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What the People say about… The Berbice River Bridge toll


Interviews and photos by Shabna Ullah 


Although commuters have found the Berbice River Bridge quite convenient, they are finding it difficult to pay the high toll and passenger fares. Stabroek News spoke to some persons and they shared the following comments:


20140630Rohan MarrayRohan Marray, Pharmacist/ businessman,

‘It would have been better for everyone if the toll was lower because right now it is tough on commuters who cross from both sides on a regular basis. The general feeling after speaking with other businesspersons is that they would like the toll to be reduced. The high cost is resulting in prices for items increasing. If we didn’t have to pay so much to cross the bridge to conduct business we would have charged less for our products and business would be better. Many persons from West Berbice used to come across with the boat to shop but they cannot afford to do that anymore. Although there are similar businesses over there, they do not get everything. But instead of coming to New Amsterdam, they rather go to Georgetown because the cost for travelling is almost the same.’


20140630Nicola EdwardsNicola Edwards, typist/ clerk,

‘I cross the bridge mainly to go to Georgetown and I find that the fare with the cars is extremely high. We pay $1,500 to go to town plus an additional $300 for the taxi to take us to the car park. When we reach back to New Amsterdam we still have to pay the car separately to take us home. So we have to calculate the passage and put aside about $4,000 for that, then we have to find money for food and other expenses.

But I think it is the persons who have to cross on a daily basis are feeling it more. They have to put aside almost $2,000 every day for passage. They have to budget themselves to spend almost $10,000 per week and some people are not even working for that money when the week is up. So it is real difficult for some people. I think the toll should definitely be reduced for the benefit of the passengers and the drivers. My stepdad is a hire car driver and it is not easy for him to find $2,200 to cross. If he makes two trips, that is $4,400 per day. What are you working for?’


20140630Robin MohabirRobin Mohabir, driver/salesman,

‘The bridge toll is high right enough but I don’t think the government can do anything about it because the community had agreed to that toll. Generally, the bridge is very useful as it convenient and provides faster and easier access. The only bad thing is that the toll is so high and not many people can afford to use it often. I know they have a 20-year contract and when the 20 years is up, we may not live to see it, but it would be beneficial for the younger generation.’




20140630Ishmael KingIshmael King, greens vendor,

‘We indeed need a bridge in Berbice but it is unfair that we have to pay so expensive to cross on it. Then the government did not keep a substitute, like keep the ferry working so persons can cross regularly. This shows that the government was not thinking about poor people because they did not even make a walk lane on the bridge or allow bicycles to cross too. All they are catering for is their rich friends and when people talking they vex. I think the bridge toll needs to be reduced or they should try and find companies that can invest, that can meet the needs of the poor people.’




20140630Harrilall, taxi driverHarrilall, taxi driver,

‘It is very pressuring for persons to pay that toll and it is about time they make a change with it. It is only the rich man who can keep crossing. But we the poor man, we are crying for that bridge, just because we cannot afford the high cost. We are appealing to those involved to come to some solution to make it better and easier for everyone. I mean I am a Guyanese and I love my country Guyana and I love to see progress.

Another thing, I live in Edinburgh [East Bank Berbice] and we have been suffering there for a long time with the deplorable condition of the road. Only when the president is coming into the area for the Arrival Day celebration then they would do a little patching up. Other than that they are not doing anything on the road. Nobody from the authority is coming to hear our problems and to tell us about the road. I have a family to maintain and I want to know how long we must remain in this situation. I have additional expenses to fix my car because of the road. We need to see this progress. Another thing, it is good that they are placing a lot of emphasis on schooling but nobody is talking about providing jobs.’

Shawn Semple, janitor,

‘It was a very good to move to link regions five and six but the toll is definitely too high. The authorities should take the poor people into consideration and drop the toll. Some people who have vehicles can barely afford to pay the $2,200 to cross while others cannot afford it at all. The Demerara Harbour Bridge has been operating at a much cheaper cost and that is why so many vehicles cross there so often. It is not a case where they would lose money because as far as I am concerned the Berbice Bridge made back the money already that was invested.’


