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Former Member

What's spreading faster than coronavirus in the US? Racist assaults and ignorant attacks against Asians

Updated 6:02 PM ET, Fri February 21, 2020

(CNN)In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."
Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.
"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."
And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.
"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.
Here's what's happening across the country, the facts about coronavirus, and what people can do if they witness attacks.

A tirade on an LA subway goes viral

Jiraprapasuke isn't even Chinese. But that didn't stop an irate passenger on the Los Angeles subway from singling her out and claiming Chinese people are putrid and responsible for all diseases.
Jiraprapasuke, who is Thai American, said the man ranted for about 10 minutes and was specifically looking and gesturing at her.
Unexpected impacts of the novel coronavirus
She started recording the tirade as the man lectured another passenger.
"Every disease has ever came from China, homie. Everything comes from China because they're f****** disgusting," the man said.
"They can be so smart and be like, 'Oh yeah, I developed this, I developed that.' But like yeah, you can't even wipe your a**."
Jiraprapasuke went online and discovered many other people of Asian descent have been harassed or attacked because of misguided coronavirus fears.
Many are using the global hashtag #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus -- French for "I am not a virus."
"It made me realize how big this is, and that what happened to me definitely is not unique," Jiraprapasuke said. "What happened to me is not the worst that it can be."

A woman gets attacked out of the blue

On the other side of the country, a woman at a New York subway station was assaulted by a stranger February 2.
The woman was wearing a face mask -- something many East Asians have done long before the coronavirus outbreak, including for protection from pollution.
One witness said she heard a man call the woman, who appeared Asian, a "diseased b****."
"To which she responded, 'Yeah, yeah, OK go away,'" the witness wrote in a statement to CNN.
"I started getting my phone out after I saw this interaction, but in the process, the man hit the woman on the head."
The witness, who did not want to be identified to protect her privacy, said she started filming shortly after the man hit the woman on the head. The video then shows the woman chasing after the man, who turned around and attacked her.
The New York Police Department is asking "the victim to report this incident to the police for a full investigation."
The witness said although the attack was a "terrifying" situation, "I believe that this incident has immense potential in opening up the discussion of Asian American-directed racial tension that has been caused by the" novel coronavirus.
"The sad trend that I've observed about racially directed hate is that almost all of (it) stems from fearful ignorance," she wrote.
"Racial tensions are indeed escalating, and we now have significant reason to take agency in acting."

2 Indiana hotels harass Hmong guests

Kao Lor and his uncle Lee Lor were traveling through Indiana when they tried to get a room at a Super 8 Motel in the city of Plymouth.
It didn't work. The two relatives, who are of Hmong descent, quickly faced extra scrutiny.
Kao Lor said an employee asked whether he was Chinese. Lor began recording the encounter.
"If you're from China, I need to know," the employee said.
Video shows a hotel employee refusing to allow an Asian guest
"Because why?" Lor asked.
"Because of the coronavirus going around," he replied. "And anyone from China, I am told, has to be picked up and quarantined for two weeks."
That's not accurate. It's US citizens who have recently returned from China's Hubei province who must be quarantined for up to two weeks upon their return to the United States.
When CNN asked the motel for comment, an employee provided a statement.
"The views and what the employee said is not the view and policy of Super 8 by Wyndham Plymouth," the statement said. "Management is handling the employee involved. We are deeply saddened and embarrassed by the action of our employee."
Super 8 wasn't the only hotel that harassed the Lors.
Kao Lor went to a nearby Days Inn and asked an employee on video if Asians are not allowed. The employee appears to say no, Asians aren't allowed.
Wyndham Hotels, which franchises both the Days Inn and Super 8 brands, sent a statement to CNN.
"We're deeply troubled by these incidents as they're not reflective of our values or our expectations of franchisees," the statement read. "While these locations are individually owned and operated, it's important to note that the 'corporate policy' referenced in the video does not exist."

