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I hope they hang Jagdeo's pony but I still want to hear why NICIL is not being broken apart. Granger completely splintered the ministries and he was not hired for that but to splinter NICIL into its constitutive fragments so the People would not be robbed blind.


We have not heard a damn thing about who or what constitute the Marriott ownership structure or how much money was spent there or how we can best divest to recoup and sell the hotel off to some real investors. Badal wants it.


GPL needs to be decoupled from NICIL. Rice needs to stand on its own with some brookership structure formalized to get the farmers paid for their product so they do not loan their monies to millers for a year with no interest. We need more than the ongoing talk. All Granger is doing to this point is make the PPP reconstitute their power base.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I hope they hang Jagdeo's pony but I still want to hear why NICIL is not being broken apart. Granger completely splintered the ministries and he was not hired for that but to splinter NICIL into its constitutive fragments so the People would not be robbed blind.


We have not heard a damn thing about who or what constitute the Marriott ownership structure or how much money was spent there or how we can best divest to recoup and sell the hotel off to some real investors. Badal wants it.


GPL needs to be decoupled from NICIL. Rice needs to stand on its own with some brookership structure formalized to get the farmers paid for their product so they do not loan their monies to millers for a year with no interest. We need more than the ongoing talk. All Granger is doing to this point is make the PPP reconstitute their power base.

banna, i share your frustration


but there are practical, prudential considerations that cannot be wished away or dealt with with the wave of a wand


talk to me at yearend about this problem . . . i am quite sure that most of your concerns will have been addressed by then


if not, den fya pan dem rass!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

All Granger is doing to this point is make the PPP reconstitute their power base.

1.  The PPP already won 95% of its base, as evidenced by the 30k additional votes which they won in the coastal regions, reversing the declining trend f PPP votes, evident since 2001.


2.  Granger/Nagamootoo wanted to win the election, but have no idea of how to govern the country. 


How do they resolve crime?  Close the bars at 2 AM.  How do they improve governance. 


Create a Ministry of Tourism to make Cathy Tuitt happy, and not have Ministries of Economic Development or Foreign Trade, to shift the economy beyond the export of unprocessed commodities.


What ministries are important.  The ones for Felix and Ally, as they have to be rewarded for staying with the PNC during the dark "23 years".


If these folks don't wake up the PPP will do well in the LGE.  Not because they "reconstitute" their base.  But because the base of APNU will stay home, as they have been doing since 2001, this year being the exception.


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