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Granger’s position on LEAD project is against sovereignty – Rohee


Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) David Granger has been criticized by General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Clement Rohee for APNU’s support of the controversial United States-funded Leadership and Democracy (LEAD) project and disapproval of the work permit revocation of its project coordinator, Canadian Glenn Bradbury.

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Remember this?



Govt. defiant in face of no confidence motion against Rohee


…says Parliament has no authority to remove a Minister  

“People were suggesting that the protest was Peaceful…let us leave that to the Commission of Inquiry,” – Robeson Benn

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Remember this?



Govt. defiant in face of no confidence motion against Rohee


…says Parliament has no authority to remove a Minister  

“People were suggesting that the protest was Peaceful…let us leave that to the Commission of Inquiry,” – Robeson Benn

This was the beginning of the end for Granja - HE DID not follow through.

Originally Posted by caribny:

When black people demonstrate , people like YOU call them hooligans and cheer when bullets kill them.


If you don't like the PPP then get your Indians to face police bullets!

Who talking about black people.  Are you thinking in techno colour or what brother?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by caribny:

When black people demonstrate , people like YOU call them hooligans and cheer when bullets kill them.


If you don't like the PPP then get your Indians to face police bullets!

Who talking about black people.  Are you thinking in techno colour or what brother?


Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by caribny:

When black people demonstrate , people like YOU call them hooligans and cheer when bullets kill them.


If you don't like the PPP then get your Indians to face police bullets!

Who talking about black people.  Are you thinking in techno colour or what brother?

I am truly sick and tired of you and this black thing.  Grow up brother.  Malcolm X dead ages ago.  Time to think as one people, one nation, one destiny.


THE devil is still the PPP and it matters not what is the race of the freedom fighter; all that matters is that someone is fighting for freedom.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by caribny:

When black people demonstrate , people like YOU call them hooligans and cheer when bullets kill them.


If you don't like the PPP then get your Indians to face police bullets!

Who talking about black people.  Are you thinking in techno colour or what brother?

If Granger calls a demonstration, how many Indians are going to show up?

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Granja need to urgently bring out some troops on the street and march from Cuffy square to OP and back.  Time to keep some noise.  But not on Regent Street.

why not on regent st,that is the first place the opposition need to shut down 


I am right, how many East Indians will show up?  Does that not tell you he has ZERO credibility with the East Indian community?


How come East Indians turn up on the protest line infront of Parlaiment to ensure that Guysuco get their $6 billion?


Let us get this very clear, EAST Indians are not afraid to stand up to the PPP or anyone else, but they DO NOT TRUST the PNC.

Last edited by Former Member
Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
OrigiOriginally nally Posted by caribny:

When black people demonstrate , people like YOU call them hooligans and cheer when bullets kill them.


If you don't like the PPP then get your Indians to face police bullets!

Who talking about black people.  Are you thinking in techno colour or what brother?

I am truly sick and tired of you and this black thing.  Grow up brother.  Malcolm X dead ages ago.  Time to think as one people, one nation, one destiny.


THE devil is still the PPP and it matters not what is the race of the freedom fighter; all that matters is that someone is fighting for freedom.




Matters not the race of the freedom fighter.  You demand that Guysuco be coddled while APNU has demonstrations.  This when you know full well that Ramotar will call out his thugs and some black kid will be murdered!


Kishan it is an established fact that blacks hate the PPP.  Want to rattle the govt,  then demand that Indians demonstrate AGAINST them and not accept a few dollars and stale food to support their marches!



You can get sick and tired while you want while you demand that black people face police bullets and Guysuco should be supported because Indians might starve.


You have never shown concern for the plight of Linden.


You see in Guyana today the elites can defecate on black people, and then call them ungrateful for not thanking them.


People like you better learn to start thinking about black people because the PPP and the Indian elites are breeding a generation of severely demoralized and alienated black people.



