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Let’s start with the now.

With the AFC and APNU holding 33 seats in Parliament the governing party PPP/C with 32 seats is a minority party. Let’s say Moses believes that his 33rd vote is crucial then he has a right to say that he holds a degree of importance in the Parliamentary arithmetic for passing legislation.

Let’s go to just before the Nov 2011 elections. Moses’ battle with the leadership of the PPP under President Jagdeo and his chosen successor Donald Ramotar has nothing to do with power ambition. This is not an objectively verifiable statement. It’s an assertion, and you just have to take my word on this one or choose a dissenting position for whatever reason you may have. You may question why he did not leave at the same time as Khemraj Ramjattan and put in his dues over the 6 plus years of the AFC, and that’s valid. I believe though that he felt his fight is maximized from within rather than from the outside. The Guyanese populace needed to embrace the third party AFC rather than be a default position because of disenchantment with the PPP and the PNC. Moses felt that the 2011 elections was the optimum time and in my opinion his timing is what led to the AFC’s increased votes in Region 6 that led to the minority status of the governing party.

Now for the essence of Moses Nagamootoo – and I write here with an absolute independent view. This disclaimer is necessary, as there is a perceived association with Moses and his appearances on Spotlight TV. There are some commentary in this forum about Moses being tainted because of the undemocratic party structure in the decades of the PPP‘s existence and the poor legacy for a strong party post-Jagan. Some of this on the surface seems reasonable, but you have to wear the shoes of a PPP insider and understand the calculus of the national voting and the PPP’s internal structure to understand how the struggle within Moses Nagamootoo would lead to that conclusion. I also wonder at times at the seemingly meandering path of Moses’ struggles, but I believe it is a path that, while painstaking, will have a good outcome.

Now for some ancillary observations about Moses’ associations. There is a lot of talk here Rafael Trotman and Khemraj Ramjattan regarding their relationship with Moses. I can say with the utmost sincerity that Trotman likes the PNC as much as Rama like CaribJ. There is no love lost with Trotman and the PNC from whence he came. To speak in terms of blackman and running back to the PNC or him as a spy of the PNC is ridiculous and demeaning to any sane thought process. Ramjattan is a furiously principled individual who showed his political preference when he battled with the PPP leadership over the continued Marxism-Lennism leanings. They both see Moses as a mentor – politically and as an individual, with the decent family life and distaste for corrupt practices. Moses’ street has pot holes and he never once asked to get it paved and wanted the Pradoville life style. So let's stop this cacamany notion of Moses being a PPP trojan and how there is a big fight within the AFC.

Whatever Moses’ failings are, his integrity and honesty are beyond reproach. He is a patriot who has always fought against corruption and has the ability to marshall the bright minds that have departed the development process in Guyana.

To the matter of last Saturday, I had unavoidable last-minute family commitments, but I still ended up at the restaurant where the AFC had its affair. So please put any silly thoughts to rest.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I think there is a song name "Time will Tell", and I want Moses to know that time is on the Guyanese people side and ONLY time will tell. Only time will also tell whether your assessment is correct or it is as you righty put it, an independent view.

Moses cannot point to anywhere in the World where a Politician has done what he did at such a crucial and important time in a Country's History.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
How would Ramjattan and Ramaya vote on budgets and legislations? Do they hold the same view as Moses?
Why don't you ask the PPP if their party members can show opposition to legislation. It would be nice if you had at least one PPPite legislator who ever voted against a PPP initiative.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
How would Ramjattan and Ramaya vote on budgets and legislations? Do they hold the same view as Moses?
Why don't you ask the PPP if their party members can show opposition to legislation. It would be nice if you had at least one PPPite legislator who ever voted against a PPP initiative.

Your reaction to queries is like that of frustrated house wife who whines about what to cook for her farmer husband. Big Grin
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
How would Ramjattan and Ramaya vote on budgets and legislations? Do they hold the same view as Moses?
Why don't you ask the PPP if their party members can show opposition to legislation. It would be nice if you had at least one PPPite legislator who ever voted against a PPP initiative.

Your reaction to queries is like that of frustrated house wife who whines about what to cook for her farmer husband. Big Grin
If you are an expert on the ways of the frustrated housewife you can keep it to yourself or seek therapy elsewhere. The above is a response to your nonsensical query. It asks no less than you asked but extended it globally to the entire PPP for the entire duration of their tenure in office. If you cannot find one instance of objection to their political party line in their midst in their entire history, why the hell ask the stupid question of the AFC as if their demands that their members hold the line is an alien concept.
You, Mr. D2, has been acting as Mr.Perfect on this board for too long. You are degenerating into something that deserves very little bit respect or none at all. I am saying this because the future of our country is at stake if you continue set, hatch, and breed more like yourself. You views have become extreme over the years. This is cause for concern.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
You, Mr. D2, has been acting as Mr.Perfect on this board for too long. You are degenerating into something that deserves very little bit respect or none at all. I am saying this because the future of our country is at stake if you continue set, hatch, and breed more like yourself. You views have become extreme over the years. This is cause for concern.
I would be silly to think perfection is possible in anything. I however believe excellence is a state one should strive for in all things.

