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What the people say about… The Attorney General’s alleged threat against KNews

November 5, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Kaieteur News took to the streets of Georgetown yesterday, mainly in the vicinity of the Stabroek Market, to note the concerns of citizens on the major issues identified in the profanity-laced 19-minute recording of a conversation between Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall and Kaieteur News reporter, Leonard Gildarie.
Most persons seemed terrified at the mere thought of speaking on the matter and declined, almost immediately, to give comment for fear of being violently attacked or victimized.
One man even asked, “I look stupid to you…If Nandlall get vex with Kaieteur News because y’all talking too much, why you want me to talk? You want dem come and shoot me up too? Who gon mine me family, you?…Nah nah nah, me nah gon comment, I want live to a ripe old age.
Another said, “No, No, No. I ain’t gon talk on this matter. I does wuk here every living day. If I talk and me picture go in the paper, dem would come right here and shoot me up. Me ain’t talking, me go dead if I talk.”
 Nonetheless, there were some who even with acknowledgement that they can be victimized, said that they cannot simply stand idly by and allow the Government and its high-ranking servants to get away with “any and everything.”
Some proclaimed that they have no fear whatsoever and want to be heard. See below what those people had to say.

Rudolph Yearwood, Cobbler1
My problem with Nandlall is that he is a man that I really have no respect for and I don’t have respect for his office for a number of reasons. He is always in the spotlight when it comes to certain matters; to me he is like the government cover-up man. Everything they do, he is the one that comes out and talks what he wants, and doesn’t care about what people have to say, but we are not stupid people.
I think that he needs to be dealt with for his actions. Because of his actions, there should be some consequences. For example; there was a girl that stole money from the courts. She was charged and she is paying the price. She is a civil servant like Nandlall and she is facing the consequences and the same must go for Nandlall.

Frank Yorrick, Cobbler
I think that it’s a downright disgrace to have the Attorney General, who is supposed to be giving the President legal advice, to be acting like this.  If I made comments like Nandlall did about the girl and Kaieteur News, what you think they would have done with me? I would be gone. And so should Nandlall. How could we trust this man to give the President advice now? What kind of man is this? He should step down. It’s about time Nandlall pick up he wreath and go in he tomb.

Roy Thomas, self-employed3
This recording is a disgrace to Guyana. How could the country’s Minister of Legal Affairs be involved in this? How could he threaten the newspaper for doing the right thing…for speaking out?  That is not right. The newspaper has to do its job. It has

to do the right thing.
People depend on Kaieteur News to know what’s really happening. For me, if I want to know what the government is doing I read Chronicle, but to know what they hiding, I will read Kaieteur News. The conversation about how he want this girl from Kaieteur News for his uncle and the terrible language he used is just bad, man.
This is our Attorney General? In any democratic society he would be out. He shouldn’t be here and I hope the people in the nation come out in their numbers and protest, because he has to go, Nandlall has to go. You can’t have two standards in Guyana where the ordinary man must pay the price and then those at the top are protected and don’t face any penalty. Nandlall is the worst Attorney General in the history of Guyana.

James Jones, self-employed
No Attorney General is supposed to be involved in those things. But don’t worry; pressure on the Government will get him out. Don’t worry with no support from President Donald Ramotar. Nandlall cannot represent this country at no international forum. Not since he carrying on in that ridiculous manner; cussing up and going on. People will not listen to him. No way would people respect him. The Government will have to take him out, just like how they took out Ronald Gajraj and send him to India. That is what they will do; they will find a place for him in India.

Terrence Dean, Vendor4
Comments: Is nuff, nuff things wrong with this government, and I just want to say that what Nandlall did was wrong. He needs to resign.

Shelly Goodman, Vendor
Comments: The reason they want Kaieteur News out is because the people getting to know too much. I believe he should resign. If he don’t that would be a real shame.


No way would people respect him. The Government will have to take him out, just like how they took out Ronald Gajraj and send him to India. That is what they will do; they will find a place for him in India.


India? why not russia or cuba?


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