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Former Member

The opposition through its one-seat majority in the 65-seat legislature of Guyana on Friday passed a bill to repeal the 2009 Former President’s Benefits and Other Facilities Act.
However legal experts are now questioning whether this is an exercise in futility, since the president is not obliged to sign into law any legislation that is passed by Parliament.
According to Article 170 of the Constitution of Guyana, The President  has a right to assent or dessent a bill into law, hence returning the bill to the speaker of the National Assembly within 21 days of the date when it was presented to him, citing probable reason for withholding his ascent.
Upon doing so, the bill cannot be placed on the order paper six months after it is returned to the speaker.
The other issue is, when the bill is returned to the house and is debated, the president is obliged to sign it, however for the bill to be passed in the house, it must attract a two third majority of the  legislature, which is about 43 of the 65 seats.
This in essence means some government MPs will have to vote in favour of the bill since the APNU and AFC combined only have 33 seats in the house.
This very constitutional provision could mean that the Bill to repeal the former president’s benefits and other facilities could die a natural death.


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I c Barrack Obama is upon a brilliant idea of how to influence the elected officials on Capital Hill that have hindering his goverance. People Power.


He plan to have the people in direct dialogue with their elected officials and have them influence the success of his policies.


I SEE that:



The new leadership in China was confronted with its first big political test when journalists at a newspaper in Guangzhou went on strike and called openly for greater freedoms. This was after propaganda officials altered an editorial that would have urged the Communist Party to uphold rights under the constitution. Hundreds of people took to the streets to show their support for the journalists.


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