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Taking into account that the nation they look upto as having the perfect society in terms of economy, social services, religious tolerance. one is guaranteed that under the AFC the entire population would be living below the poverty line.

How come? They see the US as the epitome of all that is good yet they have 46 million persons below the poverty line that amounts 61 times of Guyana's population. The US as a result of pursuing a blood thirsty policy of white trash imperialism which entails rape, murder and pillage in other nations as well as its own is perhaps the worst place for anyone to be right now. Jobs are scarce, increase in crime, homes being foreclosed and massive racism.
This is the country that the AFC wishes Guyana to emulate should they ever win the 2011 elections. What do you think we will become? A poverty stricken country with all of its citizens homeless.
The other day a Government official from that country spoke glowing of Guyana's racial / religious tolerance simply because such is inconceivable and even criminal in the US.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Interesting post which perhaps provides some insights into the future, more specifically how would the AFC govern Guyana. The citizenry should now take a step back and ask the AFC what it is exactly they want to do with this country, after all the reality of today's world shows that the US's global dominance is as good as over. This is a result an extremely selfish, weak and myopic national and foreign policy.

It would be interesting to see the AFC's response to this thread
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
The top police are also part of the narco enterprise.

How much credibility would you give to a cable emanating from a Government that lied to the entire world in order to get a foot in the country with reputedly the largest oil reserves. These cables came during the Bush administration when many evils were being perpetrated by the American it therefore begs the question how credible were these people. Roger Khan was also in the employ of the American Government, however the plausible deniability clause is in effect.
Originally posted by albert:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
There isn't enough money in this world to do all the things the AFC wants to and dream about.

Excellent point Sir

Bannas, Guyana is the 2nd poorest nation in the hemisphere with a percapita GDP of just over USD 1k per annum. The AFC's plans are to raise it, in the first instance to a mid-level with the region. I don't see where this is a promise of all kind of everything. Under the PPP Guyana has remained a low-end player where even your Chinese friends have chosen to allocate 0.5% of its regional aid to Guyana. This is the confidence the Chinese have placed in the PPP.

While you guys cuss out the US/West, the Chinese working with the rest of the pro-western regional players and leaving you out in the cold. This has been the history of the PPP and their role in Guyana's politics. No one, not even your so-called friends take you seriously. They all watch you bemused, a border miffed state, always on the brink of some childish outburst.

The people can chose who they want, it's their right, but as long as it's the PPP, you can bet the migration will continue unabated and all the PPP mirgants living here will grow old, die off, never to return to the improvished nation. You can rest assure, the US will block any strategic development with the firey anti-US wingnuts in charge.
Originally posted by albert:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
The top police are also part of the narco enterprise.

How much credibility would you give to a cable emanating from a Government that lied to the entire world in order to get a foot in the country with reputedly the largest oil reserves. These cables came during the Bush administration when many evils were being perpetrated by the American it therefore begs the question how credible were these people. Roger Khan was also in the employ of the American Government, however the plausible deniability clause is in effect.

I give the Americans a lot of credibility. PPP is a narco government...that we know.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
The top police are also part of the narco enterprise.

But the PPP isn't...

Oh...suh PNC gat their President at OP since 2000?

The PNC is a strong party but they lack vision and Leadership. I wouldn't be surprised if they are gobbled up by the PPP.
Originally posted by Bookman:
The AFC is mistaken if it believes the USA model of political economy is applicable to Guyana.

The US model is NOT applicable to Guyana. There are elements of various socio-economic models which may be applicable however, any model will need to be tailored to the reality of Guyana.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Bookman:
The AFC is mistaken if it believes the USA model of political economy is applicable to Guyana.

The US model is NOT applicable to Guyana. There are elements of various socio-economic models which may be applicable however, any model will need to be tailored to the reality of Guyana.

Jagdeo's model is the most suitable for a 600,000 population. Guyana does not have the receivables to sustain a larger population. People like TK does not know that.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Bookman:
The AFC is mistaken if it believes the USA model of political economy is applicable to Guyana.

The US model is NOT applicable to Guyana. There are elements of various socio-economic models which may be applicable however, any model will need to be tailored to the reality of Guyana.

Jagdeo's model is the most suitable for a 600,000 population. Guyana does not have the receivables to sustain a larger population. People like TK does not know that.

Bai you must be joking, a nation the size of the UK cannot sustain more than 600k. This must be the biggest joke. I think East Timor has more people on a land mass of our main Essequibo islands. You reflect the crux of the PPP politics of mediocrity and failure.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by baseman:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bookman:
The AFC is mistaken if it believes the USA model of political economy is applicable to Guyana.

The US model is NOT applicable to Guyana. There are elements of various socio-economic models which may be applicable however, any model will need to be tailored to the reality of Guyana.

