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Former Member

Hello Folks:


How about giving your suggestions on strategies?

1. Kaieteur News do a supplement documenting all the frauds/scams/illegal spending that happened under the PPP.

2. Do a DVD version of #1 that can be spread quickly and digitally.

3. Create videos of how the ministers/MPs lived before they joined the PPP govt and after.  Capture their lavish lifestyles and conspicuous consumption.

4. Do short versions of the longer video in #3.

5. Disseminate the Chatree video.  That represents the lowest point of the PPP in that they took no action on such debauchery. Play key pieces of it at public meetings for people to hear.

6. Show some of these videos at public meetings.


Please add to list.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Coalition would do well to not waste it's limited resources on all that crap.


Recruit local supporters to go and talk to their friends and neighbors. Make it a very personal campaign. One on one voter outreach. Keep lots of lists. Appoint street/village level leaders. Then convert that to a GOTV operation.


Don't fall in the trap of copying PPP tactics. They can do those things because they're the Government. They also rely heavily on the one on one voter outreach. That's the secret to their success.


P.S....This is the principal reason why the PPP/C never wants LG Elections. The Local Governments are the PPP's paid election machinery. They have basically put their entire party apparatus on the state payroll thus ensuring a commanding advantage always. LGE is actually the key to destroying the PPP Government.


I think there needs to be a lot of the things you highlighted Django but there has to be mass coverage on the ground meeting with the people, meeting with young people and connecting them to the local issues affecting them in each community.


Explain to the people why their children have to walk through shit water to get to school while Manickchand sends here children to private school along with the rest of the cabal.


Show the people how they are paying for the lifestyles of Jagdeo's 200 Million dollar a year pension etc.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Hello Folks:


How about giving your suggestions on strategies?

1. Kaieteur News do a supplement documenting all the frauds/scams/illegal spending that happened under the PPP.

2. Do a DVD version of #1 that can be spread quickly and digitally.

3. Create videos of how the ministers/MPs lived before they joined the PPP govt and after.  Capture their lavish lifestyles and conspicuous consumption.

4. Do short versions of the longer video in #3.

5. Disseminate the Chatree video.  That represents the lowest point of the PPP in that they took no action on such debauchery. Play key pieces of it at public meetings for people to hear.

6. Show some of these videos at public meetings.


Please add to list.

People want to know whats in it for me.  The Coalition has to focus on its plans for Guyana.  It has to focus on a new vision for how Guyana is governed.  It has to communicate that this will be bottom up and not top down.  The coalition if it wins will conduct regular meetings with various stakeholders to identify problems and to work with stake holders to identify solutions.  The focus will be in helping people build their fishing nets and teaching them how to fish rather than giving them 2 skinny fishes and then boasting that this proves that the govt cares.


Every one already knows of the scandals.


Every one also know that those who control parliament couldn't/didn't want to punish those responsible, and let the PPP continue to steal and to engage in white elephant projects.  So a campaign focusing on this will also expose how impotent the opposition is.


Which isn't to say that their shouldn't be mention of this in PPP strongholds, but that cannot be the focus.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The Coalition would do well to not waste it's limited resources on all that crap.


Recruit local supporters to go and talk to their friends and neighbors. Make it a very personal campaign. One on one voter outreach. Keep lots of lists. Appoint street/village level leaders. Then convert that to a GOTV operation.


Don't fall in the trap of copying PPP tactics. They can do those things because they're the Government. They also rely heavily on the one on one voter outreach. That's the secret to their success.

Yes because this is part of indicating to people that the APNU/AFC will lead a bottom up instead of a top down government.  The people must be empowered to contribute ideas that will help the nation move forward, because the success will depend on the degree to which the people benefit.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I think there needs to be a lot of the things you highlighted Django but there has to be mass coverage on the ground meeting with the people, meeting with young people and connecting them to the local issues affecting them in each community.


Explain to the people why their children have to walk through shit water to get to school while Manickchand sends here children to private school along with the rest of the cabal.


Show the people how they are paying for the lifestyles of Jagdeo's 200 Million dollar a year pension etc.

Jay Bharrat Jay Bharrat is online. Click for Member Snapshot. sorry redo i don't want to steal
Jay's highlights he has some great visions.
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The Coalition would do well to not waste it's limited resources on all that crap.


Recruit local supporters to go and talk to their friends and neighbors. Make it a very personal campaign. One on one voter outreach. Keep lots of lists. Appoint street/village level leaders. Then convert that to a GOTV operation.


Don't fall in the trap of copying PPP tactics. They can do those things because they're the Government. They also rely heavily on the one on one voter outreach. That's the secret to their success.

Yes because this is part of indicating to people that the APNU/AFC will lead a bottom up instead of a top down government.  The people must be empowered to contribute ideas that will help the nation move forward, because the success will depend on the degree to which the people benefit.


I know what these morons are gonna do. They're gonna hold public meetings. Preach the Gospel of Moses. Cuss out the PPP. Marvel at the occasional large crowd. Assume the crowd will magically show up to vote and vote the right way.


I've seen this movie before in Guyana. People think the PPP is incompetent. They're totally super competent in running an election machinery down to the village level.. They can't govern though. But they're good at winning elections.

Originally Posted by caribny:
. . . Every one also know that those who control parliament couldn't/didn't want to punish those responsible, and let the PPP continue to steal and to engage in white elephant projects.  So a campaign focusing on this will also expose how impotent the opposition is.


Which isn't to say that their shouldn't be mention of this in PPP strongholds, but that cannot be the focus.

some of the stupidest shyte [as analysis] i have heard on this subject


this is the same bizarre 'reasoning' that criticizes the opposition[!!] for not implementing economic plans to empower the people



Last edited by Former Member


One on one is a good suggestion if you have enough bodies for it to be effective.    Plus PPP intimidation in villages might discourage one on one.

Since most in Guyana wants payment  to get things done, this might not work well, especially with the young, who will be the main voters.


Video and TV are big in Guyana, as well as in other countries for political campaigns.  

The PPP have access to taxpayers NCN/GINA, whereas, the coalition have to fund their own.  


#1 suggestion with KN is useful tool to get the message across.

KN been running continued stories  about  corruption, etc.  elaborate on this.

#2 Find personal video/photography resources within the  coalition to mass produce DVDs of #1 and distribute at campaign meetings, plus broadcast on TV. DVDs could be an effective  message to those unable to attend meetings.


Get a strong message across what the PPP been doing with  taxpayers money, while the needy in Guyana continue to suffer.

Video record personal stories of the continued struggle to make ends meet, especially families with school children and seniors. Compare it to the lifestyle of those in the PPP, their houses,children private  schools, etc.

Show their vindictiveness to those with no justice and it is happening in all regions.

Show defective projects and how some projects only benefit the PPP elite.   

Show where bribes was taken that had serious consequences  to youth sustainable programs. Gather evidence, file charges. Let the people see.

Expose  the true PPP and let the people  make their decision on election day. 

Guyanese are smart people, they know when they have  enough screwing around from a political party, especially the likes of Jagdeo.          



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