Last edited by Former Member



I cannot help you brother.  You have inserted a BLINKER in your brains.  All you can do is think race.


The PPP has been marginalizing afro-Guyanese for over 2 decade and what has the PNC done?


Carbin cut a deal with Jagdehoe and now CARBIN sqeezing Granja ball to keep him in line.


If Afro-Guyanese are continually marginalised, it is all because of poor leadership and incompetence of the PNC.


Only when the PNC gets new leadership, can Guyana be saved.  Otherwise, is more oppression, more supression, more injustice and the poor will get more poor as BABBY and Jagdeohoe get richer.

Originally Posted by KishanB:



I cannot help you brother.  You have inserted a BLINKER in your brains.  All you can do is think race.


The PPP has been marginalizing afro-Guyanese for over 2 decade and what has the PNC done?


Carbin cut a deal with Jagdehoe and now CARBIN sqeezing Granja ball to keep him in line.


If Afro-Guyanese are continually marginalised, it is all because of poor leadership and incompetence of the PNC.

You know its those who benefit from racism who accuse others of being obsessed by race.  This is what the whites in South Africa said, as did those in the Jim Crow South.  Continue as you seem to want to be in their company.


If you had the interests of Guyana at heart you would know that if a major part of the population feels severely alienated it is NOT just the responsibility of some politician, because GUESS WHAT!  The PNC wants ethnic insecurity amongst blacks just as the PPP wishes it amongst Indians.  But the result of this will be the ultimate DESTRUCTION of Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Only when the PNC gets new leadership,

Well that will not happen because ethe black Guyanese with brains have left Guyana, despairing of ever being treated like decent citizens.


Call me race obsessed all you want but from every thing that I hear from blacks who live in Guyana, or who have recently left, there is a concerted efforts by the Indian elites, inclusive of the PPP, to crush black people.  Understand this. The uneducated and unskilled blacks remain and will be used by any charlatan, as almost happened during the Buxton fiasco of a few years ago.  While you ignore poor blacks "garrison" communities are being set up run by certain bosses.  They don't have time for "educated debates", and have many foot soldiers at their beck and call.


The black educated in the mean while have fled to Barbados and Antigua fully convinced that only a mad black man will want to stay in Guyana.


The downtown communities of Kingston Jamaica are where Guyana is headed.  If you accept that then continue to call me race obsessed.  If you don't then treat the alienation of poor blacks as an important security issue for Guyana.


Last edited by Former Member


2013 bloodier than 2012

BY KARYL WALKER Editor - Crime/Court Desk

Wednesday, January 01, 2014     43 Comments

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Police officers on patrol in Kingston, yesterday (PHOTO: BRYAN CUMMINGS)



DESPITE the best efforts of the security forces, the murder rate continues to climb as figures compiled by the Jamaica Observer showed that murders rose by nine per cent last year, when compared to 2012.

Some 1,200 persons were slain in 2013, compared to 1,097 in 2012.

Even on the eve of the new year, police were working around the clock to deal with the upsurge in violence. Police said they held a 16-year-old student in Bethel Town, Westmoreland for the stabbing death of 32-year-old Jerome Wilson, unemployed, of Charlesmont, Belvedere, also in the parish.

About 5:00 pm, the police reported, Wilson and the student were involved in an altercation when a knife was brought into play and Wilson was stabbed to death.

In Kingston, police were investigating Monday's shooting death of 21-year-old Paul Bailey, also called 'Flakes', who was shot dead by gunmen in the tough community of Majesty Gardens, popularly known as 'Back To'.

Police said about 8:00 pm Bailey was walking in the community when a group of gunmen approached him and shot him all over his body.

Majesty Gardens was plagued by constant bloodletting last year, which resulted in over a dozen deaths and several injuries by the gun.

Some 94 murders were committed islandwide in December, compared to 85 in 2012.

