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Once the AG remains in office, no decent person should give the President’s statements a second thought

December 5, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor, It has been many weeks now since the Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Anil Nandlall has exposed his immoral fibre with that most undignified, degrading and vulgar collection of comments in a telephone conversation with a Journalist. To err is human and thus, no one in their right mind would have the moral high ground to attack Mr. Nandalal if he had done the decent thing of apologizing for his disgraceful comments and profane -laced language and then demits office as an act of principle and decency in protecting the Office of the Minister of Legal Affair and most importantly the Office of the President.  Mr. Nandlall claims he is from the Kshatriya caste (CHAT-TREE in Guyanese parlance) but does he really know what is the role of a Kshatriya? In the bane of the Hinduism caste system, the role that is offered to the Kshatriya is one of protecting the people and the country, dispensing justice, being fair to the nation, protecting the social order in the State and to conduct oneself so one is not despised by one’s people. A CHAT-TREE is a decent, polite, honorable and well respected individual who is not vindictive and will conduct him/herself with decorum. So  anyone who claims to be a CHAT-TREE but does not have any of the above qualities is hypocritical and deceitful and should not be trusted or be in a position of authority. Based on the tape recordings, the Attorney General (AG) was caught allegedly pimping a female reporter for his uncle, threatening violence against the Forth Estate, in this case the Publisher of Kaieteur News, Editor-in-Chief Adam Harris and their staff only because they have exposed his unrighteous and depraved behavior. It is downright wrong for the president not to demand the resignation of the AG who acknowledged that he spent millions of dollars of the taxpayers’ money on a private family issue which he was not entitled. How can the rule of law be enforced in Guyana when the principle officer of the Bar is being accused of being the chief law breaker? For Mr. Ramotar and the cabinet to wrap arms around the disgraceful AG has not set a bad example only for politicians but for the youths who would believe that they can commit a crime and not be punished. It shows that the president is not in control of the government and his cabinet is afraid to rebuke the Jagdeoites. For him to allow Mr. Nandlall to continue as the Chief Law officer shows that he does not have the requisite skills to be president and that Guyana has descended to the pit. The administrative structure was set up to have someone appointed as the Attorney General to be the head of the Bar, but most importantly the chief legal advisor to the State of Guyana.  Such a person is expected to possess various qualities with the highest morals to be a right fit for the position.  An Attorney General and a Minister of any Government ought to have integrity, leadership skills, a strong ability to truly listen to the people and to communicate with their peers and the people, and but most importantly have a credible and a distinguished character not just in words but in deeds. Sadly, Mr. Nandalall lacks all of these fundamental characteristic traits of an Attorney General and should not have been offered the job in the first place since he is a very far cry from the benchmark of the great Attorney Generals of Guyana like Fenton Ramsahoye and Keith Massiah.  In simple language Mr. Nandalal is not ready yet and is the most unfit and unsuitable person for the position he holds and should do the decent thing and resign. Once Mr. Nandalal remains in office all women, all media houses and all financial rules in the State of Guyana remain under a clear and present danger.  Once Mr. Nandalal remains in office, no one with any modicum of credibility should give any of his statements a second thought. Thus his latest irrational and unreasonable outburst that “the opposition has persistently rejected dialogue” should be reviled since he has no moral authority to lecture even the hard core criminals in Camp Street and Mazaruni.  If one looks carefully one will struggle to see a difference in characteristic between a criminal and Mr. Nandalal.  What the old people said – two sides of the same coin? Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

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Based on the tape recordings, the Attorney General (AG) was caught allegedly pimping a female reporter for his uncle, threatening violence against the Forth Estate, in this case the Publisher of Kaieteur News, Editor-in-Chief Adam Harris and their staff only because they have exposed his unrighteous and depraved behavior. It is downright wrong for the president not to demand the resignation of the AG who acknowledged that he spent millions of dollars of the taxpayers’ money on a private family issue which he was not entitled. How can the rule of law be enforced in Guyana when the principle officer of the Bar is being accused of being the chief law breaker?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The dishonourable attorney general low breed chat tree admitted to using taxpayers money for his wife's private medial bills.