Jagdeo's model is the most suitable for a 600,000 population. Guyana does not have the receivables to sustain a larger population. People like TK does not know that.

Bai you must be joking, a nation the size of the UK cannot sustain more than 600k. This must be the biggest joke. I think East Timor has more people on a land mass of our main Essequibo islands. You reflect the crux of the PPP politics of mediocrity and failure.[/QUOTE

The economy has been designed to sustain 600000 people not 800000. TK and the AFC are progating an economy to cater for 2 million.
It is not a joke. It is a fact.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
The top police are also part of the narco enterprise.

But the PPP isn't...

Oh...suh PNC gat their President at OP since 2000?

The PNC is a strong party but they lack vision and Leadership. I wouldn't be surprised if they are gobbled up by the PPP.

That will give prominence to a stronger narco republic.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Bookman:
The AFC is mistaken if it believes the USA model of political economy is applicable to Guyana.

The US model is NOT applicable to Guyana. There are elements of various socio-economic models which may be applicable however, any model will need to be tailored to the reality of Guyana.

Jagdeo's model is the most suitable for a 600,000 population. Guyana does not have the receivables to sustain a larger population. People like TK does not know that.

Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Bookman:
The AFC is mistaken if it believes the USA model of political economy is applicable to Guyana.

The US model is NOT applicable to Guyana. There are elements of various socio-economic models which may be applicable however, any model will need to be tailored to the reality of Guyana.

Jagdeo's model is the most suitable for a 600,000 population. Guyana does not have the receivables to sustain a larger population. People like TK does not know that.


With all the development that is going on, I would say that you are 100% wrong in your assessment. It is also financially sound and you can take that to the bank..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Bookman:
The AFC is mistaken if it believes the USA model of political economy is applicable to Guyana.

The US model is NOT applicable to Guyana. There are elements of various socio-economic models which may be applicable however, any model will need to be tailored to the reality of Guyana.

Jagdeo's model is the most suitable for a 600,000 population. Guyana does not have the receivables to sustain a larger population. People like TK does not know that.


With all the development that is going on, I would say that you are 100% wrong in your assessment. It is also financially sound and you can take that to the bank..

You mean the 19 + 28 < 0 development?
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Bookman:
The AFC is mistaken if it believes the USA model of political economy is applicable to Guyana.

The US model is NOT applicable to Guyana. There are elements of various socio-economic models which may be applicable however, any model will need to be tailored to the reality of Guyana.

Jagdeo's model is the most suitable for a 600,000 population. Guyana does not have the receivables to sustain a larger population. People like TK does not know that.


With all the development that is going on, I would say that you are 100% wrong in your assessment. It is also financially sound and you can take that to the bank..

You mean the 19 + 28 < 0 development?

No! I mean 2001 - 2011 = 5653 projects developed..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

Was Roger's housing scheme part of your count?

No! I wasn't. The PPP will win again on their track record. Donald will win this one for me..
Where is your friend Moses nagamootoo. Still with the PPP?

I know you are sharpening your teeth for the big contracts. We will find the India bank accounts. Mark my words.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

Was Roger's housing scheme part of your count?

No! I wasn't. The PPP will win again on their track record. Donald will win this one for me..
Where is your friend Moses nagamootoo. Still with the PPP?

I know you are sharpening your teeth for the big contracts. We will find the India bank accounts. Mark my words.

I am not surprised at anything these days. I hear you!!
Originally posted by asj:
What the AFC wants to do With Guyana

Let me guess.......They wants to make it into the number one country of poverty. Will not happen as getting to power by the AFC is a mirage or an illusion that will never happen.

asj, with all due respect, this is the kind of silliness that makes people lose respect for you - I hope you pay heed to Uncle D_G's words as well -

I am sorry, but what you have said in your post here, is pure unadulterated rubbish. You cannot deny you are unaware of the in your face arrogance of the PPP as it relates to the working people of Guyana. Arrogance such as the President's pensions package and the President's Appreciation Day. Arrogance such as side-lining PPP stalwarts like Moses Nagamootoo, Ralph Ramkarran, Navin and Indra Chanderpaul and others.

Right now asj, I don't give a flying fart what you think of the AFC. But your support for the PPP is as irrational as it is shameless. I do concede the AFC's weaknesses and where we have erred, while at the same time plugging away at my work. You have not. You have joined the likes of SJ4321, Streetsmart and albert on this board. As a moderator you ought to be ashamed.

As it relates to the US, here is what I said here:

"I am not sure that every shred of evidence points to George Bush having orchestrated 9/11. Given who he is, that is plausible mind you, but I have not seen any irrefutable evidence so far.