20140630Mukesh Ragbeer,Mukesh Ragbeer, salesman,

‘I am working on a canter that delivers goods from Georgetown and we have to pay as much as $6,000 to cross. When we are returning, depending on the weight, we have to pay $500 or a $1,000 or so. Then there are times when we come up here business is bad, sometimes sales are slow. The prices for the goods are not increasing but the expenses for the toll as well as for fuel, are tough. I think if they drop the toll it would be much better. To cross the canter on the Demerara Harbour Bridge we just pay $500, weight or no weight.’




20140630Ryan TurneyRyan Turney, salesman,

‘I think those persons responsible for the bridge made enough money on it and they should do something about the cost. I am working for a business and I don’t think it would affect the business because they would already cater for that amount. But for me as an individual it would be hard for me to start a business in Berbice and sharing products from Georgetown. Now there is just one scale working at the bridge and it delays us a lot. A lot of time is wasted and you know time is money. It the toll is reduced it would be for the benefit of everybody and more progress would be made. We would also benefit from a lower price for the products. There would also be more products being shared from Berbice to Georgetown.’




20140630Siobhan MohamedSiobhan Mohamed, businesswoman,

‘I think $2,200 to cross the Berbice Bridge is extremely high especially when, as business people when we have to use the bridge sometimes two or three times per week. The toll should be lower and I believe that the rate for cars should be about $1,000. I mean, look at the Demerara Harbour Bridge how cheap it is. Why do we have to pay so much to cross? Besides, people can’t even walk on it. And it is even more expensive for the schoolchildren, plus parents have to find snacks for them. I think they should really bring down the prices because the bridge was opened five years ago and by now they have made a good set of money whereby they could lower it.’



20140630Faith JohnsonFaith Johnson, nurse,

‘The toll is too expensive, especially like for nurses and teachers who traverse the bridge every day to and fro and who work for a small salary as well as the schoolchildren. Persons who do not travel regularly would not feel the pressure that much. The price to cross the vehicles is too hot and it is very hard for the hire car drivers. Because of the bridge toll persons are not going to New Amsterdam as they would want to. People prefer to go to Georgetown. Over in New Amsterdam most of the businesses closed down because of the bridge toll which is preventing persons from going over to make purchases as they used to. When I used to travel to New Amsterdam every day more than half of my salary used to go to travelling. Then I also have to cater for other expenses. I have bills to pay, I have to get food, I have to get clothing.’




20140630Karen CarmichaelKaren Carmichael, housewife,

‘I think the Berbice Bridge toll is too high and parents who have children to send to school over in New Amsterdam they cannot afford it. They have to be planting a kitchen garden or minding livestock in order to supplement the income. I think the government needs to do something urgently. It is also very hard on pensioners traversing that route and whereas with the boat they used to cross for free. Drivers cannot look at pensioners, nurses, teachers or schoolchildren and charge them less because they have to pay a high toll. Look at the Demerara Harbour Bridge; there is a walkway for pedestrians and plus persons can use bicycles. The hardest part is that there was no increase in salary. In the case of nurses if they get a three percent increase they [government] take it out back when they add everything together.’


Replies sorted oldest to newest


Is only 1 scale working.


I would encourage someone to break it and create havoc. It will only last for less than a day.  

Berbicians should mobilize and plan marches across the bridge. Let's see if Rohee and Ramotar would tolerate the police to shoot at the Berbicians who normally vote for the PPP. Where is Mr. Charandaas? 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Is only 1 scale working.


I would encourage someone to break it and create havoc. It will only last for less than a day.  

Berbicians should mobilize and plan marches across the bridge. Let's see if Rohee and Ramotar would tolerate the police to shoot at the Berbicians who normally vote for the PPP. Where is Mr. Charandaas? 

the bad news here is the guyanese turn sheep,i wonder where the spirit of our ancestors went


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