, same old shit!

yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Thought the subject is “ What Next For The Coalition”  ???? 

Banna read Hinds article, is he on target ?

Django, supporting the AFC is like flogging a dead horse.

DJ is the embodiment of an addicted snake oil drunk. 

Banna try something better.


Now this is taking advantage on Django, aluyh double banking the man, he side kick gone to the Maldives and left him all alone on GNI.

 DJ, tell them AFC is like Jesus, they will rise up again, sometime in the future, only God knows.

kp posted:

Now this is taking advantage on Django,aluyh double banking the man.

 DJ, tell them AFC is like Jesus, they will rise up again, sometime in the future, only God knows.

Thanks bhai, for noticing the double banking.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Thought the subject is “ What Next For The Coalition”  ???? 

Banna read Hinds article, is he on target ?

Django, supporting the AFC is like flogging a dead horse.

DJ is the embodiment of an addicted snake oil drunk. 

Banna try something better.

Django, you have a losing two-pronged attack. You are hoping that some positive news will emerge from either the PNC or the KFC camp. The battle is over. Remember, you were crowing about the LGE and now it's over? You are running like a headless chicken trying to find any kind of good news that you can cut and paste with yellow highlights.

skeldon_man posted:

Django, you have a losing two-pronged attack. You are hoping that some positive news will emerge from either the PNC or the KFC camp. The battle is over. Remember, you were crowing about the LGE and now it's over? You are running like a headless chicken trying to find any kind of good news that you can cut and paste with yellow highlights.

Bhai, there is lots of good news out there which is no interest to some folks here, so why post.

I am throwing back waiting for post with the bad news, so i can see what are truth and what are lies.Hope you learn a thing or two from the yellow highlights.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django, you have a losing two-pronged attack. You are hoping that some positive news will emerge from either the PNC or the KFC camp. The battle is over. Remember, you were crowing about the LGE and now it's over? You are running like a headless chicken trying to find any kind of good news that you can cut and paste with yellow highlights.

Bhai, there is lots of good news out there which is no interest to some folks here, so why post.

I am throwing back waiting for post with the bad news, so i can see what are truth and what are lies.Hope you learn a thing or two from the yellow highlights.

Yeah, you are right. I learned that "IF" there is any semi-truth in what you post, you give it the yellow marker treatment.

Gilbakka posted:


The PPP is sharpening its parliamentary fight right now but has not neglected its grassroots. It is normal practice for PPP functionaries to visit supporters in their homes and villages.

The PPP cannot win elections just based on its base of rural Indian voters.

It is seen as being racist by African and mixed voters, who together now number as much as Indian and Amerindian voters.

So what is the PPP doing to allay the concerns of these voters that their return will not bring about a return to ethnic exclusion?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The AFC has been boasting that they are the only multi-racial party. Django is saying they are a mini Indian party.  

The AFC is NOT a mini Indian party. This is based on a fallacy generated on its 2011. In 2015 most of these Berbice voters went back to the PPP.

The AFC is an urban middle class multi ethnic party with a disproportionate share of its base living in GT.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:


The PPP is sharpening its parliamentary fight right now but has not neglected its grassroots. It is normal practice for PPP functionaries to visit supporters in their homes and villages.

The PPP cannot win elections just based on its base of rural Indian voters.

It is seen as being racist by African and mixed voters, who together now number as much as Indian and Amerindian voters.

So what is the PPP doing to allay the concerns of these voters that their return will not bring about a return to ethnic exclusion?

Not late for PPP to fan out routinely in urban communities and preach its political gospel and, most of all, win converts.


The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Amerinds are voiceless. The present leaders are political  capons who bend the knees for whomever is in power. Maybe one day they will feel the eternal flame of the virtuous being or as the greeks say "arete" and climb up from off their knees and think for themselves. The PPP are now entrenched corruptocrats with a void where moral virtue should be. Among their ranks will be no salvation unless they reach deep for the young among them who are not yet chronically infected with their disease. The PNC well they do not seem to have much redemptive spirit either so we are for the moment stuck in the land of mangy dog politics. Counting who win is not longer a logical view point. Making sure any of them once in power do the least damage is the only recourse. That means keeping them out of office where they become kings for life. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Can you tell what percentage of votes the PPP gets from the Indian population ?