Speaking for myself, I am against the occupation of these lands, and I have condemned the US's role in Iraq. Afghanistan is a bit different given Bin Laden. But, I have pointed out many times before on GNI that Bin Laden is a creature of the US. I have pointed out too that the roots of the present conflict, apart from Palestine, lie in the West's propping up of the Shah of Iran, which led to an overthrow by extremists, which led to the Iran/Iraq war. Mind you, Iraq was supported by both the Soviets and Americans at different times. The unjustified Soviet invasion of Afghanistan added to the mix. The Americans funding the Mujahideen just increased the volatility. These are my views that I have expressed consistently, while in the PPP and now in the AFC."

And here:

"Yes, the US is the first choice of most Guyanese. However, the greatness of the US is in no small part based on unethical behaviour of its multinational corporations, big stick foreign policy over many decades that has keep many countries of the world underdeveloped (plus wars and instability), with the irony being that those citizens almost invariably seek to migrate to the US, not to mention widespread environmental destruction, decimation of the native peoples, and most of all, slavery.

The US therefore, did not just become great from ethical activities confined within its borders. That said, we must recognise the US as among the few countries in the world in which institutions, largely, function. This is because there has been an effective separation of powers, and it is something we must aspire to in Guyana."

Further, it would serve Ricky Ross right if the US pulled his visa for his hateful white trash statements on GNI. However, for all its faults the US believes in freedom of expression, of which you are beneficiary as well, asj.

But like I said, if you want to get petty, and cast stones at the AFC for the sake of casting them, go right ahead. You and your ilk only make us stronger.

Enjoy the rest of your day brother.
Originally posted by Bookman:
The AFC is mistaken if it believes the USA model of political economy is applicable to Guyana.

That depends on what you mean by the "USA model of political economy." Of course, the AFC probably looks to the "USA model" of the past 40 years, which is the period in which the USA adopted the British model of political economy: deregulation, speculation, globalisation (imperialism.) However, if you look to an earlier USA model of political economy, as uncle Cheddi did, then you are talking about something that is a proven success: Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt.
Originally posted by albert:
Interesting post which perhaps provides some insights into the future, more specifically how would the AFC govern Guyana. The citizenry should now take a step back and ask the AFC what it is exactly they want to do with this country, after all the reality of today's world shows that the US's global dominance is as good as over. This is a result an extremely selfish, weak and myopic national and foreign policy.

It would be interesting to see the AFC's response to this thread


why you all in the PPP hate the USA so much?
Originally posted by seignet:
Perhaps, the intellectual group outside the sphere of Guyanese politic will step forward with an ideal economic plan for Guyana.

I know in 1992 those guys were invited at government house only later to be told taht capitalism is not the economic agenda of the PPP.

In 1992, Cheddi had no choice but to follow Hoyte's program imposed by the IMF. The country was broke and the only people lending was the IMF, so he followed but deep in his heart, he wanted a third way, tri-sectoral economy but never got around to implementing.

Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Originally posted by seignet:
Perhaps, the intellectual group outside the sphere of Guyanese politic will step forward with an ideal economic plan for Guyana.

I know in 1992 those guys were invited at government house only later to be told taht capitalism is not the economic agenda of the PPP.

In 1992, Cheddi had no choice but to follow Hoyte's program imposed by the IMF. The country was broke and the only people lending was the IMF, so he followed but deep in his heart, he wanted a third way, tri-sectoral economy but never got around to implementing.


But his inheritors of power just went overboard on their new ism of kleptoism andd that was the end of Uncle Cheddi dream.

Power to the kleptos.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by albert:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
There isn't enough money in this world to do all the things the AFC wants to and dream about.

Excellent point Sir

Bannas, Guyana is the 2nd poorest nation in the hemisphere with a percapita GDP of just over USD 1k per annum. The AFC's plans are to raise it, in the first instance to a mid-level with the region. I don't see where this is a promise of all kind of everything. Under the PPP Guyana has remained a low-end player where even your Chinese friends have chosen to allocate 0.5% of its regional aid to Guyana. This is the confidence the Chinese have placed in the PPP.

While you guys cuss out the US/West, the Chinese working with the rest of the pro-western regional players and leaving you out in the cold. This has been the history of the PPP and their role in Guyana's politics. No one, not even your so-called friends take you seriously. They all watch you bemused, a border miffed state, always on the brink of some childish outburst.

The people can chose who they want, it's their right, but as long as it's the PPP, you can bet the migration will continue unabated and all the PPP mirgants living here will grow old, die off, never to return to the improvished nation. You can rest assure, the US will block any strategic development with the firey anti-US wingnuts in charge.

Baseman other CARICOM countries went with proposals and secured multi million dollar projects. Guyana went to beg and got charity.

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