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Proposed Marriott Hotel…Gov’t secures private investors ahead of taxpayers $$$

March 18, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 


…Republic Bank (Trinidad), others to be major shareholders

The financing structure for the proposed Marriott-branded hotel locks in private investors for a return of their dollars but taxpayers money risk being washed away if the ambitious project fails.
Finance and industry sources say the project is a high risk one, given that existing hotels are struggling to fill their rooms, but government is pressing ahead and could end up putting US$21 million ($4.2 billion) into the project.
But the plan to get the total financing required for the project includes arrangements that could see the government being unable to recover its money ahead of investors in a scenario where the project is doomed and left in the red.
This could be deduced from explanations offered by Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh in response to several questions raised by Khemraj Ramjattan, lead Parliamentarian for the Alliance for Change.
The arrangement for financing, as announced by Dr. Singh, includes “senior debt” syndicated by Republic Bank (Trinidad and Tobago) of US$27 million.

An artist’s impression of what the Guyana Marriott would look like.

A syndicated loan is one that is provided by a group of lenders and is structured, arranged and administered by one or several commercial banks or investment banks. In this case, the loan is being administered by the Republic Bank (Trinidad and Tobago Limited) but the government has not named the other lenders.
By agreeing to this type of loan arrangement, the government is agreeing for the investors who are part of the syndicate, to get back their investment first ahead of any other investor in the project.
So, if in a scenario where the project fails and the value of the property depreciates to a value below what the investors have plugged, then the investors will get back their money, and there would be nothing to return to NICIL, meaning that taxpayers’ dollars would go down the drain.
As the project develops and the government struggles to find investors, the government, with taxpayers’ money, will become the largest investor in the project.
The Minister of Finance announced that the government will participate in the project, by way of equity, in the sum of US$4 million. This will be committed by National Industrial Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), the investment arm of the government which holds its assets.
The equity contribution determines the government’s strength in Atlantic Hotels Incorporated – the company created to see the project through. As it stands, the government is currently the sole shareholder in the company.
However, apart from the equity contribution, financing for the project would also come from “subordinate loan stocks” of US$15 million invested by NICIL.
Adding the US$2 million NICIL will end up spending in development costs for the project, including design and other preliminary studies altogether, NICIL will be putting US$21 million into the project.
Apart from the “senior debt” and the money envisaged by NICIL, the government is looking for an investor or a group of investors who will put another US$8 million into the project.
Once one or more private investors are selected, the party/parties will need to be approved by Marriott and Republic Bank, given that the 67 per cent shareholder will be deemed to be the majority partner.
Additionally, the project finance also takes into account US$4 million that will be used to set up the entertainment complex that will come with the hotel. This cost is expected to be met by the operators of the complex, such as operators of the casino, nightclub and restaurants.
Dr. Singh said that there is no government guarantee to any financial institution for the project.
He said that NICIL and the majority shareholder(s) will have to stand behind certain risks – cost overruns and any debt service shortfall until certain debt service ratios are achieved.
However, a financial expert told Kaieteur News that it does not seem plausible that Republic Bank would want to throw its money in the project without any security.
“There must be some side agreement to this,” the expert told Kaieteur News, reasoning that if one were to go to the same Republic Bank and ask for a loan to invest in the project, it is hardly likely that the bank will respond positively.
The pessimism about the feasibility of the project stems from the fact that many of the country’s hotels concentrated in and around the capital and built for Cricket World Cup 2007, are operating on less than favourable occupancy rates.
The Finance Minister said that there was a market feasibility study conducted by the Marriott Hotel Group and one conducted in 2010 by an independent American firm which is being updated for 2012.
The American firm was not named, nor was the study by Marriott released.
He said that there is also a draft Environmental and Social Impact report which is awaiting final issuance by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
“These documents are confidential at this time; however, the government is willing to have a closed door presentation that will allow certain details of these documents to be made available under the condition of utmost confidentiality and discussed with key parliamentary opposition members without these documents being made public,” Dr. Singh stated in his response to the National Assembly.
The government, under Atlantic Hotels Inc. has entered into a contract with S.C.G International of Trinidad (a subsidiary of Shanghai Construction Group, China) to construct the hotel.
The Marriott Hotel group, through one of its subsidiaries will manage the hotel in accordance with standard Marriott rates per annum. The management fee would be a percentage of gross revenue with an incentive fee being a percentage of operating profit as well as other fees based on services.
Dr. Singh said that the actual percentages cannot be disclosed because of confidentiality issues.



I don't see the reason for this especially when Guyana doesn't even have a sufficient tourist industry at the moment.The GoG is reported to only have a 33% equity in the project.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Diss projek smell like Diamond punt trench.  We gah nuff hotels donk hay, especially local hotels.  Mi tink dem corrupt PPP bais aint gettin in on the ackshun wid local hotels or Pegasus so dem mekking dem own ting for BJ tief lil moo.  Instaed diss friggin hotel, Govt shud tek some taxpaya money and liquidate part di Berbice bidge debt and mek it cheeper foa abie cross.  Diss gon help nuff nuff mo peeple dann some hotel foa cupple rich peeple an' corrupt politicians.