Chinese restaurants are hurting tremendously

A restaurant in New York's Chinatown has no customers, despite zero cases of novel coronavirus in the state of New York.
Sometimes the most devastating hits are financial. At many Chinese restaurants, income has been decimated.
"On a normal day, we'd have around 100 tables a day," said David Zheng, an employee at New Shanghai Deluxe restaurant in New York's Chinatown.
But now, "for a full day of business, we'd get only 20 to 30 tables."
Owner Rose Wu says New Shanghai Deluxe has served the city for 19 years. Now it's suffering from a 70% to 80% loss of business.
"We had table reservations from customers a couple months in advance," but many have canceled, she said.
"A customer called and said, 'Mainland China has this disease. We are not going to come out anymore,'" Wu said.
"No one in my restaurant has this disease. No one in Chinatown has this disease."
Indeed, no one in the entire state of New York has been diagnosed with novel coronavirus.

Why are some fears misguided?

While the novel coronavirus has infected more than 75,000 people and killed over 2,100 worldwide, it's caused far fewer deaths than the flu.
Globally, an estimated 290,000 to 650,000 people die from the flu each year, the World Health Organization says.
In the United States alone, an estimated 12,000 people have died from the illness so far this flu season, which started September 29, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
Misguided coronavirus fears fuel racism and xenophobia in other countries, too
By contrast, since the novel coronavirus was first detected in the United States in January, 15 people have been diagnosed with the illness as of Wednesday. None of them has died.
Each of those 15 cases involved someone who has recently returned from Wuhan, China, or the spouse of someone who has recently returned from Wuhan.
"It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads," the US CDC said.
Racism and xenophobia are on the rise as the coronavirus spreads

So what can people do if they see a racist tirade or attack?

Deciding whether to act is a deeply personal choice.
"I'm not going to tell anyone it's not risky ... but I don't think staying silent is going to make anything better," said Lucy Duncan, who conducts training on bystander intervention for American Friends Service Committee.
This is why everyday racial profiling is so dangerous
If you do act, experts offer tips on how to stay safe and what not to do.
First, bystanders can assess the risk by seeing how many people are nearby. It's good to make eye contact with others and gauge whether you'd have allies if intervening, Duncan said.
Other tips include:
-- Keeping a safe distance between yourself and the instigator
-- Filming the event if it's OK with the victim
-- Following up with the victim after the situation is over to see whether he or she needs anything else
Of course, there are also risks to intervening. So it's important to consider your surroundings and how dangerous the instigator might be, said Andrew J. Scott, a retired police chief and president of AJS Consulting. For example:
What you should [and shouldn't) do when defusing a racist tirade in public
-- Is the perpetrator much larger than you are?
-- If things get ugly, is there an easy escape route? Or are you stuck in a confined area?
If you're too nervous to intervene, the American Friends Service Committee suggests moving closer to the person being harassed so you can communicate your support.
Duncan said it's best to let perpetrators know that harassment and attacks won't be tolerated.
"The danger is if we don't speak up for each other, the number of people being targeted is going to be expanding." she said.
"If they don't intervene, that kind of violence or that kind of incident becomes normalized."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I should rephrase, are you still purchasing your vegetables and other items at Chinese stores as a result of Coronavirus fears ?  
Should the Chinese government crack down and ban the eating of certain types of reptiles and animals in order to prevent another outbreak ? 

Last edited by Former Member

It could very well be that the Chinese were testing a virus for other purposes and something went terribly wrong. 
Sars, Coronavirus, Swine Fku etc etc all come out of China. 
Why did that doctor who spoke out against the Chinese government handling of this outbreak allegedly murdered ? 

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:
cain posted:

I do not think this has anything to do with what people eat but a virus that either got out unknowingly or being spread on purpose. I already said this looks like biological warfare.

against who...the citizens?

 Do you think they really care that much for their people? It could be a screw up and something got loose..who knows?

Anyway, trump is supposed to make a speech on it tonight, he knows lots of stuff...he watches doctor shows on tv..he is brilliant. He will put yall minds at ease, just bring back the Dow, invest, your worries are being taken care of. Summer coming it will kill that virus dead in its he said and so it will be. Should he rass start sneezing tonight an got a fever, that would be God knocking back at e rass.

Ray posted:
cain posted:

I do not think this has anything to do with what people eat but a virus that either got out unknowingly or being spread on purpose. I already said this looks like biological warfare.

against who...the citizens?