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Can you tell what percentage of votes the PPP gets from the Indian population ?

Why don't you tell us first since you are so defensive of anything that go against your coalition friends.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Can you tell what percentage of votes the PPP gets from the Indian population ?

Why don't you tell us first since you are so defensive of anything that go against your coalition friends.  

What a cop out,

the strike out is hitting below the belt. I have an idea of the figures, just testing your knowledge if you know the percentage.

D2 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Amerinds are voiceless. The present leaders are political  capons who bend the knees for whomever is in power. Maybe one day they will feel the eternal flame of the virtuous being or as the greeks say "arete" and climb up from off their knees and think for themselves. The PPP are now entrenched corruptocrats with a void where moral virtue should be. Among their ranks will be no salvation unless they reach deep for the young among them who are not yet chronically infected with their disease. The PNC well they do not seem to have much redemptive spirit either so we are for the moment stuck in the land of mangy dog politics. Counting who win is not longer a logical view point. Making sure any of them once in power do the least damage is the only recourse. That means keeping them out of office where they become kings for life. 

Amerindians are quiet but not voiceless.  They gained rights to large tracts of lands from the PPP government.  Black nationalists like Eric Phillips have lashed out against the PPP for doing this. From the perspective of activists like Phillips this is just another act of marginalization against the Africans. The PPP is not as bad as you would like us to believe.  We know the PPP and we know the good they have done as well as the bad. The AFC captured the votes of Indians who felt the PPP was corrupt. Some Indians gave their votes the AFC because they felt Moses deserved the leadership of the party and not Ramotar.  One of those PPPite is Churchill, a man who have always been running around party leaders with a cheap attache case in hands. 

The PPP respected the will of the People by allowing free and fair elections. The PNC is the exact opposite of the PPP when it comes to elections.

The PNC used Amerindians and Indians to create a facade that the  party represents a broad cross section of population and treats all fairly.  This is one of the greatest lies of the PNC. Their propaganda machinery is well equipped for this kind of propaganda. The PPP does not have such a propaganda machinery nor do they need to have one.  The PPP governments have always bend backwards to please and appease the Africans who are the most militant and demanding of the Ethnic groups of Guyana.  Slavery from the past has become the great justification for taking such political stance even though in many cases they're militancy and demands interferes with the basic rights of the Amerindians and Indians.  Indians and Amerindians have never denied the existence of slavery nor done anything to cover up the sufferings of AFricans hundreds of years ago in the Guyana or the Americas as a whole.  


Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Can you tell what percentage of votes the PPP gets from the Indian population ?

Why don't you tell us first since you are so defensive of anything that go against your coalition friends.  

What a cop out,

the strike out is hitting below the belt. I have an idea of the figures, just testing your knowledge if you know the percentage.

Law is an advocate profession.  I guess opportunism is an advocate profession. Why don't you be a man tell us how much money you are being paid to do what your doing on GNI.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
D2 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Amerinds are voiceless. The present leaders are political  capons who bend the knees for whomever is in power. Maybe one day they will feel the eternal flame of the virtuous being or as the greeks say "arete" and climb up from off their knees and think for themselves. The PPP are now entrenched corruptocrats with a void where moral virtue should be. Among their ranks will be no salvation unless they reach deep for the young among them who are not yet chronically infected with their disease. The PNC well they do not seem to have much redemptive spirit either so we are for the moment stuck in the land of mangy dog politics. Counting who win is not longer a logical view point. Making sure any of them once in power do the least damage is the only recourse. That means keeping them out of office where they become kings for life. 

 The PPP is not as bad as you would like us to believe.  We know the PPP and we know the good they have done as well as the bad. The AFC captured the votes of Indians who felt the PPP was corrupt. Some Indians gave their votes the AFC because they felt Moses deserved the leadership of the party and not Ramotar. 