Diss projeck is nutin mo dann foa get bak at dem Pegasus bais who aint in di PPP pockets.  Ramo shud veto di projek.


“These documents are confidential at this time; however, the government is willing to have a closed door presentation that will allow certain details of these documents to be made available under the condition of utmost confidentiality and discussed with key parliamentary opposition members without these documents being made public,” Dr. Singh stated in his response to the National Assembly.


This is nonsense. Tax payers money is involved. They have every right to know all the details. AFC must demand full disclosure.



Somw Al YUh should go back to Hubu Backdam where Al Yuh belong. I understand Al YUh love to wait till SHIT hold AL YUh to start building YUh Toilets. It is a FREE Country and you can shit on yourself as long as you dont contaminate your Neighbors.


So instead of building proper sewage system in Georgetown and wasting funding on hotel when we already have enough hotels we need to build another?We build a hotel when the country hardly has a thriving tourist industry?I bet the Minister Of Toursim is part of the consortium of politicians that have an equity share in the AHI project.

We can spend $100 million on ferries on Parika /Supenaam but we are going to build a new hotel for what?


NICILis having a hard time getting funding  for the Amaila Falls Projects you are telling me this is better?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Somw Al YUh should go back to Hubu Backdam where Al Yuh belong. I understand Al YUh love to wait till SHIT hold AL YUh to start building YUh Toilets. It is a FREE Country and you can shit on yourself as long as you dont contaminate your Neighbors.

Bai me live donk hay, abie gah nuff adda needs dann new hotel.  Yuh rite, ah wan free k.untry, well as lang dem nah tek abie taxpaya money fuh help out dem frenns, abie nah kay.  Tek abie taxpaya money an' pay donk dah bridge soa abie cyan afford or put am in Amilia falls soa abie cyan get bettah powah.  Nuff nuff local bais gatt nuff hotels, leh dem keep da business.  Diss is anada PPP tief skeeme, Princess style.


Dat is why Al Yuh gat to always daub bottom house. Yuh gat any idea how long it eill take for this Hotel to be operational?? when Ile flow next year and all Badee flack Guyana dem gun gat to sleep at yuh cowshit shine bottom house, right????

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dat is why Al Yuh gat to always daub bottom house. Yuh gat any idea how long it eill take for this Hotel to be operational?? when Ile flow next year and all Badee flack Guyana dem gun gat to sleep at yuh cowshit shine bottom house, right????

Nah bai, nah all abie laka yuh.  Mi sarry yuh had fuh run up deh from dah cowshit battam house donk hay.  Nah sell croaton aile bai, aile nah flow for 5 years at bess.  As mi seh, me nah gah no prablim who waan bild hotel, juss nah use abie taxpaya money.  Leh dem hotel man put dem money weh dem mout deh.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

These are the same Snakeoil Salesmen talking about Democracy and Capitalism and are here discouraging COMPETITION. Sometimes I have to wonder if these people really have brains.

Bai yuh deh up deh, stay up deh, fite fuh rites up deh, leh abie run tings donk hay an' seh weh we money ah goa.


Well take my advise. Use your time wisely and check to see how such Projects get done worldwide. You will certainly learn a thing or two. Some Countries are willing to pay a FEE, grant Tax concessions, waive Tariffs, donate Land and waive prop Tax for 25 years just to have such an opportunity. Soyuh see why it gun be easy fuh dem to go elsewhere??? Samje?? If Nahh,, Main Hoon Naah.

1 day ago

Originally Posted by Jalil:

I can see you are having a change of heart and want to see the thiefing come to a halt......unlike de crab louse Parasite_Guy who got no shame.....




Listen youngman! There has been no change of heart---the Rev has never and will never tolerate or condone corruption, crookedness, and thievery.




That is where the AFC comes in---the AFC was right to question that 29 million dollars(Guy) in the speciality hospital project----PPP politicians misappropriated that money.







Nehru Bhai mi fren Rev looking fuh yuh.....eee seh  Bharat & Duck Cabal of Vultures & Parasites misappropriating all the $tate Fund$....Dem Thiefing non $top.


Nehru Bhai....aya breaking all records.


Dem_Guy pretending eeee deaf......

eee cant hear the truth


Albert from Monkey Mountain claim eee DUMB.....and Phaglee...

eee only understand thiefng and fulling yuh pocket.


Bhai Nehru....U ah cover yuh eyes and .......

yuh saying yuh na see all de corruption, crookedness, and thievery Rev Exposing.

Aya place is in the Zoo

Bhai can I tell Rev where eee can find yuh?


I look like the 29 Million gone pun the "Nehru Zoo Project"



March 15, 2012 7:06 PM


AFC Press Conference, March 14, 2012

Specialty Hospital Fiasco — $29 million for "Dirty Dozen" Heaps

Read by Moses Nagamootoo






The Alliance for Change (AFC) is calling on the Minority PPP Government to come clean with the Guyanese taxpayers on the total cost and all other expenditures for the proposed Specialty Hospital Project.