I care little for the respect of any who easily succumb to the the worse of logical fallacies ie as arguing to the person rather than to the facts. Your concern is not my concern.
I care little for the respect of any who easily succumb to the the worse of logical fallacies ie as arguing to the person rather than to the facts.

You ought to read your own statement and ask if it also applies to you.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
I care little for the respect of any who easily succumb to the the worse of logical fallacies ie as arguing to the person rather than to the facts.

You ought to read your own statement and ask if it also applies to you.
You would be qualified to make that statement when you begin to think for yourself and not simply bleat as the usual PPP sheep
If one does not view the PPP gov't as a PNC style tyrannical regime then that person cannot think for themselves hah? Moses does not think the PPP is dictatorial and racist yet you are backing him. Isn't that contradictory?
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by D2:
QUOTE] Why don't you ask the PPP if their party members can show opposition to legislation. It would be nice if you had at least one PPPite legislator who ever voted against a PPP initiative

If you cannot find one instance of objection to their political party line in their midst in their entire history, why the hell ask the stupid question of the AFC as if their demands that their members hold the line is an alien concept.

Can anyone, especially the Jagdeo appologists, name ONE bill or instance where a PPP MP objected in Parliament in the last 20 years...ONE.
Originally posted by Kari:
Let’s start with the now.

With the AFC and APNU holding 33 seats in Parliament the governing party PPP/C with 32 seats is a minority party. Let’s say Moses believes that his 33rd vote is crucial then he has a right to say that he holds a degree of importance in the Parliamentary arithmetic for passing legislation.

Let’s go to just before the Nov 2011 elections. Moses’ battle with the leadership of the PPP under President Jagdeo and his chosen successor Donald Ramotar has nothing to do with power ambition. This is not an objectively verifiable statement. It’s an assertion, and you just have to take my word on this one or choose a dissenting position for whatever reason you may have. You may question why he did not leave at the same time as Khemraj Ramjattan and put in his dues over the 6 plus years of the AFC, and that’s valid. I believe though that he felt his fight is maximized from within rather than from the outside. The Guyanese populace needed to embrace the third party AFC rather than be a default position because of disenchantment with the PPP and the PNC. Moses felt that the 2011 elections was the optimum time and in my opinion his timing is what led to the AFC’s increased votes in Region 6 that led to the minority status of the governing party.

Now for the essence of Moses Nagamootoo – and I write here with an absolute independent view. This disclaimer is necessary, as there is a perceived association with Moses and his appearances on Spotlight TV. There are some commentary in this forum about Moses being tainted because of the undemocratic party structure in the decades of the PPP‘s existence and the poor legacy for a strong party post-Jagan. Some of this on the surface seems reasonable, but you have to wear the shoes of a PPP insider and understand the calculus of the national voting and the PPP’s internal structure to understand how the struggle within Moses Nagamootoo would lead to that conclusion. I also wonder at times at the seemingly meandering path of Moses’ struggles, but I believe it is a path that, while painstaking, will have a good outcome.

Now for some ancillary observations about Moses’ associations. There is a lot of talk here Rafael Trotman and Khemraj Ramjattan regarding their relationship with Moses. I can say with the utmost sincerity that Trotman likes the PNC as much as Rama like CaribJ. There is no love lost with Trotman and the PNC from whence he came. To speak in terms of blackman and running back to the PNC or him as a spy of the PNC is ridiculous and demeaning to any sane thought process. Ramjattan is a furiously principled individual who showed his political preference when he battled with the PPP leadership over the continued Marxism-Lennism leanings. They both see Moses as a mentor – politically and as an individual, with the decent family life and distaste for corrupt practices. Moses’ street has pot holes and he never once asked to get it paved and wanted the Pradoville life style. So let's stop this cacamany notion of Moses being a PPP trojan and how there is a big fight within the AFC.

Whatever Moses’ failings are, his integrity and honesty are beyond reproach. He is a patriot who has always fought against corruption and has the ability to marshall the bright minds that have departed the development process in Guyana.

To the matter of last Saturday, I had unavoidable last-minute family commitments, but I still ended up at the restaurant where the AFC had its affair. So please put any silly thoughts to rest.

Glad you posted this piece. Because every time I “peep” in here I see a campaign underway by the threatened PPites to post misinformation, half truths and simply false information about the opposition. Simply put “fear mongering”. No problem though their tactics have been exposed.

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