The PPP respected the will of the People by allowing free and fair elections. The PNC is the exact opposite of the PPP when it comes to elections.

Who is we ?? does the we knows the sentiments of  60 % of the population ? the we exposing themselves daily.They watching alyuh.

Were there any complaints that the last two LGE Elections wasn't free and fair ?

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
D2 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Amerinds are voiceless. The present leaders are political  capons who bend the knees for whomever is in power. Maybe one day they will feel the eternal flame of the virtuous being or as the greeks say "arete" and climb up from off their knees and think for themselves. The PPP are now entrenched corruptocrats with a void where moral virtue should be. Among their ranks will be no salvation unless they reach deep for the young among them who are not yet chronically infected with their disease. The PNC well they do not seem to have much redemptive spirit either so we are for the moment stuck in the land of mangy dog politics. Counting who win is not longer a logical view point. Making sure any of them once in power do the least damage is the only recourse. That means keeping them out of office where they become kings for life. 

 The PPP is not as bad as you would like us to believe.  We know the PPP and we know the good they have done as well as the bad. The AFC captured the votes of Indians who felt the PPP was corrupt. Some Indians gave their votes the AFC because they felt Moses deserved the leadership of the party and not Ramotar. 

The PPP respected the will of the People by allowing free and fair elections. The PNC is the exact opposite of the PPP when it comes to elections.

Who is we ?? does the we knows the sentiments of  60 % of the population ?

Were there any complaints that the last two LGE Elections wasn't free and fair ?

We have to contact Rockcliffe and Miranda of SN with these questions bhai. When a Guyanese is asking questions in this fashion you know he/she can't deal with the truth. I see it here on GNI.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
D2 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Amerinds are voiceless. The present leaders are political  capons who bend the knees for whomever is in power. Maybe one day they will feel the eternal flame of the virtuous being or as the greeks say "arete" and climb up from off their knees and think for themselves. The PPP are now entrenched corruptocrats with a void where moral virtue should be. Among their ranks will be no salvation unless they reach deep for the young among them who are not yet chronically infected with their disease. The PNC well they do not seem to have much redemptive spirit either so we are for the moment stuck in the land of mangy dog politics. Counting who win is not longer a logical view point. Making sure any of them once in power do the least damage is the only recourse. That means keeping them out of office where they become kings for life. 

 The PPP is not as bad as you would like us to believe.  We know the PPP and we know the good they have done as well as the bad. The AFC captured the votes of Indians who felt the PPP was corrupt. Some Indians gave their votes the AFC because they felt Moses deserved the leadership of the party and not Ramotar. 

The PPP respected the will of the People by allowing free and fair elections. The PNC is the exact opposite of the PPP when it comes to elections.

Who is we ?? does the we knows the sentiments of  60 % of the population ? the we exposing themselves daily.They watching alyuh.

Were there any complaints that the last two LGE Elections wasn't free and fair ?

Volda thinks the LGE was rigged because the PPP WON!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
D2 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Amerinds are voiceless. The present leaders are political  capons who bend the knees for whomever is in power. Maybe one day they will feel the eternal flame of the virtuous being or as the greeks say "arete" and climb up from off their knees and think for themselves. The PPP are now entrenched corruptocrats with a void where moral virtue should be. Among their ranks will be no salvation unless they reach deep for the young among them who are not yet chronically infected with their disease. The PNC well they do not seem to have much redemptive spirit either so we are for the moment stuck in the land of mangy dog politics. Counting who win is not longer a logical view point. Making sure any of them once in power do the least damage is the only recourse. That means keeping them out of office where they become kings for life. 

 The PPP is not as bad as you would like us to believe.  We know the PPP and we know the good they have done as well as the bad. The AFC captured the votes of Indians who felt the PPP was corrupt. Some Indians gave their votes the AFC because they felt Moses deserved the leadership of the party and not Ramotar. 