On Sunday, 20-year-old Dyran Dyer of Mahogany Road in Kingston 11 was shot dead by an armed man while in the company of a woman in the Bay Farm Villa community.

Gang feuds in the communities of Denham Town and an area know as 'Spanglers' in downtown Kingston also contributed to the spike in murders last year.

Armed thugs from both communities were embroiled in a bloody battle for control of extortion rights in the capital city, and the result has been dozens of murders and shootings.

The police said they managed to quell the Denham Town gang violence with the help of Jamaica Defence Force soldiers, but the situation still remained tense in that section of the capital city.

There were also several crimes of passion and domestic-related murders last year.

On Sunday, police arrested the spouse of 20-year-old Melessia Evans and father of her four-month-old son Jeliana Green, in connection with their brutal murders. Their bodies were found in Sign district St James, Saturday morning.

Evans' throat was reportedly cut and her head partially severed, while the infant's body was found floating in a sewage treatment tank.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Only when the PNC gets new leadership,

Well that will not happen because ethe black Guyanese with brains have left Guyana, despairing of ever being treated like decent citizens.


Call me race obsessed all you want but from every thing that I hear from blacks who live in Guyana, or who have recently left, there is a concerted efforts by the Indian elites, inclusive of the PPP, to crush black people.  Understand this. The uneducated and unskilled blacks remain and will be used by any charlatan, as almost happened during the Buxton fiasco of a few years ago.  While you ignore poor blacks "garrison" communities are being set up run by certain bosses.  They don't have time for "educated debates", and have many foot soldiers at their beck and call.


The black educated in the mean while have fled to Barbados and Antigua fully convinced that only a mad black man will want to stay in Guyana.


The downtown communities of Kingston Jamaica are where Guyana is headed.  If you accept that then continue to call me race obsessed.  If you don't then treat the alienation of poor blacks as an important security issue for Guyana.


You are one sick madman. Look at the murder rate in your beloved Kingston.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


2013 bloodier than 2012

BY KARYL WALKER Editor - Crime/Court Desk

Wednesday, January 01, 2014     43 Comments

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Police officers on patrol in Kingston, yesterday (PHOTO: BRYAN CUMMINGS)



DESPITE the best efforts of the security forces, the murder rate continues to climb as figures compiled by the Jamaica Observer showed that murders rose by nine per cent last year, when compared to 2012.

Some 1,200 persons were slain in 2013, compared to 1,097 in 2012.

Even on the eve of the new year, police were working around the clock to deal with the upsurge in violence. Police said they held a 16-year-old student in Bethel Town, Westmoreland for the stabbing death of 32-year-old Jerome Wilson, unemployed, of Charlesmont, Belvedere, also in the parish.

About 5:00 pm, the police reported, Wilson and the student were involved in an altercation when a knife was brought into play and Wilson was stabbed to death.

In Kingston, police were investigating Monday's shooting death of 21-year-old Paul Bailey, also called 'Flakes', who was shot dead by gunmen in the tough community of Majesty Gardens, popularly known as 'Back To'.

Police said about 8:00 pm Bailey was walking in the community when a group of gunmen approached him and shot him all over his body.

Majesty Gardens was plagued by constant bloodletting last year, which resulted in over a dozen deaths and several injuries by the gun.

Some 94 murders were committed islandwide in December, compared to 85 in 2012.

On Sunday, 20-year-old Dyran Dyer of Mahogany Road in Kingston 11 was shot dead by an armed man while in the company of a woman in the Bay Farm Villa community.

Gang feuds in the communities of Denham Town and an area know as 'Spanglers' in downtown Kingston also contributed to the spike in murders last year.

Armed thugs from both communities were embroiled in a bloody battle for control of extortion rights in the capital city, and the result has been dozens of murders and shootings.

The police said they managed to quell the Denham Town gang violence with the help of Jamaica Defence Force soldiers, but the situation still remained tense in that section of the capital city.