Ow mits is not no medical bills per se. This was not a required medical procedure.


Dis was to buy seed.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The dishonourable attorney general low breed chat tree admitted to using taxpayers money for his wife's private medial bills.

Ow mits is not no medical bills per se. This was not a required medical procedure.


Dis was to buy seed.

Me know.... Anyone else would have been jailed for stealing and likely dis barred.


Nandlall should resign or be removed – Bar Association, women lawyers


Attorney General Anil Nandlall should resign or be removed over the statements he made in a conversation with a Kaieteur News (KN) reporter, the Guyana Bar Association (GBA) and the Guyana Association of Women Lawyers (GAWL) said in a joint statement this morning.

The joint statement is the most damning of all the calls thus far for Nandlall to go over an explosive 19-minute call on Saturday to KN reporter Leonard Gildarie which was recorded. In their joint  statement the GBA and the GAWL said “As leader of the Bar, the Attorney General mindful of the honour, dignity and integrity of his office should resign immediately. If he does not resign he should be removed. Any other result would be an endorsement of the Attorney-General’s conduct and an admission by the Executive that the highest moral and legal standards are not applicable to the State.”

A series of disturbing revelations in the conversation were adverted to by the joint statement, including Nandlall’s apparent acknowledging that the use of deadly violence against the media was acceptable. Equally troubling the statement said was the suggestion that President Donald Ramotar was said to have participated in conversations with a defendant (Bhena Lall)  in an ongoing criminal matter in return for less critical reporting by her co-defendant (KN proprietor Glenn Lall).

Also equally disturbing the joint statement said was the objectification in the conversation of an unidentified female reporter by Nandlall.

Nandlall has been silent in recent days except for saying that the conversation was a private one with a friend that was illegally recorded and that the conversation was manipulated and twisted to sound like a completely different dialogue.

The full GBA/GAWL statement follows:

Statement by the Guyana Bar Association and the Guyana Association of Women Lawyers on the Attorney-General’s recorded conversation

The Guyana Bar Association and the Guyana Association of Women Lawyers wish to express their concern their consternation at the recorded conversation between the Attorney-General and a member of the media. Everything done and said by the Attorney-General since the disclosure of the conversation invites us to draw every and all reasonable inferences therefrom. The statements made by the Attorney-General point to serious legal and moral infractions on his part having regard to his standing as one of the highest legal officers in our country. In the recording the Honorable Attorney-General offered in vulgar and obscene language, knowledge of actual and planned illegal activities. Even in private conversation the comments are deeply troubling and inappropriate and their candid nature, unbridled by the conventions of public discourse, calls his character and professionalism into question.

We are most concerned that the Attorney-General appeared to be acknowledging that the use of deadly violence against the media was an acceptable reaction to frustration where public officials and other citizens are offended by what is reported about them. He also referred to making restitution of funds used by him for some purpose which he did not want the press to report about. The President of Guyana is said to have participated in conversations with a defendant in extant criminal prosecution to have same discontinued in return for less critical reporting by her co-defendant. Equally disturbing is his persistent objectification of the unidentified woman, which conduct flies in the face of the Government’s obligations and commitments regarding respect for women.

Freedom of the press and freedom of speech are essential to the rule of law and political democracy. These freedoms result frequently in the publication of true information which may be offensive or embarrassing to some persons. But the Attorney-General needs no lecture on such matters. His Government is well acquainted with the perils of a society where the media must be “well-behaved” or otherwise risk being killed or intimidated.

Public officials are given wide powers and great responsibility to make thousands of important decisions many of which never see the light of day. We expect in return for the privilege of office, that they demonstrate good character and judgment. Where they demonstrably fail to do so either by public action or by private conduct which bears on their fitness for office, as the Attorney-General has done, such public officials should be removed from office.

As leader of the Bar, the Attorney General mindful of the honour, dignity and integrity of his office should resign immediately. If he does not resign he should be removed. Any other result would be an endorsement of the Attorney-General’s conduct and an admission by the Executive that the highest moral and legal standards are not applicable to the State.


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