In the 2011 Budget, an initial sum of $150,000,000.00 was provided for works that included a design of the hospital, whilst financing for the project by the Government of India was being pursued. It was with shock and awe that on the 16th February, 2012, the Parliament of Guyana was told that not a cent of the original $150M was spent, and that no design has been done when Finance Minister Ashni Singh was being grilled about the whooping $29,100,000.00 extra moneys for the project.

The additional $29M was sought as payment made from the Contingencies Fund sometime between October and December, 2011 (after Parliament was dissolved) for land preparation at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara for the hospital. The moneys were ALREADY spent. The remarks in the supplementary estimates were that the $29M represented “provision for mobilization payment on infrastructural works”.

AFC leaders Messrs. Khemraj Ramjattan, Moses Nagamootoo and David Patterson recently visited the proposed site at Turkeyen. They saw what appear to be 12 heaps of dirt, apparently deposited on the land after it was graded. At a far corner, there were a roller, tractor-trailer and a single heap of white sand. It would appear that the $29M was spent on those “Dirty Dozen” heaps! The AFC demands a forensic audit of how the $29M was spent, as the land preparation was clumsily executed, incomplete, and the land remains inundated.

On 16th February, 2012 when the minority government asked Parliament to approve the expenditure, the AFC demanded reasonable explanations, which were not given, and so it voted against the approval. Immediately after the sitting, PPP and Government leaders in a propaganda blitz on state television/radio and newspapers, attacked the AFC specifically and the Opposition in general for allegedly sabotaging government’s developmental agenda. We were accused with voting against an “Indian” hospital in a frenzied and desperate campaign to whip up racism among the Indo-Guyanese population. 

Apart from the usual suspects in the propaganda pantomime, PPP Executive Ralph Ramkarran and Pollster, Vishnu Bisram, joined the race-baiting gang. On March 9, 2012 Bisram, one of the PPP’s ideologues and apologists, crudely held out the “African jumbee” to drive fears into Indians and exploit ethnic insecurity in Guyana. Bisram is towing the PPP line that the AFC has teamed up with the PNC to punish Indians, saying that “if the AFC does not address Indian concerns, then the Indians will return home”. Bisram gave unsolicited advice that “the AFC has to show that it has the interests of Indians at heart…and the AFC’s opposition to fund the infrastructure work of the proposed specialty Indian hospital will not help its case”.

AFC regrets that in the Month of the Jagans, Bisram’s views were the most depraved, idiotic and obscene defilement of Cheddi’s multi-racial politics. The AFC wishes to make it clear that it has never opposed the proposed Specialty hospital. AFC voted for the initial $150M in last year’s budget for the project, whilst it was still in gestation. Further, the AFC is on record in Parliament recently assuring the minority government that it would vote for any project, including the specialty hospital (Indian or otherwise), once reasonable explanations were given for moneys spent, or to be spent.

In violation of the Constitution and applicable laws, no sensible or reasonable explanations were given for the $29M requested. And, as it turns out, the “infrastructural works” on the ground at Turkeyen have raised new concerns as to how the moneys were spent. What the AFC is opposed to is lack of accountability and transparency, squandermania, poor or no planning, waste of moneys from Donors’ Community, projects tainted with perception of corruption — all of which could be raised with good reasons as we look at the “Dirty Dozen” heaps at the Turkeyen Site.

The AFC reiterates that as a significant political player, it will support any and all initiatives, plans and projects that are in the national interest and that will bring short-term and long-term relief to the Guyanese people, irrespective of their race, religion or creed. The PPP minority government has been caught with its pants down on the hospital project, and no amount of race-baiting and bottom-house, spit propaganda can hide its shame!






 Nehru Bhai gee

ah hope u enjoying De Banana Gerhard send fuh yuh.

AFC looking out fuh aya at de Zoo.


mek Albert from Monkey Mountain

or De Monkey from Albert rob yuh....

if yuh continue covering yuh eye .......

yuh na go see when dem monkey tek yuh share.



Nehru you wanted Banana....could not find any...

Dem AFC Boys arrange some stocks fuh yuh.


If yuh continue fuh play blind....

Dem other two gon thief yuh stocks

suh u know what to do,

Now...yuh find yuh self with de monkeys


Albert and de_one from Alberta gon try to sweet talk yuh ......

with Comrade, Berbicians Upset,PNC Rig Elections, Indian Vote,

and only Crying because Moses mek them loose De Majority.

Them got them eyespun yuh Food from AFC...

If yuh play Blind with yuh Banana them gon thief it.


Remember Rev words...."If yuh snooze.....yuh lose"

Enjoy yuh gift from the AFC







Dem will even call yuh wan "Neema-kaa-raam Monkey"

Because AFC would not send any Banana fuh Dem,

Dem got to Enjoy "Jagdeo Banana"....

and yuh see how it was scratching eee de other day...

Stop being Blind and Protect yuh Banana ......

Lister to the Rev....

Eeee is a Numbers Man and EEe dont Lie



And let them know....when it come to yuh Banana....

Yu is a Nee-maa-kaa-ram.....

And yuh dont get Banana from Baarat like dem....

And De Rev giving yuh good advise.


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