There were also several crimes of passion and domestic-related murders last year.

On Sunday, police arrested the spouse of 20-year-old Melessia Evans and father of her four-month-old son Jeliana Green, in connection with their brutal murders. Their bodies were found in Sign district St James, Saturday morning.

Evans' throat was reportedly cut and her head partially severed, while the infant's body was found floating in a sewage treatment tank.


Originally Posted by yuji22:



Carib's Kingston, Jamaica. One sick man. Look at the murder rates !

And this is exactly where Guyana is headed so I don't know whay you make that point!


Garrison communities are being set up with corrupt business people local "bosses" and "guns for hire".


How you think that Guyana is different from Jamaica is quite interesting.


It isn't as it is also packed with desperate and seriously alienated people.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The downtown communities of Kingston Jamaica are where Guyana is headed.  If you accept that then continue to call me race obsessed.  If you don't then treat the alienation of poor blacks as an important security issue for Guyana.


You are one sick madman. Look at the murder rate in your beloved Kingston.

Which is exactly my point.  Continue to support the PPP and its racism and this is exactly where Guyana will go!  And we know this because there has been a sharp increase in crime and gun violence this year.


It might even already be too late for all we know!

Last edited by Former Member

US Democracy in Guyana Project on Hold for Talks


A U.S.-funded program aimed at improving the democratic process in Guyana has been suspended amid complaints from the South American government, officials said Thursday.


The Leadership and Democracy Project will be put on hold while U.S. and Guyanese officials discuss the scope and intention of the program. Cabinet Secretary Roger Luncheon and U.S. Ambassador Brendt Hardt announced the suspension at a joint news conference in Georgetown.


The ambassador said the United States was "prepared to modify and adjust" the program based upon its discussions with Guyanese officials.


U.S. officials have said the program, funded with $1.25 million over two years from the U.S. Agency for International Development, is intended to promote consensus-building in the politically divided country. It would involve, among other things, public education efforts aimed at encouraging democratic participation, especially by women and young people, and helping support long-delayed local elections in the country.


The ambassador said he expected the project to resume.


"I am confident we can find a way forward for the LEAD program," Hardt said. "My confidence is buoyed by the knowledge that the LEAD projects fits firmly within the framework agreements previously reached between our governments within the 2009 USAID assistance agreement."


Supporters of Guyana's president, Donald Ramotar, questioned whether the program was being used to support his political adversaries in the opposition-controlled National Assembly and accused the U.S. of being intentionally vague about the effort.


The government said last month that it revoked the work permit of the program director, Glen Bradbury. He remains in the country.


Luncheon said the government wants input into the design and implementation of the program.


"We have achieved what we sought, which was to have the implementation of the project put on hold while we re-engage in talks," he said.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Granger’s position on LEAD project is against sovereignty – Rohee


Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) David Granger has been criticized by General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Clement Rohee for APNU’s support of the controversial United States-funded Leadership and Democracy (LEAD) project and disapproval of the work permit revocation of its project coordinator, Canadian Glenn Bradbury.



And your point is? 

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Remember this?



Govt. defiant in face of no confidence motion against Rohee


…says Parliament has no authority to remove a Minister  

“People were suggesting that the protest was Peaceful…let us leave that to the Commission of Inquiry,” – Robeson Benn

This was the beginning of the end for Granja - HE DID not follow through.

And your point is? 

Originally Posted by KishanB:



I cannot help you brother.  You have inserted a BLINKER in your brains.  All you can do is think race.


The PPP has been marginalizing afro-Guyanese for over 2 decade and what has the PNC done?


Carbin cut a deal with Jagdehoe and now CARBIN sqeezing Granja ball to keep him in line.


If Afro-Guyanese are continually marginalised, it is all because of poor leadership and incompetence of the PNC.

cognitive dissonance marries smartman complex . . . kwamee presiding


ppp smiling . . . loving the 'kishan' pose


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