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Originally Posted by Wally:

In a sense he is caught between a rock and a hard place politically.  If he does not praise Comrade Cheddi then Kwame's bottom house propaganda machine/squad will say to the rural Indos "you see Moses a form bond with them black man to kill all you"

I agree, i see it as a strategy to bring up CJ


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Bai chief, leff Moses alone.

As any parent knows, you make children but not their minds. Some kids grow up and do nasty things to embarrass you.

Same with Jagan. He created a party and welcomed all and sundry, and some ah dem turn out to be the opposite of Jagan.

This is where we part company. You, Moses, Churchill andalll the old batch of PPPs are so screwed up in your communist head that you even belief that Jagan was your father.

Guyana needsbetter and unless Moses do not admit that yes Cheddi did srew up then  the pck at Freedom House is better than him. Reason I say so is that they have crafted their own course. Rarely are you hearing them speaking about Cheddie and Janet they are speaking about Bharrat and the development he mad.


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Bai chief, leff Moses alone.

As any parent knows, you make children but not their minds. Some kids grow up and do nasty things to embarrass you.

Same with Jagan. He created a party and welcomed all and sundry, and some ah dem turn out to be the opposite of Jagan.

This is where we part company. You, Moses, Churchill andalll the old batch of PPPs are so screwed up in your communist head that you even belief that Jagan was your father.

Guyana needsbetter and unless Moses do not admit that yes Cheddi did srew up then  the pck at Freedom House is better than him. Reason I say so is that they have crafted their own course. Rarely are you hearing them speaking about Cheddie and Janet they are speaking about Bharrat and the development he mad.


Jagan was not an angel, chief. Yes, Jagan screwed up.

Burnham screwed up too. You agree?

What Moses is doing makes perfect tactical sense. For many Indo-Guyanese, Cheddi Jagan was and still their idol.

By reminding people of his close association with Jagan, Moses is appealing to those Jaganite voters. How else can he win them over, chief?

Notice that Granger is doing the same thing. He will launch his campaign on Burnham's birthday, February 20. That makes sense because many PNC supporters still think Burnham was the best thing for them since plantain chips.

You're not a politician, chief. You don't have votes to fight for. Moses and the AFC have to strategize carefully to secure optimum votes on May 11.

Originally Posted by seignet:

That is the reason why I keep insisting there should have been another political group contesting the election. These old men just keeping dragging their baggage around.


Question for the Gilbaka. In 1992/1993 what is the name of the manger at Freedom House? The fell had a poney-tail.

His name was Mark Moonsammy...

Originally Posted by seignet:

That is the reason why I keep insisting there should have been another political group contesting the election. These old men just keeping dragging their baggage around.


Question for the Gilbaka. In 1992/1993 what is the name of the manger at Freedom House? The fell had a poney-tail.

Up to the 1992 elections the acting manager was Rohan Singh who had replaced manager Mike Persaud. Rohan stayed on a little and then became head of the presidential guard. I think John Silas took over from Rohan as manager but I'm not sure. I had already left the PPP five months before elections though I still used to visit some comrades.

Originally Posted by Chief:

On FB the man posting pictures with he and Jagan calling Jagan great.

Moses need to get his head examined, Jagan legacy is leaving behind a pack of thieves at Freedom House.

moses nagamootoo

moses nagamootoo displying the ten commandments


The purpose of this letter is to announce my resignation from the Central Committee and as a member of the PPP with immediate effect.

Further, I confirm that I would not subscribe my name to the PPP’s List of Candidates for the 2011 National Elections, nor would I feature on the party’s platform, a decision I revealed to you on October 1, 2011.


I therefore request that the PPP/Civic refrain from further using my speeches and interviews from previous campaigns, and distorting same, to fool my supporters and the Guyanese electorate that I am campaigning in 2011 for the PPP/C.


I have now brought closure to my association with the PPP, which started 50 years ago in 1961, though I did not become a member until October 3, 1964. I came through the ranks to become Vice-Chairman of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), Secretary of the National Students Committee, Member of the PPP Central/Executive Committees and Secretariat; and Member of Parliament/Minister of Government.