The PPP respected the will of the People by allowing free and fair elections. The PNC is the exact opposite of the PPP when it comes to elections.

Who is we ?? does the we knows the sentiments of  60 % of the population ?

Were there any complaints that the last two LGE Elections wasn't free and fair ?

We have to contact Rockcliffe and Miranda of SN with these questions bhai. When a Guyanese is asking questions in this fashion you know he/she can't deal with the truth. I see it here on GNI.

Volda and the PNC represent the racist people in Guyana today. She made that very clear in a public statement. Guyana is headed into very troubling waters right now. PNC cannot accept the results of the majority of “we” the elected PPP representatives of Guyana. She said that she wants to remove them from “PNC” strongholds. 

Granger is silent. He should Haul her backside in his office and read her the riot act otherwise it will send a message that he endorses these very troubling and openly racist statements. 

kp posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
D2 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Amerinds are voiceless. The present leaders are political  capons who bend the knees for whomever is in power. Maybe one day they will feel the eternal flame of the virtuous being or as the greeks say "arete" and climb up from off their knees and think for themselves. The PPP are now entrenched corruptocrats with a void where moral virtue should be. Among their ranks will be no salvation unless they reach deep for the young among them who are not yet chronically infected with their disease. The PNC well they do not seem to have much redemptive spirit either so we are for the moment stuck in the land of mangy dog politics. Counting who win is not longer a logical view point. Making sure any of them once in power do the least damage is the only recourse. That means keeping them out of office where they become kings for life. 

 The PPP is not as bad as you would like us to believe.  We know the PPP and we know the good they have done as well as the bad. The AFC captured the votes of Indians who felt the PPP was corrupt. Some Indians gave their votes the AFC because they felt Moses deserved the leadership of the party and not Ramotar. 

The PPP respected the will of the People by allowing free and fair elections. The PNC is the exact opposite of the PPP when it comes to elections.

Who is we ?? does the we knows the sentiments of  60 % of the population ? the we exposing themselves daily.They watching alyuh.

Were there any complaints that the last two LGE Elections wasn't free and fair ?

Volda thinks the LGE was rigged because the PPP WON!

Ha Ha. Jagdeo busted a Ball of fire ☄️ pepper on the PNC backside. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
D2 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PPP gets most of its votes from the Indian population. However, they still get votes from Blacks and Amerindians.  If they don't get votes from other groups then how come they won almost 50% of the votes in 2015?  


Amerinds are voiceless. The present leaders are political  capons who bend the knees for whomever is in power. Maybe one day they will feel the eternal flame of the virtuous being or as the greeks say "arete" and climb up from off their knees and think for themselves. The PPP are now entrenched corruptocrats with a void where moral virtue should be. Among their ranks will be no salvation unless they reach deep for the young among them who are not yet chronically infected with their disease. The PNC well they do not seem to have much redemptive spirit either so we are for the moment stuck in the land of mangy dog politics. Counting who win is not longer a logical view point. Making sure any of them once in power do the least damage is the only recourse. That means keeping them out of office where they become kings for life. 

 The PPP is not as bad as you would like us to believe.  We know the PPP and we know the good they have done as well as the bad. The AFC captured the votes of Indians who felt the PPP was corrupt. Some Indians gave their votes the AFC because they felt Moses deserved the leadership of the party and not Ramotar. 

The PPP respected the will of the People by allowing free and fair elections. The PNC is the exact opposite of the PPP when it comes to elections.

Who is we ?? does the we knows the sentiments of  60 % of the population ?

Were there any complaints that the last two LGE Elections wasn't free and fair ?

We have to contact Rockcliffe and Miranda of SN with these questions bhai. When a Guyanese is asking questions in this fashion you know he/she can't deal with the truth. I see it here on GNI.

Lots folks know what is truth, some does peddle lies for truth.Most in the current PPP are skunks, the record are there to see, some just turn to the other side. Reminds one Indian guy said, they can thief a little, wance abee ah see progress.


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