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This is a serious situation, nobody takes orders from the US anymore. So they panic and start screaming to the world expecting someone to pay attention. They have a voice that is louder than their real power. They built their confidence on the basis of their ability to destroy small and impoverished countries. They felt so mighty when they smashed Yugoslavia  into pieces, and when they burned Iraq and Afghanistan. The collapsed of the Soviet Union was the accomplishment of their NAZI wet dream of subjugating all the nations on the earth. Immediately after that nobody could rise its voice against America without paying the painful consequences. They were ruling the world with iron clad. The silence of the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon was interpreted as submission when in reality they were just taking their time to recover from the wounds inflicted by the tyrants that came before America. Now that the Dragon and the Bear have recovered their full strength  and position in the world.

What is the american Eagle going to do to scare them into subjugation?


What should Obama do to make a suddenly weakened America look strong?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Obama Administration and the powerful voices in the Democratic and Republican parties should abandon the absurd century-old notion that America's duty is to police and "protect for democracy" all corners of the globe.

As long as the United States hold on to the mindset that the world must revolve around America, there will always be conflicts and hotspots internationally.

Big American corporations have no right to believe that they must dominate the national and natural resources and markets of other lands.

This is the root cause of the imperial substance of American foreign policy. 

Originally Posted by baseman:

Obama makes a strong America look weak.  Putin got more balls than Abama.  The only match for the ballsy Putin was Bush.

You talk a bunch of crap. Bush did not stop him invading Georgia and annexing South Ossetia. They are still there in Georgia. Obama tried to reset the discussion but the stupid pig headed communist fools wants to rebuild the Soviet state. Now he will get NATO remaking deals with Poland The Czech and Slovak republics etc. None of these places feel secure in the Russian sphere.

I am glad of this present circumstances. It means NASA gets ikts funding and the Orion project gets a second look.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Obama makes a strong America look weak.  Putin got more balls than Abama.  The only match for the ballsy Putin was Bush.

You talk a bunch of crap. Bush did not stop him invading Georgia and annexing South Ossetia. They are still there in Georgia. Obama tried to reset the discussion but the stupid pig headed communist fools wants to rebuild the Soviet state. Now he will get NATO remaking deals with Poland The Czech and Slovak republics etc. None of these places feel secure in the Russian sphere.

I am glad of this present circumstances. It means NASA gets ikts funding and the Orion project gets a second look.

That's what we call "unintended consequences."

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

The problem for Obama is that if he shows his nukes, then Putin will show his nukes too...

Obama think the world is just a bigger version of community organizing in Chicago.  That banna way over his head.

I am not sure you can use threats when you do social work..

Obama is a CIA...this is mandatoryrequisit to become president of the I believe his social work past is fake.

Originally Posted by Wally:

There is no difference between Obama and Putin.  Putin is a much better manager than Obama.  That is about it.


The only good thing Obama has done for people of color is to break the color barrier.  That is it.  I would not feel sad to see him go.

Wally I totally agree.

For instance, I celebrated seeing Michelle Obama visiting China with her daughters.

This is because her presence in a skin-color prejudiced China has an enormous impact in the way Chinese see black people.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Wally:

There is no difference between Obama and Putin.  Putin is a much better manager than Obama.  That is about it.


The only good thing Obama has done for people of color is to break the color barrier.  That is it.  I would not feel sad to see him go.

Wally I totally agree.

For instance, I celebrated seeing Michelle Obama visiting China with her daughters.

This is because her presence in a skin-color prejudiced China has an enormous impact in the way Chinese see black people.

How does Chinese see black people?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Wally:

There is no difference between Obama and Putin.  Putin is a much better manager than Obama.  That is about it.


The only good thing Obama has done for people of color is to break the color barrier.  That is it.  I would not feel sad to see him go.

Wally I totally agree.

For instance, I celebrated seeing Michelle Obama visiting China with her daughters.

This is because her presence in a skin-color prejudiced China has an enormous impact in the way Chinese see black people.

How does Chinese see black people?

Chinese cannot see black people. Their eyes are too small.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Wally:

There is no difference between Obama and Putin.  Putin is a much better manager than Obama.  That is about it.


The only good thing Obama has done for people of color is to break the color barrier.  That is it.  I would not feel sad to see him go.

Wally I totally agree.

For instance, I celebrated seeing Michelle Obama visiting China with her daughters.

This is because her presence in a skin-color prejudiced China has an enormous impact in the way Chinese see black people.

How does Chinese see black people?

They do not like dark skin...


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