I have always used my vast experience and knowledge in various positions, including journalism, to benefit the party and our people. I have travelled the long, bumpy and sometimes, treacherous road. The best years were those that I spent in struggle at the side of Cheddi Jagan, for which I feel pride.

Do you know these men ?

So, today, I walk with clean hands and a clear conscience. I have been critical inside the party as I have been bold outside, in the prosecution of our struggles and efforts to make our Guyana a better place.


In more recent years, I had taken a consistent stand over erosion of internal party democracy, corrupt practices, security lapses and arrogant, autocratic leadership.


During 2004-2006, serious disagreements over corruption and national policies led to my withdrawal from the party leadership, but I returned to the 2006 elections platform to preserve party unity, and to defend the gains we have made from struggles and sacrifices of our supporters.



I stand by every single word that I had uttered in 2006 – that the PPP was my home; that we shared a vision for the future based on Cheddi Jagan’s core principles, which could be summarized in two words – “lean” and “clean”. Unfortunately, the leadership has betrayed its promises as well as these values.


As much as I loved our “home”, there was just no space for me to help make it accountable, responsible and free from corruption.


The recent, awful disclosures by WikiLeaks should at least remind the leadership that “Moses had told us so!” I was hounded from the party leadership. For protesting against wrong-doings I was deemed to have resigned from the party’s Executive Committee. Then after the 2008 Congress, I was excluded by devious methods.



I have lost all faith in the current leadership. My association with the party has been compromised, and I can no longer in good conscience remain on the Central Committee or serve as a party member. I will not condone or be a part of any bullying, corruption and authoritarianism, more especially when these decaying practices emerged inside the organization to which I had dedicated all my life and to which I have given my finest efforts as activist, journalist and government minister.



The most grievous of these practices were public attacks on me for standing up against the threat to derecognize the sugar workers’ union, GAWU; and the exclusion of party members in what was a flaw-dulent process by which the presidential candidate for the 2011 elections was selected. The elementary practice of consultation was derailed.



My fight for political democracy was not against any personality but about principles and procedures and, above all, for the preservation of the integrity of the party. But I was nevertheless publicly maligned, labeled a “loser”, and bulldozed. I had come to the conclusion that a cabal had hijacked the PPP to serve narrow agendas of personal power, privileges, perks and pensionsover dedicated duty to our people.



Since I first entered politics in 1961, I am proud that I took the stand that I did, against dictatorship, for unity, democracy, press freedom and good governance. I am grateful to my parents, who endured the sacrifice; and to my wife and children, who suffered for it.


Though our work has begun, my dream for a developed, prosperous and secured land remains unfulfilled. So I give notice that I will continue to serve my beloved Guyana.



I promise to work with all patriots to bring healing, unity and lasting peace to our nation; to make our country grow, and to provide bread with equality and justice for all our people; to meaningfully help the poor, powerless and marginalized, and give hope and security to our new generation.


Yours sincerely,

Moses V. Nagamootoo


Cc: Chairman, Guyana Elections Commission

Fmr. President, Jimmy Carter, The Carter Center

Guyana, Regional & international media



First ever AFC Meeting - Cow Dam New Amsterdam.

Big crowd attended AFC's meeting at Cow Dam, New Amsterdam this evening.

A PNC Stronghold......A few days ago.



Last Nite Best Village

AFC yard meeting at Best village,

West Demerara last evening.

Residents voted in favour of

broad alliance contesting against and

unseating Ramotar unpopular regime in May elections.




Blue Caps, a youth volunteer group in Guyana, hosted first in series of "Let's Talk" with first guest being Moses Nagamootoo, long standing journalist and politician, and vice president of the Alliance for Change. Blue cappers are seen here with their guest recently in Georgetown.


Zeelust residents demand better life!

Zeelust's Nightmare:

distraught residents of Zeelust housing scheme, West Demerara,

complained to AFC vice-chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

about banditry, no electricity or roads in their community.


AFC Family - stay firm :

I want to say tonight that we understand the anxiety of our AFC Family who don't feel that we have given enough information about talks between AFC and APNU on an alliance strategy for the May 11 elections.


