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Ray posted:

What yall eating today

had toast and coffee this morning

had some shrimp cocktail

had some calamari

waiting fuh duck curry and dhall puri

plus bake chicken fuh dessert

wash down wid some red wine

all the while listening to Charandass Say Noooo

Drinking while listening to NOOOOOOOOOO.   

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:

Charandas was definitely a discussion at our table. My nephew who knew him when attending UG  and now a Doctor in NY said the man is an oppertunist.. 

As usual Pepper Pot and Baked Turkey.

Maybe an opportunist, but compared to some lawyers in Berbice, he is one of the 'good' guys with clients. 

Merry Christmas. 




when burnham rigged the election against Jagan you said that burnham outsmart jagan.

afc join the pnc and oust the skip yuh Friday prayer to eat poak at the stadium in gt 

i think dem bais think yuh ah waan..........never mind..


we are having boil and fry half ripe plantain with bangary stew an dumplin..

Last edited by Former Member
Anan posted:


when burnham rigged the election against Jagan you said that burnham outsmart jagan.

afc join the pnc and oust the skip yuh Friday prayer to eat poak at the stadium in gt 

i think dem bais think yuh ah waan..........never mind..


we are having boil and fry half ripe plantain with bangary stew an dumplin..


I have said this many times before  but you fail to mention it.

Jagdeo is using  Burnham playbook.


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