China had tried the one child per family and it didn't work. I would not doubt if they created covrid19 to control it's population. China is the most populated country in the world and their economy is cheap labour .

We complain about the DOW and markets taking a beating, China is worst they may have to devalue their currency.

Sean posted:

I should rephrase, are you still purchasing your vegetables and other items at Chinese stores as a result of Coronavirus fears ?  
Should the Chinese government crack down and ban the eating of certain types of reptiles and animals in order to prevent another outbreak ? 

What proof do you have that eating your kind is the source for the virus?


People do not have to be bullies. A propreitor asking where you are from is a legit question to chinese looking patrons these days. It is predicted that 70% of the world's population will be with the virus, ppl will die in large numbers and everywhere on the planet will be affected.

This is something Chinese ppl will have to live with. Also, the Chinese government lie about everything to look good. Do they really care how many ppl on the planet dies. With their population, they are the only ones who will have a sizeable number of ppl living after the pandemic.  

Sean posted:

Bai Trump not smart, he juss gat street sense. Who would have believed that America would elected him to become President ?  Obama was smart. 

All you gat a street sense President. He eat curry in India and de pandits  there checked and said that he going to win a second Term. 

Obama is not smart. He is juss fortunate just like the Trump. Both men display being an American President is nothing special. Lyndon Johnston was a President. Kennedy was like an Obama, juss talk talk and talk and doan do wan azz.

Sean posted:

President Trump just held an impressive press conference regarding Corona Virus. He has a comprehensive plan and an excellent team in place to deal with this virus.

Nancy on the other hand is spreading fear.

Shame on the Democrats for spreading fear. It will cost them at the polls. 

Trump scared, he came back with shittings, too much dhal. There are 50 cases in the US, that press this evening is to ease the free fall of the stock market, Trump and his buddies are loosing money.

 Sean how can you multi task, stick with Guyana election, it is more urgent.

seignet posted:

People do not have to be bullies. A propreitor asking where you are from is a legit question to chinese looking patrons these days. It is predicted that 70% of the world's population will be with the virus, ppl will die in large numbers and everywhere on the planet will be affected.

This is something Chinese ppl will have to live with. Also, the Chinese government lie about everything to look good. Do they really care how many ppl on the planet dies. With their population, they are the only ones who will have a sizeable number of ppl living after the pandemic.  

This is worse than the Chinese are letting out.  It's the Chernobyl of China.  By the time an effective treatment is developed, 10 million would have died.

It's all to do with eating.  AIDS came via "Bush Meat" and buggering.  Ebola came via "Bush Meat", all the viruses out of China are via wild animals.

Animals have immune system which tolerate certain viruses.  The Human system cannot handle so we get infected, ill and die. 

Whenever I went to China, I hardly ate out at local restaurants  I stuck to the hotels.  I also always remember being fed CAT right here in New Brunswick, so I'm still "scratchaty". 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
seignet posted:

People do not have to be bullies. A propreitor asking where you are from is a legit question to chinese looking patrons these days. It is predicted that 70% of the world's population will be with the virus, ppl will die in large numbers and everywhere on the planet will be affected.

This is something Chinese ppl will have to live with. Also, the Chinese government lie about everything to look good. Do they really care how many ppl on the planet dies. With their population, they are the only ones who will have a sizeable number of ppl living after the pandemic.  

This is worse than the Chinese are letting out.  It's the Chernobyl of China.  By the time an effective treatment is developed, 10 million would have died.

It's all to do with eating.  AIDS came via "Bush Meat" and buggering.  Ebola came via "Bush Meat", all the viruses out of China are via wild animals.

Animals have immune system which tolerate certain viruses.  The Human system cannot handle so we get infected, ill and die. 

Whenever I went to China, I hardly ate out at local restaurants  I stuck to the hotels.  I also always remember being fed CAT right here in New Brunswick, so I'm still "scratchaty". 

Wait till you start do as cats an clean yo batty with yo tongue.

Ray posted:

Obama started this great economic, shut yuh ass eh SIeg

Bai, examine for yourself, has Obama ever own or build anything in his entire life. Let your conscience prevail, isn't Trump the man with those expertise.

Did Obama ever clamp down on the greatest threat to the American economy? The man is a badass gaffer. 


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