Yes, we have an agreement to zip our mouth but things have been leaking out and lots of speculations have been flying all over the place.


Some of it is fueled by the PPP which sees its demise in an a broad opposition alliance. So, they play the div...ide and rule card, but some of the speculations have been generated by our own constituents who expressed genuine concerns about ethnic security.

Wow! Our own!


Look:: the hurdle here

is to put  the minority corrupt

PPP Ramotar/jagdeo clique out.


How to do this is by UNITY. 

I have travelled to the grassroots, and there are real concerns.

We cannot brush aside ethnic security,

and we must address this fear

that exists among mainly Indo- and -Afro Guyanese.


We can pick the best idealistic new Cabinet but we need to pick firstly the best probable Guyanese choice of who they trust and who can deliver actual cross-over bores.


All else is academic, emotional and speculative.

We need a STATEGIC alliance -

broad based and inclusive.

We need the votes to cross the 50% line to people's empowerment,

AFC fighters: we are holding the line!  

We will sacrifice for unity but in the end, Guyana must win.

We will win!

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by seignet:

That is the reason why I keep insisting there should have been another political group contesting the election. These old men just keeping dragging their baggage around.


Question for the Gilbaka. In 1992/1993 what is the name of the manger at Freedom House? The fell had a poney-tail.

His name was Mark Moonsammy...

Thanks, Churchill. I wasn't sure as I told Siggy just now.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by seignet:

That is the reason why I keep insisting there should have been another political group contesting the election. These old men just keeping dragging their baggage around.


Question for the Gilbaka. In 1992/1993 what is the name of the manger at Freedom House? The fell had a poney-tail.

His name was Mark Moonsammy...

Thanks, Churchill. I wasn't sure as I told Siggy just now.

After returning from oblivion, in 1992 this chap started alienating PPP supporters at home and abroad.  

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Bai chief, leff Moses alone.

As any parent knows, you make children but not their minds. Some kids grow up and do nasty things to embarrass you.

Same with Jagan. He created a party and welcomed all and sundry, and some ah dem turn out to be the opposite of Jagan.

This is where we part company. You, Moses, Churchill andalll the old batch of PPPs are so screwed up in your communist head that you even belief that Jagan was your father.

Guyana needsbetter and unless Moses do not admit that yes Cheddi did srew up then  the pck at Freedom House is better than him. Reason I say so is that they have crafted their own course. Rarely are you hearing them speaking about Cheddie and Janet they are speaking about Bharrat and the development he mad.



This is where your perspective of Cheddi Jagan comes from:

  1. As a devout Muslim you take a principled stand against a political philosophy that is not so much anti-religion as it is atheistic.
  2. As a businessman you have an antipathy for economic organization that compromises the free market principles and the Marxist-Leninist PPP of Cheddi.

What I'd like you to consider is the business of politics just like you'd look at your own business. Cheddi and the PPP never banned religious practices in Guyana or passed legislation inimical o religious practices; and paid lip service to the three main religions in Guyana.


Consider also that Cheddi, through the Kaldor budget of the early 1960s, never rushed into nationalizing the commanding heights of the economy.  You can rail against him for the critical support of 74 -76 when Burnham was fooled by the windfall from a commodities boom (sugar, calcined bauxite and rice) to rush to nationalize two industries that had their fates written on a wall. It is just a historical circumstance that Guyana's economy was 80% state-owned and the rest in a tiny business class.


Consider that despite the political and religious attributes you would ascribe to Cheddi he was a giant in social change - the education reform (secondary schools and UG); the land reforms; Civil Service jobs where you don't have to convert to Christianity or have an anglicized name; etc.


I would urge you to be more nuanced and less demagoguery about an impactful figure as Cheddi. If you know Moses you would say that he respects religion and has a deep respect for business. The over-riding attributes Chief of both Moses and Cheddi are transparency and being clean of corruption. I would grant you that Cheddi's failure was organizational and the current PPP remains a Soviet-style Politburo organization; but don't stick that label on Moses.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Bai chief, leff Moses alone.

As any parent knows, you make children but not their minds. Some kids grow up and do nasty things to embarrass you.

Same with Jagan. He created a party and welcomed all and sundry, and some ah dem turn out to be the opposite of Jagan.

While the various PPPites and PPP refugees debate about the glories of Cheddi just remember that most of the non PPPites resented him because he couldnt control his wife who they considered to be a racist monster.


If you want to formulate alliances with others just remember that if you bring your PPP mentality they arent going to trust you.


Mitwah can have a mental breakdown if he wishes but these are the facts.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Also nothing piss off PNC supporters more that when they hear him talk about his undying god like love of the former PPP leader.  It cost him the speaker position and it could hurt him badly in this next election.

Glad that people know this.


Non PPPites have no wish to be part of the current PPP civil war, and do not trust either side.  What if the Jaganite faction make peace with the Jagdeoite faction, will the Jaganite faction abandon the non PPPites who they now claim that they want to ally themselves with?

Originally Posted by Django:

I agree, i see it as a strategy to bring up CJ


Yes let him do so and then the blacks will want to know why a PPP man must now be the PNC candidate.  They do not know Nagamotoo, because they saw/see him as a PPP and therefore no one to bother with.  He needs to woo them, and so far he hasnt done so.  All this Cheddi talk hows that he still is focused purely on the Indian voters, and takes the African/mixed voters for granted.


I have come to realize hwo divided a country Guyana is, and the fact that most posters here have no idea about how Afro Guyanese think.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Bai chief, leff Moses alone.

As any parent knows, you make children but not their minds. Some kids grow up and do nasty things to embarrass you.

Same with Jagan. He created a party and welcomed all and sundry, and some ah dem turn out to be the opposite of Jagan.

This is where we part company. You, Moses, Churchill andalll the old batch of PPPs are so screwed up in your communist head that you even belief that Jagan was your father.

Guyana needsbetter and unless Moses do not admit that yes Cheddi did srew up then  the pck at Freedom House is better than him. Reason I say so is that they have crafted their own course. Rarely are you hearing them speaking about Cheddie and Janet they are speaking about Bharrat and the development he mad.



This is where your perspective of Cheddi Jagan comes from:

  1. As a devout Muslim you take a principled stand against a political philosophy that is not so much anti-religion as it is atheistic.
  2. As a businessman you have an antipathy for economic organization that compromises the free market principles and the Marxist-Leninist PPP of Cheddi.

What I'd like you to consider is the business of politics just like you'd look at your own business. Cheddi and the PPP never banned religious practices in Guyana or passed legislation inimical o religious practices; and paid lip service to the three main religions in Guyana.


Consider also that Cheddi, through the Kaldor budget of the early 1960s, never rushed into nationalizing the commanding heights of the economy.  You can rail against him for the critical support of 74 -76 when Burnham was fooled by the windfall from a commodities boom (sugar, calcined bauxite and rice) to rush to nationalize two industries that had their fates written on a wall. It is just a historical circumstance that Guyana's economy was 80% state-owned and the rest in a tiny business class.


Consider that despite the political and religious attributes you would ascribe to Cheddi he was a giant in social change - the education reform (secondary schools and UG); the land reforms; Civil Service jobs where you don't have to convert to Christianity or have an anglicized name; etc.


I would urge you to be more nuanced and less demagoguery about an impactful figure as Cheddi. If you know Moses you would say that he respects religion and has a deep respect for business. The over-riding attributes Chief of both Moses and Cheddi are transparency and being clean of corruption. I would grant you that Cheddi's failure was organizational and the current PPP remains a Soviet-style Politburo organization; but don't stick that label on Moses.

This is the reason why PPP people have to continue being god like in their worship of Comrade Cheddi and repeat what Kari is saying especially in rural Indo areas.  Although true what Kari is saying, if people say anything bad against the Jagans in Indo rural areas then cutlass will pass.  A lot of these hypocrites will say privately thank god those Jagans are gone and then they will say a few seconds later. "I can't say that in public bhai because the East Indians will never understand especially the rural folk" 

Originally Posted by Kari:
. I would grant you that Cheddi's failure was organizational and the current PPP remains a Soviet-style Politburo organization; but don't stick that label on Moses.

Janet was a card carrying Marxist who would have turned an independent Guyana into a Cuba.  The Jagans endorsed Burnham's nationalizations because that is exactly what they would have done had they taken Guyana into independence.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

We will sacrifice for unity but in the end, Guyana must win.

We will win!

Does the AFC really think that the PNC is going to allow them to take over APNU.  It really thinks that you all think so.


Understand this.


1. APNU might see how it might be advantageous to have Nagamootoo as president as it MIGHT increase the probability that they might win.  This based on whether the AFC will continue to be seen as Indo party II, therefore able to attract more Indian votes.


If the AFC is unable to do so, if most Indians see this as a sell out to "black man", APNU has nothing to lose, as they will have negotiated most f the MPs any way.  Nagamootoo wouldnt be president, and coalition will be dissolved.


2.  Given that APNU is 4X as big as the AFC, so under most scenarios, should determine who the presidential candidate should be, they wil demand major concessions in order to give up this position to the AFC.  They will demand most cabinet positions, and a formula that will guarantee them most of the MPs.


So the excitement of PPP refugees that in the civil war with their former buddies, they can move in and take over the PNC, you dream.




3.  If Granger does agree to cede the presidential slot to Nagamootoo he will have to convince is own people as to why he did so and what they will have to gain.  They are NOT going to be willing to have endured 22 years of suffering under Indo party I to be told that they must risk a further period of suffering because Indo party II thinks that they can just walk in and take over their party.


There are at least TWO ethnic paranoias in Guyana.  Folks need to understand that addressing the African paranoia is as important as addressing the Indian paranoia, because if people think that it is goi8ng to be "collie" either way, then they might just stay home and cuss out Granger for being a traitor.  So Granger will have to show that despite ceding the presidential slot that the PNC will remain strong enough to represent their interests.



Mitwah can jump and scream and rant that any mention of the interests of Afro Guyanese is a racist, and that only Indians matter, but these are the facts.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Bai chief, leff Moses alone.

As any parent knows, you make children but not their minds. Some kids grow up and do nasty things to embarrass you.

Same with Jagan. He created a party and welcomed all and sundry, and some ah dem turn out to be the opposite of Jagan.

This is where we part company. You, Moses, Churchill andalll the old batch of PPPs are so screwed up in your communist head that you even belief that Jagan was your father.

Guyana needsbetter and unless Moses do not admit that yes Cheddi did srew up then  the pck at Freedom House is better than him. Reason I say so is that they have crafted their own course. Rarely are you hearing them speaking about Cheddie and Janet they are speaking about Bharrat and the development he mad.


Jagan was not an angel, chief. Yes, Jagan screwed up.

Burnham screwed up too. You agree?

What Moses is doing makes perfect tactical sense. For many Indo-Guyanese, Cheddi Jagan was and still their idol.

By reminding people of his close association with Jagan, Moses is appealing to those Jaganite voters. How else can he win them over, chief?

Notice that Granger is doing the same thing. He will launch his campaign on Burnham's birthday, February 20. That makes sense because many PNC supporters still think Burnham was the best thing for them since plantain chips.

You're not a politician, chief. You don't have votes to fight for. Moses and the AFC have to strategize carefully to secure optimum votes on May 11.

 Guyan will be in the cesspool they are in for a long time to come if these current bunch of politicians still see the need for apaan jaat.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Caribj Bhaalu, I read your babbling. Thanks for acknowledging that you are a chronic racist. Slavery was abolished a long time ago. Why do you continue to be a slave to racism?

Now prove that you aren't a mad woman on the brink of a nervous break down and suggest exactly what I said that is racist.


Indeed the agreement allows APNU to remain dominant and in control, outsourcing some day to day work to the AFC.  Who wants the headache of the Ministry of Home Affairs?  If crime continues APNU will simply point their fingers at the AFC and tell people to go complain to them.


So basically you call the PPP evil and racist, but now you have ceded all power to them.  Granger must be laughing now.

Last edited by Former Member

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